Tales in Genesis by Julio Carrancho - HTML preview

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Prologue ----- vii

Genesis one ----- 1

Genesis two ----- 23

Genesis three ----- 41

Matthew 10 ----- 57

Revelation 22 ----- 77

Lies in the Beatitudes ----- 97

Psalm 23 ----- 105

The Temptation of Jesus ----- 113

One Corinthians 13 ----- 131

Ten things God did wrong ----- 145

Acts 5:1-11 ----- 153

Concerning Ananias and Sapphira ----- 163

More about Ananias and Sapphira ----- 179

Most dangerous verse in the Bible ----- 211



I do firmly believe that Genesis is man’s industry, nothing divinely inspired.

My comments are to reject the writers of Genesis, and explain why the intelligent student disagrees with standard commentaries.

I believe the universe had a different origin, and what so-called holy books propose is fiction.

I also present commentaries on other popular passages of Scripture, all aiming at discrediting them for the pieces of pious novel they represent.

At the end of my book you will know how much I depreciate the Bible and its anonymous writers.

Most Bible quotations are from the King James Version [KJV] and the New King James Version [NKJV]

Enjoy the reading.


— Genesis one —

[1] In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. [NKJV]

My comment:

Very first lie in the Bible most fail to detect, especial y when an inattentive victim of “holy books”.

A group of gods called Elohim created a small geocentric universe filled with air.

Earth is the centre of this creation, with several layers and levels of heavens above it.

Nothing scientific about this verse, a travesty of science.

Heard an argument in favour of it, explaining that people of those days were ignorant and would understand the story as it is presented.

Yes, very ignorant, including the writer of Genesis.

Besides, who gave the writer this information?

The way the story is presented, it could only have been the Elohim themselves that told the story to unnamed somebody – for a holy book that is not acceptable.

Tales in Genesis

The Bible does immediately fail miserably in gaining the trust of the attentive reader.

It is total y absurd.

According to basic Bible history, Moses wrote the Pentateuch – first five books in the Bible – and so he is the author of Genesis.

But how did he get all the prose he noted down on his story?

The intelligent student does know that there is no historical evidence that Moses existed and that he was a real person.

All is fantasy, myth, superstition, deception to lead the reader astray.

So, Genesis’ first verse is a clear representation for what is coming in this sacred book: a mythological story based on old fables, fantasies and fears, all covered with a thick layer of superstitions.

The term “beginning” already implies – in the words we created – that all was ready to start, from a determined or fixed point, but if there was something out there, where to start from, it follows that it was not exactly the very beginning of all matters – if that mattered.

The problem is the definition of words the Bible uses.

Remove all the words we created, and nothing is – old Gnostic teaching.

What exists is the result of words we created to explain what our primitive senses seem to perceive.

So, maybe there wasn’t any beginning, or was it the end of what existed?

[2] The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep.

And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.

My comment:

Same question, here: who got this information; from whom?


Julio Carrancho

Absurd, pathetic, and can never be accurately true.

The scene is a small geocentric universe, in complete darkness, not real y identifiable or visible.

Earth was its centre, in total darkness, let us understand this point clearly.

There is nothing established in scientific terms, simply because there were none, and the purpose was not to describe the creation from an objective point, but to pretend knowledge based on divine revelation.

Even that is not possible to support.

Divine revelation is a religious curio to try to impress the less attentive.

A planet without form and void, suspended in total darkness would not represent anything we could call a planet.

A body without form is not a body.

Nobody knows what it is; not even a ghost, and much less holy.

Another lie in Genesis, therefore.

Darkness existed before light was created, as the narration progresses.

How could a body without form be found or seen in a total y dark medium?

More absurdities in Genesis.

The face of the deep has no explanation about what that was, no context to support it, and the reader is left to guess or conjecture or imagine or invent what that was to mean.

The spirit of God here is represented by the old Hebrew term ruach, meaning wind, power, force, nothing in terms of a person, part of some weird “Trinity” .

Moved over waters, but where did the waters come from, if the Earth was void and without form?

The narrative is total y absurd, bankrupt, or a magic il usion.


Tales in Genesis

[3] Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light.

My comment:

First time in the story the popular, repetitive dictation “And God said” .

Obviously, it is a big lie, for it does not say who heard God saying that, when or where it was heard.

Said to whom?

Why would God need to say anything?

Who exactly told Moses that “God said” ?...

In what language did God speak, if nobody human was present to hear anything in this epic beginning?

How was that said: was it an audible voice?

Was it spoken in vacuum, no air, no lungs, no sound?

Utterly stupid; a tale for the distracted.

You can see how foolish the story is, but the inattentive reader does not think fast enough.

Preachers come along and cheat you, and you give them your money for the favour.

Stop being stupid.

Those gods – the association Elohim – lived in total darkness, because light was not yet created, according to their story, but upon snapping their fingers, all at the same time, there was light, and for the first time the Elohim looked around and at one another, for they had never before seen anything or themselves.

Nevertheless, this strange group of blind gods could speak to themselves in the dark, or in vacuum, and later lied to the writer of this story.

No Elohim said anything; this is utterly obtuse.

There was light, from where?

The sun or stars had not yet been created: why not explain this clearly, 4

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dear Elohim, what’s the problem, we are intelligent if it makes sense.

What light was this?

No explanation, because those reading this bizarre story would be afraid to ask logic questions.

What light, dear gods, I insist!

Why were you bent on telling so many lies in your holy book?

[4] And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness.

My comment:

Come on!

So the gods had eyes even though living in complete darkness?

Your Bible, dear student, is an irresponsible book by religious cheaters; they use it to defraud you and reduce you to an intellectual midget.

The light was good, but why, if the Elohim lived in complete darkness for half an eternity?

They were used to darkness, even though they could speak in the dark; no need for eyes, though.

Eyes could only come later, when those gods evolved from their primitive isolation and constriction.

And next another very ridiculous point, about God dividing the light from the darkness.

What a stupid sentence: dividing light.

How does a god divide light, if I may ask?

Split it right in the middle, darkness to the left, light to the right?...

Do you get a universe with one half under light and the other half in darkness?

It says that they created light, and the light was good, but they still 5

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kept half of the universe closed and invisible in darkness.

Why not explain this to the reader, you amateur gods? You’re a joke, and you lied.

[5] God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night.

So the evening and the morning were the first day.

My comment:

Monumental effort to create all that stuff on the first literal day of the first week, Sunday.

But, again, who exactly heard Elohim calling the light Day?

Who actual y saw them doing this job?

Where are the eyewitnesses?

So absurd, these biblical epics.

Nobody heard anything: all is religious fabrication, neither did any God say anything – the story is pure fiction.

However, this is yet another representation of a geocentric universe with Earth its centre and several layers of heavens above.

Our ancestors saw the Sun disappearing on the horizon and believed it was going off around the Earth to sleep, to again get on in the morning on the opposite side of the stationary Earth, the centre of their small universe.

Let us keep in mind though that, having to accept this story in Genesis, the student must understand that there was nothing else written in the book going to be called “The Holy Bible”.

This story in Genesis was not part of any book or any Holy Bible.

It was some story people told to other people, until one entrepreneur writer decided to make it a choreographed drama with much of his imagination in the detail, and pretend that it came directly from God.

That’s how “holy books” were created.


Julio Carrancho

It is also strange but funny that the days of that famous first week of creation started with the dark half, the evening – first day of creation, Sunday.

So, for this verse, the first day was made of two halves, dark and light.

That is, the Elohim created light on the first day that started counting hours in darkness!

It might make some sense because those gods were used to living in complete darkness, were all left-handed, and loved it.

It is utterly ridiculous, nonetheless.

Of course all the standard Bible commentators try to interpret these stories from a different angle, to make them sound more logical, more divinely inspired, but that is their typical religious dishonesty, what else, because they are so used to pushing fibs and lies; it’s their trade.

First day, Sunday evening, and Sunday morning – in the beginning the clock was going backwards: first hour it registered was 6PM, and 12

hours later 6AM, same day, Sunday.

[6] Then God said, “Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.”

[7] Thus God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament; and it was so.

[8] And God called the firmament Heaven.

So the evening and the morning were the second day.

My comment:

Again the irrational protuberance “God said”.

But who heard God saying anything, ever?

Where are the witnesses to convince me, myself?

Religion does indeed kill a lot of brain cel s, leaving the victim 7

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intellectual y a dysfunctional dwarf, and I don’t want that for myself.

Here we have yet again the description of that small geocentric universe, filled with air for angels and other mythological creatures to fly through with their pair of wings, like birds, to deliver messages from the gods.

So preposterous, so ridiculous, so ludicrous this creation story!

It’s cock-and-bull gibberish without any simple explanation, as if the Elohim intended to confuse the reader, what an idiotic bunch of gods, these Elohim jokers.

“And God called the firmament Heaven”.

What, nobody heard any god calling anything.

But look how stupid; now you pious fanatics can see what heaven is: it is a firmament that divides the waters, you overzealous idiots.

Explain that to me!

That was day number two, Monday evening and Monday morning.

[9] Then God said, “Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear”; and it was so.

[10] And God called the dry land Earth, and the gathering together of the waters He called Seas.

And God saw that it was good.

My comment:

God said what?...

Nobody heard any God saying anything, I bet twenty American dol ars!

It’s another lie in the choreography, more of the usual same gibberish, so many in a most weird story.

Like enchanted charm, the Elohim gods waved their magic wand, and presto, all the billions of cubic tons of water left from one place to 8

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another, quickly, no need for time, for anything.

That’s your Genesis story: a collection of crazy absurdities.

Now suddenly the Earth had some dry land, whereas before all of it was wet and muddy.

The water under the heavens was not much, after al , since it could be contained on Earth and still leave a lot of dry land for us to build our civilizations over the coming millennia.

Nice Elohim, thanks very much for your kindness, much appreciated.

Now, this section of the creation also tel s the attentive and intelligent student that surely what is called heavens in this verse wasn’t at all a great deal big, not the cosmic dimension we today understand it to be.

You can perceive the stupidity of this story in this little detail about the size of the heavens the Elohim created in the beginning – just a little toy made of a lot of imagination the writer of Genesis collected from myths.

Nothing absolutely nothing scientific, as you can gather.

[11] Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed, and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind, whose seed is in itself, on the earth”; and it was so.

[12] And the earth brought forth grass, the herb that yields seed according to its kind, and the tree that yields fruit, whose seed is in itself according to its kind.

[13] So the evening and the morning were the third day.

My comment:

So, here we have day three, the Tuesday of the literal seven days of this weird creation by the trainee Elohim gods – they did real y mess it all up, the incompetent.

Life is now created, this day, which would be a bad trade off in the grand scheme of things.


Tales in Genesis

The grass, and the herbs, and the fruit trees were created to bear their respective fruit and seeds, and then die.

But, wait a minute: there was no sun for them to bear fruit and get their colour.

The Elohim gods planted all the trees and sowed all the fields in the dark.

The sun was not yet created, only on the next day, Wednesday.

So, this story is upside down.

We have these literal seven days of creation, where the inexperienced, amateur Elohim planted the vegetation on the surface of a dark Earth.

How did they go planting vegetation in complete darkness, the idiots?...

Man, do you see how those ridiculous gods utterly messed up everything in the story?

Now, the mess is from the pen of the idiot that wrote this extravagant story to become sacred scripture!

When in school the teachers tell you about this, they avoid mentioning any controversy, and also demand that you the intelligent student shut up your mouth and say nothing to contradict them.

If you do, you get bad marks.

Some of those tutors do know they are telling you coarse lies when they call this rubbish sacred scripture, and force you to swear loyalty to their curriculum, dogmas and canons.

If you react against their instructions, or reject their tutorials you will become neither a preacher of good news, nor a Bible teacher like them; and will never get a good parasitic living from being called reverend.

[14] Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years;

[15] and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give 10

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light on the earth”; and it was so.

My comment:

Ah, now we have the lights on, no more load shedding in the universe, praise the Lord.

Now we can final y see with our own eyes the mess these incompetent gods made in the first three days of total darkness, the ignoble.

The text says that God said let there be lights.

Said nothing: this is baloney, rubbish, sacred junk.

Who ever heard any god say anything?

Imagine, if the Bible starts with lies, and deceives the reader with all those many lies, who in good judgement would ever trust the rest of its text?

I don’t.

Please, don’t call the Bible a holy, inspired, sacred book near me, or I will react and break friendship with you, I warn.

“And it was so.”

It was so nothing!

Science would eventual y discover that this is not a small geocentric universe enveloped in air, but a vast, immense, almost infinite cosmos with its bodies distant from each other by light years.

Pathetic what Genesis tel s us.

It is clear that it was put together by a team of utterly incompetent, unlearned, and unqualified storytellers, telling one lie after another verse by verse.

[16] Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night.

He made the stars also.

[17] God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the 11

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[18] and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness.

And God saw that it was good.

[19] So the evening and the morning were the fourth day.

My comment:

See, what did I tell you?

Earth, a stationary body suspended in the air, with two great lights orbiting it, the Sun and the Moon.

The day would be ruled by the first great light, the Sun, for twelve literal hours, to help us see where we walked, to avoid tripping, falling, or breaking a leg.

The other lesser light is the orbiting Moon, to light the planet at night, when it is a full moon.

Two weeks per month that light would slowly dim away and the third and fourth weeks would be again complete darkness on Earth.

Pathetic plan; why not two or three moons?

Ah, but to help the Moon, the Elohim created the stars: their dim light would help the nocturnal animals wandering the planet at night to see a little about them.

So, do you see the creative divine sequence?

Earth was created first in complete darkness.

Later in the literal week, the Sun and the Moon were placed in their physical orbits around Earth, and to help the dark when the Moon was off, they created stars suspended in the heavens above, not too far out.

For millennia, those looking up would see the stars moving around the Earth and would admire how great God was in creating them.

All foolishness, for none of those on-lookers would ever imagine that it was all a stupid, unrealistic, non-scientific description of the visible 12

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“And God saw that it was good.”

But, wait: how did God see, if he had no eyes?

Up to this point, we knew nothing about those gods, except that they could speak the old Hebrew dialect with no vowels.

Now we know that they also had eyes to see what they created.

The Elohim lived in complete darkness before they were commissioned to create the universe, where did they get eyes to see what they created?

Natural y, it is another lie in Genesis.

And when they saw this geocentric universe they created they told one another, well it doesn’t look too bad, could have been worse.

Yes, eventual y one day in the future all would be destroyed by the other God still to come, the extremely unbalanced and cruel god Moses would call Yahweh, Jehovah.

Now, all those millennia later, we look and see the bloody mess those Elohim did around here.

There needs to be the Judgement Day to bring them to account for this failed project.

They will have to apologise for their incompetence, lack of sound evaluation, and the evil of blaming others for their failures.

You know, the problems these amateur gods created are unforgivable; they need to and must be punished; none in that guild of malefactors must be pardoned.

[20] Then God said, “Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens.”

My comment:


Tales in Genesis

God said nothing, why would he need to say anything to create stuff?

Total y irrational.

Seriously, this story of “God said” is getting on my nerves!

And how did this matter of “abundance of living creatures” get going in the waters?

Sounds like there were no living creatures in the waters, but the next minute when the Elohim shouted something magic the millions of species in the sea came to exist.


“Across the face of the firmament of the heavens”?...

What, do the fowl fly in the heavens?

Moses is here talking about the several layers of the heavens, in the geocentric canopy above the stationary Earth, the centre of that primitive universe he believed filled with air.

Thanks, Moses, for your scientific explanation, you’re a bloody joke; it’s choreography getting out of control; I’m giving up trying to understand these confused Elohim and their agent Moses from Egypt, goodnight!


[21] So God created great sea creatures [whales – KJV] and every living thing that moved, with which the waters abounded, according to their kind, and every winged bird according to its kind.

And God saw that it was good.

My comment:

Day five, Thursday, and the mess continues.

Why create the great whales?...

I don’t see it – the ASV says sea-monsters; other versions say “great sea creatures”.

What we do know is that in the seas the living species eat one another 14

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Whales eat tons of fish every day, so – big deal – the Elohim had to create “an abundance of living creatures” and many species of fish just to feed those big whales.

The story does not say how many big whales those incompetent gods created.

How many big whales: a dozen, twenty five, two hundred?

That’s a detail I would like to know.

About the winged fowl we can mention big ones like the pterosaur, the ostrich, the albatross.

The verse doesn’t mention them, why?

Maybe they are not fowl, some say; doesn’t matter, does it?

“And God saw that it was good.”

What good was it when God saw the big “sea-monsters” [ASV] eating the smaller species?

Those Elohim gods were crazy.

They created an extremely violent world, for which they need to be punished.

The sea-monsters and the other monsters could only be the creative product of insane demiurges.

[22] And God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.”

[23] So the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

My comment:

God blessed violence and horror.

What was the reward for being fruitful in the seas?

Being eaten alive by other fruitful species, a bloody circle of life and 15

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death on a perpetual spiral of fear and terror.

Would you like to be eaten alive by a whale or a sea-monster?

Wel , the Elohim blessed this bloody savagery on this extremely primitive outback in the universe.

Other commentators explain that in the beginning the whales and other sea monsters were not eating other smaller species; they ate vegetation.

Baloney comments from dishonest commentators, since nowhere does the text even infer such a thing.

They want to change the story to make it look more divine, more spiritual, more supernatural; get lost, you liars!

The fifth day, Thursday, in that mad week, literal y.

[24] Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth the living creature according to its kind: cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth, each according to its kind”; and it was so.

[25] And God made the beast of the earth according to its kind, cattle according to its kind, and everything that creeps on the earth according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.

My comment:

Now we arrive at the sixth day of this crazy creation, Friday.

It’s going to be a very busy and difficult day, but cometh Saturday or the Sabbath and all gods will final y rest, as you can see in chapter two.

For now, it is Friday, a normal working day when the job must be finished to be approved, and no other day to fix or repair anything that might not work well; there is still a lot to do.

Let us move now from the waters of the seas with all its monsters, to inland and solid ground to be safe.

Here the Elohim go to create living creatures that breathe air.


Julio Carrancho

They must create many different species to populate the surface and underground, all in one literal day of the creation week.

First of all let us have cattle, then creeping things, and final y the beast of the earth [other versions “wildlife”].

This was when the Elohim created the ferocious wild beasts, lions, leopards, rhinos, elephants, tigers, hyenas; all of them to live and survive in a hostile environment of cruelty, blood, suffering, eaten alive, and violent death.

Other more cynical commentators will explain that this type of wildlife was not violent until sin was introduced in nature by Adam’s disobedience and “Original Sin”.

The narration doesn’t say anything like that; on the contrary, it does infer a violent existence.

It was Friday, and the Elohim were tired and nervous, anxious to go rest come Saturday, which would take forever, or until another request arrived in the mail for more activity somewhere else in the universe.

They messed this planet even more, with wildlife, violence, and survival of the fittest.

Bad gods, bad results.

Now the Elohim looked at their creation and exclaimed that it was good stuff they created.

That was a clear sign of their incapacity, mental unbalance, emotional dysfunction, and for the evil they did they must be punished at the Final Judgement to come, I propose.

[26] Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

[27] So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.


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My comment:

Final y the great moment all were waiting for, the apex of this tremendous endeavour to create a universe full of life and one principal manager to rule and direct everything to please those deranged gods, the Elohim.

“Let us make man in our image!”

NO, please, NO!

Not in your image, please, or all will be a disaster, a nightmare, a horror!

But the deranged Elohim – the “us” in the verse – went ahead against the will of the majority and “made” man in their image and likeness: they ruined everything!

Now, what sort of beast was this they made?

Have dominion over the fish of the sea: how was that possible?

How would this “man” have dominion over the fish of the sea?

Was he amphibian, and could live in water?

How ludicrous a story, not even a fossil of that first man would later be found, the intelligent student argues.

Male and female, too, hermaphrodite?...

What beast was this?

Wel , this beast would quickly fail and disappear from circulation.

Later, in chapter 2, another God, this time called Yahweh, Jehovah, would “form” Adam from the dust of the ground; no longer “made” or genetical y engineered, with genes from the Elohim and some local component, raw material.

This new Adam with rosy cheeks would no longer have dominion over the fish, have you noticed?

Not like the original amphibian and hermaphrodite prototype that quickly failed and extinguished from the creation epic, probably eaten by a sea-monster or a big whale.


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Two Adam creatures for the price of one, as it were, how preposterous!

This sample of “man” never succeeded in having dominion over anything – the Elohim failed on day six, Friday, of the creative week, how disastrous.

Better retire and disappear from the scene; let some other god with better credentials take over and attempt a new creation.

And it came to pass that indeed the original Elohim of Genesis were demoted for the mess they created, or returned to school to gain better skil s for the next project.

A different God took over in the next phase: that would be the Yahweh introduced in the fourth verse of next chapter, translated thereafter as LORD, big uncial, capital letters to impress the inattentive student, a God even worse that the first team.

[28] Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

My comment:

This blessing never worked, and was soon a curse.

Quickly the creation epic would suffer irremediable damage, and would be damned, and the entire creation put on hold until its final incineration, as predicted in Revelation, when this “LORD” would attempt a new plan from scratch to see if this time matters would have a better outcome.

As the tale goes, when Jehovah will come along again and make new heavens and a new Earth – still the same geocentric universe – this weird LORD will no longer have anything under the dark of the night, it says there.

And nothing will be dark anymore, because unlike the Elohim who 19

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started their project without eyes, unable to see the horrible mess they created, the LORD Yahweh this time will see clearly with his big multiple eyes that can check from any angle, and no more mess or darkness anywhere.

Wel , I don’t know if this “LORD” will succeed that time, or maybe it is already another failed attempt – who knows if these gods have not already failed many times with their creative vanity.

I do not trust any God, not one.

The story in the Bible is too incongruent, too preposterous, too ludicrous, too stupid to be true.

[29] And God said, “See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food.

[30] Also, to every beast of the earth, to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, in which there is life, I have given every green herb for food”; and it was so.

My comment:

All were to be herbivorous in that first herbaceous ground – no meat eaters anywhere, all to ingest herbs, seeds, nuts, and fruits, nothing else.

Pure vegetarianism, veganism and hinduism everywhere, from humans to wild animals, including lions, leopards, hyenas and wolves.

“The lion eats grass with the ox” as in prophecy.

Was never like that; there is not one single example of that plan to work accordingly, nothing.

What we do know is that to survive in a terribly hostile ground the human beast would soon go out in the wild fields to hunt and kill other living creatures for food, before being caught, killed and eaten, maybe still alive – that’s what this horror, primitive planet is all about, not a place for happiness, saints, or gods.


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[31] Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good.

So the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

My comment:

Very good?...

The greatest mess ever created, quite frankly!

And you looked, you saw, and still called it very good, are you joking, oh Elohim?

Six days of horror, of a failed plan, a creation to be destroyed later, and you say it was good?...

Get lost, you irresponsible!

This small geocentric universe filled with air would turn out to be a horror story, unstable, soon to have major problems, where life would be a nightmare, full of pain, fear, perpetual conflict.

Bad gods, bad plan, bad creation: you must be punished for the mess you did!

… … …


— Genesis two —

[1] Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished. [NKJV]

My comment:

Oh, Elohim, explain how you finished the rest of the universe, what you called the host.

What about galaxies, did you also create them, or some other Elohim did?

What about Black Holes, the Big Bang, the Big Crunch, Dark Energy?

Did you forget to mention that for the guy you hired to hear your story?

You’re a joke, oh Elohim, you really are!

[2] And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done.

My comment:

It’s a joke!

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How tired can a God be?

You are very tired after working for six literal days of 24 hours?

You needed to rest for a day of 24 hours?!

So, what happened to you after you finished your rest?

Where did you go, oh Elohim gods, after you ended your rest?...

The intelligent student wants to know, it’s their right!

You arrive here in the Bible to tell us that you created your small geocentric universe full of air, and you told us you were very tired after six literal days of creating a lot of stuff, and then you told your agent that it was the Sabbath and you needed to stop and rest, etc.

Now, where did you go after your rest?

Where and how did you rest?

Did you sit down somewhere, or went to sleep, or simply vanished from view?

You see, oh Elohim, we want to know: why would we not get that information to make a better study, and a better judgement of your performance?

The intelligent student is not happy with this verse; we want to know more!

Why were you tired, and how did you rest, and where did you go?

In Bible studying the teachers will give the inquisitive student bad marks for wanting to know more!

[3] Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.

My comment:

That’s baloney!

So, indeed, the days were literal, and the sabbath was a literal Saturday, and you did rest for 24 hours?


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You were tired, and needed to rest after six full days of creating stuff?...

Explain that to the intelligent student, please!

Explain why you, oh Elohim, suddenly disappeared from the Bible right at the end of this verse, while you were resting.

And about blessing and sanctifying that resting day forget it: it was more like a curse, when people would be attacked for doing work on the Sabbath!

You do not sanctify a day to become a source of evil!

[4] This is the history of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,

[5] before any plant of the field was in the earth and before any herb of the field had grown.

For the LORD God had not caused it to rain on the earth, and there was no man to till the ground;

[6] but a mist went up from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground.

My comment:

It’s a big lie – it’s not the history of the heavens and the Earth; the Bible is full of lies.

Well, it’s right here at this verse that a new God arrives in Genesis, this brand new God never before heard of, Yahweh, wanting to be called LORD, with uncial, capital, large letter.

No more Elohim from this point; the original gods completely disappear from the creation – they belonged to chapter one only.

We don’t know what happened to them – of course we do: they were fiction, like all the other gods everywhere.


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Suddenly, the story says that there were generations of the heavens, which means a long time elapsed from the day the enigmatic Elohim finished the contract, rested, were dismissed, and disappeared from circulation.

What “generations of the heavens”, for goodness’ sake, explain matters properly, lest we get upset and angry with one another for minor, worthless matters!

Do you mean all became stagnant, forever idling, inactive, gathering cosmic dust?

And suddenly, a new God to try the creation of a few things again, or to fix the wrongs, some faulty mechanism, who knows –

the text is always short in detail, and the story is always confusing, never clear.

And then the gods want us to admire them, get lost!

My private interpretation is that the Elohim created a big mess and were dismissed from their job – that is my private interpretation, to which I am entitled, like you are to your own private interpretation, since there is no place in the entire Bible where I cannot interpret the Bible my way, you see.

The problem with private interpretations is not my fault, it is the way the Bible is written, with much detail missing for the student to add to try make sense of it all, what a travesty.

Now, other private interpreters arrive in the forum and demand that nobody can interpret the Bible except them, piss off.

The Pope did that, first, and when he had enough political power to have access to the lethal weapons of the State he went ahead and forbade the studying of the Bible to other students, and even committed crime against those private students for seeing differently.

So did Calvin, Luther, Arminius, Augustine, Aquinas, Russell, Billy Graham; I do it my way, and do you think I’m not entitled to it?


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That is a direct blame on Elohim and Jehovah for not putting the story in clear terms where nobody would need to interpret anything!

“This is the history of the heavens and the earth” – for heaven’s sake, what on earth are you talking about? It’s no history whatsoever, what’s going on here?

It’s a lie by this new god Yahweh Jehovah the LORD – he starts his story badly misfiring.

“In the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens...”

This is another lie, because there were no days when that is supposed to have happened.

Suddenly, this new Jehovah is caught telling lies, two in a row –

from hereafter is one lie after another, as we will see.

There were no days in the Beginning, for “Nothing” existed, and the gods lived in complete darkness, as we saw in the first chapter.

So, chapter two introduces a new God, but quickly we find him cheating the reader.

Bad gods, bad story, many different interpretations.

Of course it is all fiction, very badly presented fiction.

There never existed any Elohim or Yahweh anywhere in the Middle East – all gods are anthropomorphic fabrications, these here in Genesis no exceptions.

You see, this new LORD arrives on Earth and goes sowing seeds everywhere, but since there was no rain the seeds didn’t germinate.

Sounds like an incompetent Almighty; should have sent the rain firstly, then go out and sow the seeds he got from some place, or created them out of the blue.

This creation story is a mess, and only idiots believe it is true.

[7] And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a 27

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living being.

My comment:

Now this new God LORD Yahweh Jehovah is going to form man made of the dust of the ground.

It is another prototype of man, unlike the first one created in the image and likeness of the Elohim.

Yahweh doesn’t explain what happened to the first man, which was amphibian and hermaphrodite; this “man” disappeared from the story in Genesis.

We are now looking at a new man, this time formed, made, moulded from clay, no longer with dominion over the fish.

It was made no more in the image and likeness of the Elohim, which disappeared from the scene.

This new Adam was not created: he was made from some raw material Yahweh found around the Middle East, perhaps mud from sand.

And once he formed the human figure, with a nose and the rest of his characteristics, he bent down to the inanimate body laying flat on the ground, and blew air into his nostrils.

The figure started shaking and moving, held itself on the ground, and stood up right in front of the LORD; he was stunning, awesome, and strikingly handsome.

And so did Yahweh form the second man in Genesis; pure fiction, the purest the intelligent student finds in the Bible.

The problem is other students rising against one another for this trivial novel; and other commentators will stand up and attack those with a different interpretation and comment.

It has been a war of aggravations for centuries trying to figure out what the man was, and what was the idea to create him.

We will see in the next verses.


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[8] The LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed.

My comment:

How did Yahweh plant a garden in a desert, and where was the man’s house?

No answer – the Bible never supplies any proper answer for anything.

In matters of the Almighty Yahweh creating the heavens he sounded like a Super God, but now he needed a garden and had to plant it, come on!

Stupid, is it not – all fiction, all an absurd story.

Did Yahweh get some gardening tools and bend down to dig the ground, get seeds somewhere and wait to see the garden growing, and the man had to wait in the open for the vegetation to grow?

Sounds like a lot of childish fantasies, nothing intellectually worthy, too stupid in poor taste, one laments.

Can you imagine an Almighty God that just a few days earlier created an infinite universe, and now is going to plant a garden east of Eden, instead of planting it before he moulded the man to occupy it?

Please, Yahweh, don’t call us idiots, morons, imbeciles!

[9] And out of the ground the LORD God made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight and good for food.

The tree of life was also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

My comment:

So, this God had it backwards: first created the new man, and 29

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then the garden and the trees for food?

What about the poisonous plants, like poisonous mushrooms, who created them, if not Yahweh the LORD?

You see, here we have a clear example of how cynical this new God was: stopped short of telling us who exactly infested his lovely creation with poisonous mushrooms!

Something faulty in this God’s character.

Some say the Devil came in the evening and surreptitiously dropped the mushrooms’ spores and the rest is history.

Yahweh had already retired to his cabana in the Garden of Eden, tired as he was, and quickly fell asleep; the Devil won!

And how did the humans later discover that some mushrooms were poisonous?

Obviously, after somebody died in extreme agony, while Yahweh looked unperturbed, the cruel cynic!

Doesn’t deserve to be called Lord.

Lord of a mess.

Now, this week, the cynical Lord went and planted another tree right in the middle of the Garden of Eden, and called it the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Where did Yahweh get this tree from?

From another cursed planet, another world, a different universe?

Typically, it doesn’t say.

But surely, Yahweh got it from somewhere, or then created it right there with his magic powers.

This tree was half good and half evil.

Why evil, what was wrong with Yahweh?

Why the need for that tree with poison?

What later transpired was that the tree was in fact not of any good.


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We’ll see later.

There were lots of other nicely looking trees in the garden, but this one right in the middle looked ominously dangerous.

[10] Now a river went out of Eden to water the garden, and from there it parted and became four riverheads.

[11] The name of the first is Pishon; it is the one which skirts the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold.

[12] And the gold of that land is good. Bdellium and the onyx stone are there.

[13] The name of the second river is Gihon; it is the one which goes around the whole land of Cush.

[14] The name of the third river is Hiddekel; it is the one which goes toward the east of Assyria. The fourth river is the Euphrates.

My comment:

Whatever; who cares about the name of the rivers; wasting the reader’s time, that’s all, with so much fiction.

The Pishon river meandered across a land with good gold, but for what?

There was nobody living over that land, so why would Yahweh spread the land with gold, if Adam would be forever stuck in the Garden of Eden?

Smells like something sinister was planned before it happened, so are the mysterious ways of that Lord.

I do not trust Yahweh, for he wasted the reader’s time with obscure peripherals, while refusing to tell who planted the poisonous mushrooms in the fields he created.

The intelligent reader asks what was the story behind those four rivers, but the text does not offer any clue.


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It’s Yahweh’s way of getting on one’s nerves with so much useless information about his masterpiece.

About the River Euphrates, it will be emptied as a curse in Revelation 16.

So much for an Almighty God with a perfect plan to bless his creation: failed all the way through the very end.

Revelation is the most violent part of the whole Bible, and originally was not considered inspired scripture to include in the New Testament canon.

There is extreme violence in that book, making it a story created by much fantasy, fiction or the result of excessive HASHISH fumes in the author’s lungs – I believe the latter is true.

Where there is violence there is no divine inspiration, as I always say – it is impossible to exist a decent God that to fix a few wrongs had to apply violence.

Religion is indeed a poisonous tree of toxic fruit, and Christianity is founded on this violent book called “Holy Bible”!

[15] Then the LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it.

My comment:

Doesn’t say where from did Yahweh take Adam.

He was sitting somewhere while Yahweh was creating a garden for him – it took a lot of time, because plants don’t grow instantly; and, remember, it was in real time, days of twenty-four hours.

Adam went without food for months!

How did God take Adam: carried him on his back, flying through the air, magic?

Doesn’t say; because there is nothing inspired in the Bible – all is fiction for novices.


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Yahweh told Adam, here you are, finally, all this garden is for you to work on, and keep in pristine condition, and everything.

Adam asked if he had been formed just to look after a garden.

Yahweh didn’t answer, hence not included in the divine epic.

Adam didn’t appreciate Yahweh’s attitude, but he had just been formed, and better keep quiet to avoid aggravations.

And it came to pass that Adam’s first job was to tend the garden with his bare hands, nails, feet – no tools were supplied.

Creating a man to tend and keep a garden was ridiculous, Adam thought, but kept quiet to avert conflict.

Soon the poor creature would be tired of the same routine and start cursing Yahweh.

[16] And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat;

[17] but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”

My comment:

Here it is clearly revealed how evil this new God was – after Adam disobeyed he still lived nine hundred years; Yahweh lied to him.

Which every tree doesn’t say: papayas, mulberries, coconuts?

Why wouldn’t Yahweh let us know about some of those trees, if before he hurried to tell us about some rivers?...

It’s a bad God all the way, in my humble opinion.

The poor creature would go work in the garden and eat only from the trees; nothing else is detailed; no salads, nothing cooked.

But here is the clear indication that Yahweh was indeed a very evil god, preparing a nasty trap for the innocent man: “See that tree 33

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over there in the middle of the garden? You shall not even touch it, never mind eating its fruit, or you shall surely die that day, I promise!”

Adam asked if the tree was poisonous like the mushrooms.

Yahweh didn’t answer, and rudely turned his back on the innocent man with a pertinent question.

Adam looked at that tree and surely it was very attractive to the eyes, but since he was already suspecting that Yahweh had evil intentions for him, he kept a distance from that mysterious tree.

He thought about eating only the good side thereof, because he needed to better his general knowledge to invent proper gardening tools, to avoid hurting himself when digging with his bare hands; but he said nothing to Yahweh, lest he would get into trouble.

And it came to pass that Adam passed by the tree many times and didn’t touch it, only seeing it from the corner of his eye –

superstition entered the innocent man’s mind, and it would remain in the human species forevermore.

Yahweh noticed the obedient Adam, but being a cruel and evil God, he didn’t remove the tree from the Garden.

Obviously he had some evil, sinister plan to catch the innocent creature.

Adam had to water it, nonetheless, which was not easy: had to go to the Euphrates and bring water in his hands.

If you are a decent creator you don’t start your creation with threats of violence; Yahweh is a bad story, created by some disturbed mind, in this case Moses; he was a big liar all his life; he lied to everybody, not only to the Pharaoh.

[18] And the LORD God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.”


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My comment:

Who heard Yahweh say that?...

Adam never asked for anything except gardening tools; so, did Yahweh drop the poor guy in the garden and just left him there by himself to tend it, is that a good plan?...

Yahweh looked from heaven and saw Adam going around day after day doing gardening with his bare hands, no enthusiasm to show, and suddenly Yahweh said to himself I’m going to make him a helper.

Cynically, as usual, didn’t say a word to Adam; only talked to his buttons I will make him a helper comparable to him.

Comparable, what do you mean, would Adam ask, if he had been told.

[19] Out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them. And whatever Adam called each living creature, that was its name.

[20] So Adam gave names to all cattle, to the birds of the air, and to every beast of the field. But for Adam there was not found a helper comparable to him.

My comment:

In the meantime, while planning how to get Adam a helper, Yahweh kept bringing to Adam a lot of animals he had created but didn’t know what to call them.

“Hey, Adam, what would you call this beast, here?”


“Okay, buffalo it is then, good choice!”

And Adam called other beasts by other names: elephant, kangaroo, zebra.


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While Adam was naming them, Yahweh was registering the Latin names in his notebook, not to forget.

About birds Adam called them albatross, ostrich, kiwi.

Later, Adam asked Yahweh about reptiles, dinosaurs and the like.

Yahweh muttered something Adam didn’t follow, and thus it was not included in the sacred scriptures.


[21] And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place.

[22]Then the rib which the LORD God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man.

My comment:

This is a cock-and-bull story Moses invented.

Without Adam noticing, Yahweh came from behind, and magically threw him a spell to put him into a deep sleep, says the story.

Adam had just got back for lunch, when strangely he suddenly felt like going to sleep, which wasn’t normal; and he thought, am I sick?

Once the creature was in deep sleep, Yahweh applied some local anaesthetic, and with a surgical scalp opened his chest and removed a rib from him, literally – since the story doesn’t say it was allegorical.

A lot of blood gushed out and wetted the ground, but later Yahweh covered it with sand so nobody would see it and get nauseated.

Once in possession of the creature’s rib, holding it upright in front of his eyes, he threw it some magic spell he had learned while in training a long time before, and he watched the rib start growing 36

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in his hand.

He saw a head being formed, then arms, and next legs.

He looked carefully, and yes, it was a lady; he made sure he had not made a mistake, yes, a lady she was.

Some hours passed and the rib metamorphosed into a perfect female body, admirably enchanting in her physical profile and curves, and a most disarming smile Yahweh had ever seen, twenty-one years old, self-assured of her attraction and worth.

It was the first time Yahweh had attempted to create a woman from a rib, you must understand, and he was apprehensive and nervous, but the magic worked, praise God, he shouted.

The damsel was already speaking old Hebrew.

When Adam recovered from the magic he woke up.

He got a fright!

That’s what happened when he saw the woman for the first time; he looked and observed; and in the old Hebrew dialect he asked who are you?

In her sweet voice she answered something, but Adam didn’t understand; at first, her old Hebrew was not the best.

Suddenly, Yahweh was next to him and answered, this is the helper I promised you, remember?

Adam didn’t remember, but also didn’t answer, what for.

[23] And Adam said: “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.”

My comment:

Who heard Adam saying that?

Moses invented all this cock-and-bull story, the bloody liar; spent 37

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all his life telling lies.

You see, Yahweh took only a rib, not flesh, but Moses added flesh.

No remorse, no conscience, no integrity; always cheating the innocent readers.

Here is Adam playing a philosopher for the first time, assuming his part in the grand project of Yahweh magically forming his partner from his own ribs, but soon this woman would lead him to a disastrous route.

You just wait there, Adam, and soon all your philosophical vanity will vanish, you bloody idiot; just formed the other day and already with your superiority complex, talking shit, get lost, man!

[24] Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

[25] And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.

My comment:

Adam, are you stupid or what?

You were just formed by Yahweh’s hands the other day, and you already speak like you had a father and you left home to Eden to join with that woman.

Adam, Piss off, man, you’re stupid!

Or, second version, Adam, you didn’t say anything like that: all was invented by your creator called Moses from Egypt.

It’s a stupid story filled with romantic shit, but it is not your fault.

And how did you know you were naked, you bloody idiot?!

Had you seen anybody dressed around you, to hide their nakedness?

Did you check the woman and did you see anything special in her 38

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Adam, you sound like a sexual pervert, get lost with your philosophical remarks, they don’t hold water; go do something better in the garden, and stop looking at the naked woman!

… … …


— Genesis three —

[1] Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? [KJV]

My comment:

A serpent is not a beast; it is a reptile.

And what was a “beast-of-the-field” in this collection of incongruence?

The original term is “Nachash”, a male creature that could speak old Hebrew.

He was not a reptile, but a mysterious character suddenly introduced in the epic.

It is described as very intelligent, and with a real mission to alert the woman about some pending terrible situation.

First of all, Yahweh never did say anything to the woman, he had only spoken to the man, Adam.

Also, Yahweh the LORD had made beasts with subtleness to survive in a horribly primitive world he created.

But suddenly, the reader is introduced to this new beast called

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Serpent, a male creature that spoke old Hebrew and disguisedly approached the innocent woman just a little earlier formed from a male rib.

This creature is going to take advantage of an innocent woman to input suspicion in her mind about what Yahweh told her partner.

She didn’t even know about the trees, so young she was, and had not yet grasped the importance and presence of the tree Nachash was inferring to.

So, quickly she left the scene and went home to ask Adam what was that story about trees.

Adam didn’t suspect anything strange, and explained to his partner the instruction about the tree in the middle of the garden.

The next day she quietly walked back to where Nachash appeared to her.

There he was, waiting for her.

[2] And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:

[3] But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.

My comment:

First of all, who exactly heard the woman say that; there was nobody else in the garden!

Moses lied again, he was a big liar.

“Morning, Serpent, how are you this lovely morning, my enchanting friend? WOW, you’re a serpent with great legs!”

“No, I’m fine, thanks; without legs I wouldn’t be able to walk, would I; did you ask Adam about the tree in the middle of the garden?”


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“Yes, I did, and he told me I could eat any fruit from any tree, except the seeds of apples, cherries and apricots for their cyanide content, which is poisonous and can kill children; he said this one here looks poisonous, too, so he ordered me not even to touch it, for if so I shall surely die.”

[4] And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

[5] For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

My comment:

“Woman, your partner lied to you, like Yahweh lied to him, two liars for the price of one, as it were: you shall not die, believe me, I’m your friend; Yahweh is a big liar, likewise Moses, your partner, and the Bible: woman, you are surrounded by big time liars, and you will not escape their lies and superstitions unless you eat this apple, only avoid the seeds, which contain cyanide, like Adam said, but the rest is just fine, believe me, I do know what I’m talking about, I’m not a liar!”

“But Adam’s God is going to be angry with us if we eat this apple, Adam said.”

“Nonsense; your partner is stupid! Nothing bad will happen to both of you; what will happen is that if you eat it, Adam will also want a bite, and the moment he bites it he will know good and evil, which is good for him, first of all to get knowledge to invent gardening tools to save his hands and nails, have you noticed how ugly and damaged his nails are?!”

“Yes, I did, and get disgusted when he kisses me smelling like a pig, full of sweat, with those ugly hands and nails full of soil, and already told him to take a bath in the Euphrates and wash his hands before going to bed!”


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“Well, there you are, intelligent woman, and if you eat this apple from this tree you will get much more intelligent and receive much more knowledge to help your partner in his work around the garden; and you might even invent practical gardening tools.”

“Oh, then I need to eat this apple, thanks, Nachash, you’re super!”


[6] And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.

My comment:

It wasn’t the tree that was good for food, it was the apple, not the tree branches – the idiot translating the old Hebrew to modern English messed it all up right here.

Yahweh didn’t say to Adam not to eat the tree, you idiot!

The woman was already an intelligent being, and wise enough to see how good the fruit of that tree was; besides, it had been Yahweh himself that made the tree and the fruit so attractive to the eyes.

So, naturally, the woman ate the fruit, so appetising and sweet it was.

Why would Yahweh try to trap the innocent woman, planting a beautiful tree right in the middle of the garden, if it was not to eat its fruit?

I think Yahweh committed the original sin right here, trying to trap an innocent lady.

So, the woman saw an apple, found it very juicy and sweet, picked another one and ran to give it to Adam, who also ate it.

The Serpent Nachash was right: there was nothing wrong with the fruit; just an ordinary apple.


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[7] And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.

My comment:

Now, here is another big lie in the epic: they were not walking the garden with eyes closed; they did see the trees, the fruit, and were not blind.

This verse is stupid.

They were always naked, and loved it; the garden’s weather was always great for nudism.

They ate an apple and suddenly saw that they should find some clothes to cover their bodies?


Did they speak to Moses and told him they discovered they were naked?

No; Moses lied again.

Moses was a pervert; the problem was a cold front going through the garden, and they needed to protect their bodies to avoid a nasty cold.

They got some fig leaves, and covered their nakedness, nothing else, no big deal.

They looked at each other and burst into laughter, so ridiculous they looked.

Soon they discovered other materials to make nice britches to protect from the cold.

That was the first sign of better knowledge they had suddenly acquired from that apple.

Nothing mystical, allegorical, mythological.

Moses invented many lies, including this one about dressing to 45

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hide their naked bodies.

You cannot trust Moses!

[8] And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden.

My comment:

So, for the first time we discover that Yahweh had legs to walk, like this guy called Serpent, Nachash his surname!

He liked the garden he made, and the garden had a mild temperature in the morning.

Now, was Yahweh naked, or did he have clothes?

This is an important question the idiot Moses didn’t think about.

If Yahweh had clothes on, then he had already committed the original sin, himself, and ashamed went and made some clothes to hide his private parts.

But if he was walking NAKED, then Yahweh was a great hypocrite pretending not to understand why Adam and his partner also needed clothes to cover their innocence.

One way or another, this lord Yahweh was not a good guy!

All indications are that Yahweh was walking in the garden NAKED, and the innocent pair was not interested in this particular view; hence hiding themselves among the trees to avoid seeing that sad figure of an Almighty God walking a garden naked.

The story is too stupid for words, dear Moses!

[9] And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?


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My comment:

Who exactly heard the LORD Yahweh calling Adam?...

“Hello Adam, where art thou?...”

Did Adam understand Elizabethan English... I doubt it!

Bloody hell, what sort of Almighty Creator was this Yahweh, for God’s sake, not knowing where Adam was in a small garden?!

Playing the hypocritical god, pretending not to know where the innocent pair was; unacceptable.

Be careful with this type of Creator, for he will deceive you, like Nachash said to Adam’s partner.

He lied to Adam, he lied to the woman and he will lie to you, Bible reader.

Do you know the result of Yahweh lying to you?

You will become a delusional fanatic, ready to commit crime to save Yahweh from humiliation; it happened throughout the last sixty centuries of religion on Earth: crime, violence, hatred.

There are fanatics everywhere, every street, suburb, town, metropolis; hope you’re not one of them.

[10] And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.

My comment:

Bullshit, this section, by a liar called Moses.

Why would Adam be afraid of Yahweh his creator?

Where did he learn about fear?

Why would Adam be afraid of Yahweh for being naked?

Because Yahweh was clothed and Adam was only wearing a few fig leaves?


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How could Adam and partner hide from sight in the presence of a Super Creator that in that week created the immense universe?...

The inattentive reader will not see this weird and absurd story Moses invented.

[11] And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?

My comment:

Who heard Yahweh say that in old English?

“Adam, did you eat from the evil tree?!”

“Did I not tell you not to eat from that tree?!”

“Yes, LORD, but what was wrong with this fruit, looking so ripe and so sweet, what was wrong with it; besides, oh LORD, I did pass by that tree many times and didn’t even look at it, so scared were I with your warnings, didn’t you notice?”

“But did I or did I not tell you not to eat the fruit thereof?!”

“Sorry, Almighty, but we are easy to forget, so new around here, and as you said all you created looking so beautiful and so perfect, while us being so naïve and innocent and imperfect in our emotions, etc., why the big deal about eating a small apple, if I may ask, oh Creator, wouldn’t you do the same?”

“No, Adam, you are not imperfect, who told you such a stupid thing, the bloody Catholics?!”

“LORD Yahweh, we were tempted and succumbed to the temptation, that’s all, no big deal, just forgive us this once and let us move on with our lives, shall we!”

[12] And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.


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My comment:

This is more bullshit from Moses; he never heard Adam say a single word.

Moses was a big liar all his life; when he died, he went straight to hell.

Adam tried to explain to Yahweh that the whole affair was by the rib-woman he created; had he been left alone in the garden this would never happen.

So, indirectly Adam accused Yahweh of deceiving him, which later was in theology called the “Original Sin” by Yahweh, some said.

Adam explained to Yahweh Jehovah that the woman was so perfectly beautiful, so amazingly enchanting, so affectionately attractive that one word from her was all he needed to disobey any Creator!

Yahweh didn’t like the joke, the scriptures say.

[13] And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.

My comment:

Then Yahweh turned against the woman he had just hours before made from Adam’s ribs.

She pointed the finger at Yahweh and clearly accused the Creator of allowing the Devil in the Garden!

She asked Yahweh: who by the way first saw Lucifer in the garden, me or you, oh Almighty?!

Yahweh didn’t answer the woman!

Instantly he knew who committed the “Original Sin”: he did; Adam’s partner was naïve, but not stupid, and she added: 49

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“Almighty, you did see the Devil first in this garden didn’t you?!

Yes, you did! But you betrayed my partner, Adam, for not disclosing to him the presence of your Enemy in the garden! I had noticed him spying on me when I was swimming naked in the Euphrates! You did see him first, oh Almighty, so you are the guilty party in this ridiculous story Moses invented!”

And it came to pass that Yahweh was caught red-handed in this affair, and exposed as a bad god by the first damsel in the world, well done, madam!

[14] And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:

[15] And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

My comment:

And here is Almighty Yahweh trying to play offended, to avoid a just accusation that he committed the Roman Catholic “Original Sin”.

He turned to Nachash, his number one enemy, and gave the Devil tree fantastic perks: [1] another chance, [2] permanent residence in our planet, and [3] invisibility to attack us from being!

Bad god, bad actions.

And he came up with the cock-and-bull story in verse 15, so stupid that we feel ashamed to quote it.

Why would this pathetic Yahweh not finish the Devil, Lucifer, Satan, Nachash, Baal, the Beast right there for all to see how powerful he was, and stop being a cynic and hypocrite with stories like the woman will bruise his heel, etc.?


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Pathetic, ludicrous, farcical; and all know that this never happened.

[16] Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.

My comment:

It’s a very bad god, from the beginning to this day, this LORD!

Temperamental, insecure, imperfect, too much agitated, ferocious, unbalanced, horribly nasty, cruel, diabolical – notice the word


Why hurt an innocent lady by giving birth – the worst god ever, in the entire cosmos, unforgivable!

He was bent on attacking the innocent woman and hurt her very seriously, and for that he will appear at the Final Judgement for all the evil he did to our Mother, no way to escape!

Firstly, he prepared an evil plan to trip two innocent creatures; secondly, he allowed his number one enemy to infiltrate in the garden, and thirdly he let him go and condemned the innocent!

Extremely evil Almighty, we have in this story.

Moses who invented all this was a cruel bastard!

Conception would become a bad plan, an accident by millions of sperms fighting one another rushing to find an egg, and many humans would arrive unwelcome in this life through painful and dangerous birth, to suffer, to fight, to die.


All women would be told to submit to men, and surrender their body to male abuse, dishonour, humiliation, pain, and many would die giving birth. Bad God all the way!

Life would be a misery on Earth, while Yahweh demanding 51

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Forget it, oh bad LORD, not from me, here, never!

[17] And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;

[18] Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field;

[19] In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.

My comment:

And Yahweh cursed the ground of this planet. Awful God, evil Creator.

He could have done better, but failed – on the Last Day shall appear in front of a hundred billion souls to account for his heinous crimes against two innocent creatures that never did him any harm.

One hundred billion souls shall rise up on their feet and accuse this Yahweh-of-Moses for all the evil he caused in sixty centuries of religion on this planet he cursed.

It’s a fraudulent story Moses and his amanuenses invented, so Moses will also be taken to that Final Appearance for a proper sentence; he will be condemned to spend half of an eternity talking to himself to pay for his stupid stories called sacred scriptures!

[20] And Adam called his wife’s name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.


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My comment:

Now here is Adam playing a moralist, the cynical: finally we discover the name he gave to his gorgeous partner, Eve.

Nice name, Adam, but she could be called some other names, like Mary, Dolores, or Augusta, who cares!

She was not the mother of all living humans, as the intelligent student discovers in the next chapters of Moses’ story.

There were already other aliens living in the region, outside the Garden of Eden, but you never knew.

So, Adam, Moses made you a liar, like your Creator.

[21] Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them.

My comment:

Coats of skins?

Where did this LORD get the skins from?...

Moses: you’re a big liar with an insulting story.

Are you saying Yahweh went and killed some sheep, skinned the poor beast of the field, put the skin out in the sun to dry, and six months later made Adam and Eve some garments?

Moses, your story sucks, so ridiculous it is, you big big liar, go jump in the lake of fire!

[22] And the LORD God said, Behold, the man has become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever...

My comment:

Bullshit, who heard the LORD say anything, I ask Moses again?


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So, Yahweh already knew evil and practiced it; and he had a tree that made him live forever?

Moses, you were on HASHISH when you wrote this adventure!

[23] Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.

My comment:

So, Yahweh told Adam to leave the garden and go stay outside it, and return no more; go become a farmer, and develop agriculture outside the Eden, and be happy.

Adam looked at Yahweh, shook his head in disdain, and left never again to see this weird, cruel evil, almighty.

And it came to pass that Adam and his partner Eve departed from the Garden of Eden, and became aliens in the lands of the East, where the new civilizations flourished for millennia.

As for Yahweh he was hated by Adam till he died at the grand age of nine hundred and thirty years, always calling Yahweh a traitor.

[24] So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubim and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.

My comment:

And to make sure Adam would not return at night to the garden to eat from the tree of life, Yahweh ordered a platoon of cherubim with laser weapons, to set camp around that tree to protect it from Adam.

The years went by, centuries, and the cherubim there, sleeping 54

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under the tree, grass all over the garden, many snakes, wild beasts, thistles, stinging nettles, and thorns, but disgruntled, discouraged, disenfranchised, and lonely one night the angels abandoned their post and disappeared from sight to this day.

They were tired of guarding an old tree, and even tried to eat the fruit the tree put out every year, but nothing happened to them, the whole story was a joke!

Eventually, the tree of life died and was no more.

… … … …


Matthew 10 - verse by verse coMMentary

[1] “And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.” [KJV]

My comment:

What a stupid story, really!

Here is a guy calling himself god and still sending out admirers to liquidate unclean spirits.

Such a loser.

If he was a god why didn’t he cast out the first unclean spirit that arrived here in the world?

Would have been a piece of cake, and the world would be free of unclean spirits, whatever that is; nothing is ever properly explained in the gospel stories; most of it is guesswork.

See, folks, how stupid the gospel is?

Hope you are intelligent enough to see, amen.

To cast them out where to?

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Were they cast out of this planet, or cast from one victim to go possess another?

The gospel is a travesty of absurd stories.

And to heal all types of disease – incredible absurdity, what diseases?

Not one example of that in the story of twelve low IQ idiots being victims of a delusional christ so-called.

Take leper: was the bacteria that causes it removed from the planet or only a few leper victims healed?

Again, not one single example was brought back to support the campaign.

Clearly, this is dishonest propaganda to elevate this conscription of thirteen religious parasites to undeserved glory.

It were the Popes later in the centuries who created an aura of glory around these cheaters and liars in the gospel.

[2] “Now the names of the twelve apostles are these; The first, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother; James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother;

[3] Philip, and Bartholomew; Thomas, and Matthew the publican; James the son of Alphaeus, and Lebbaeus, whose surname was Thaddaeus;

[4] Simon the Canaanite, and Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed him.”

My comment:

Here we have the names of 12 dangerous characters, who in the subsequent history of the cult Jesus started would create much evil across the world, but still wanted to be called saints.

In this false choreography the last in the list is in fact the most important, Judas Iscariot, the guy the Almighty God chose and 58

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offered the honour and privilege to betray Jesus without which there would be no redemption for the Jews, no Saviour-of-the-world, or salvation for all those victims of this sinister plan.

The church preaches dishonour for Judas, but he is the number two hero in this saga.

Peter would later be the first Pope, a crook, a liar, a thief and a murderer, which by the so-called Perpetual Succession would later create the biggest cult of thieves & liars in the history of mankind!

Judas would have been a better Pope.

History records all the crimes Peter committed, starting with the two first innocent victims murdered in Jerusalem for their money: Ananias and wife Sapphira, Acts 5:1-11; in the coming centuries the victims would compute into the millions.

Jesus is guilty of calling this criminal for his Apostolic-College-of-Saints, as they would later call themselves.

[5] “These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not:

[6] But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”

My comment:

Yes, originally, the gospel was a revolutionary manifesto for the Jews, to overpower and destroy the Romans, and bring in the Kingdom-of-heaven in Palestine.

Never succeeded.

What a strange plan, without explaining what were those lost sheep of the house of Israel creating a lot of speculation and private interpretations trying to decipher the confusion – the gospel story is always lacking detail and important information to avoid private decoding, much argumentation and aggravation.


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And in God’s almighty plan for his Chosen People why would he have lost sheep?

This passage can also be interpreted as a racist order, not to go to the gentiles, inferior people the Jews distanced themselves from, and Jesus can be called a racist here, unless it is some fabrication by the guy that invented and wrote this diatribe and collection of impostures, what do you think?

[7] “And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.”

My comment:

Those low IQ fanatics had just hours earlier been invited to be apostles, and suddenly they have the capacity to preach to the whole jewish population

Did they have a crash course in preaching techniques?

Imagine the confusion those twelve militants created, preaching to inattentive victims that some kingdom-of-heaven was at hand.

They were going out to tell lies to their audiences, big lies.

That was a massive blunder by Jesus, because such a kingdom never came; Jesus lied to his friends, as he lied to his church, and kept lying to all for generations and centuries and millennia: such a kingdom-of-heaven never came.

It was a lie, a false story, an invention to create false expectations, with no explanation whatsoever about what that kingdom was.

Later – Acts 1:7 – the same disciples asked him if it was now that he would restore the kingdom of heaven, or of God, or of Israel, and observe how impolitely Jesus answered, the liar, the cynic, the false teacher, the deceiving christ: It is not for you to know!

So rude, ill-mannered, discourteous – all christs are so.


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The gospel is a bad joke.

They went out to preach revolution against the usurpers, the Caesar, the roman emperor, that’s what that kingdom-of-heaven was all about, a return to the Davidic monarchy with all its violent imperialism that never succeeded in the Canaan Land of Moses; it was a revolutionary, violent, secretive, encoded manifesto to end the roman occupation; praise God it failed.

[8] “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.”

My comment:

Not one concrete, objective, undeniable example was ever brought back to prove that they healed any sick, or cleansed any leper, or raise any dead; all religious fantasies without a pinch of truth, a pathetic adventure of failures by a group of useless apostles playing saints, spiritual and holy, a bunch of pathological liars nobody could trust.

Not one person was healed of any sickness, or cleansed of any leprosy, or raised from the dead, or devils cast out of the planet –

all a travesty of fanatical cheaters, looking for fame by telling lies.

And what did they receive freely?

Stupidity, perhaps... brainwashed to believe that God had to apply violence to fix a problem?

Come the time when the church gained political power and access to the lethal weapons of the State, the resisting would be forced to accept this free gift that granted its merchants a dishonest living, a hierarchy of cruel saints demanding financial support under the threats and curses of exclusion from eternal life.

Not one organised church would ever preach the good news freely, but all would demand financial support to help them give out the free gift that Jesus told them to distribute.


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Jesus, you failed once again, for in the coming centuries this free gift would turn into a massive industry of thievery, run by coarse malefactors pretending to serve you.

Jesus, you failed, get lost, you were an incompetent christ, quite frankly.

[9] “Provide neither gold, nor silver, nor brass in your purses,

[10] Nor scrip for your journey, neither two coats, neither shoes, nor yet staves: for the workman is worthy of his meat [food].”

My comment:

In other words, SELL your counterfeit product to the inattentive victim, and let it be so for at least twenty centuries of dishonest opportunism, coarse deception, superstitious exploitation.

No need of financial support for the mission – go out there, play poverty and demand support from the victims of false stories and schemes, from a conscription of lazy parasites, core dishonest, pretending to be saints while deceivers with a violent agenda to exploit superstition.

Religion is so.

For centuries to come many apostles, priests, Popes, pastors, televangelists and missionaries of all the divided groups in this massive cult of cheaters would play poverty for alms, shelter and meals exactly like Jesus did for himself and his gang; a guild of dishonest mercenaries playing saints while living at the expense of the gullible, naïve, inattentive.

[11] “And into whatsoever city or town ye shall enter, enquire who in it is worthy; and there abide till ye go thence.

[12] And when ye come into an house, salute it.

[13] And if the house be worthy, let your peace come upon it: 62

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but if it be not worthy, let your peace return to you.”

My comment:

So, Jesus told them to go into towns and villages and ask around who was worthy of being informed about this violent manifesto to violently remove the Romans from Palestine.

It was to be a secretive plan, not for all in the towns: not like the gospel is for all, not here.

Salute with the secret code those in the house, some coded words to alert those in the know that the revolution was coming soon.

Tell those expecting a violent insurrection against Caesar that Jesus is organizing it and soon will explode; the rest was a smokescreen and a coverup pretending to preach healing and raising people from the dead, etc. Was nothing like that.

[14] “And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.

[15] Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment, than for that city.”

My comment:

Here Jesus is playing the Liberator with power to condemn anybody not adhering to the secretive plan against Caesar.

He had no power, except his words to deceive his audience.

Was all bluff, and later he was caught and eliminated, so much for power to judge the intelligent that refused to support his violent manifesto.

His illustration using Sodom and Gomorrah is clear insanity, 63

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using a metaphor to scare his low-IQ followers.

What day of judgement, Jesus?

Wasn’t the matter settled centuries earlier?

He was talking crap, violent codes, hidden symbols, intending to equate Rome with those two mythological, probably inexistent cities.

[16] “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.”

My comment:

It was actually the other way around, wolves were in the midst of innocent, inattentive sheep, the wolves being those who wanted violence, terror, revolution, blood, and hell on earth, with a messianic leader, Jesus himself.

This christ was good with convincing beatitudes and parables to deceive and impress the inattentive bystander; surely the cult he created would be an infestation of extremely dangerous packs of wolves, ripping the victims of their innocence, their wealth, their life, and going across the centuries threatening the intelligent with curses, anathemas, eternal torment or worse in hell.

Never were they wise, but they were very venomous serpents for sure; never harmless as doves, or pigeons, or parrots, or swallows, but a conscription of evil-core demons.

There never existed harmlessness in the religion of Jesus: all divided against one another, violent, imposing their private interpretations, teaching error, subjugating the distracted, dividing society, attacking family roots, and telling adult lies to innocent children – this has been going on for centuries, millennia, now.

[17] “But beware of men: for they will deliver you up to the 64

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councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues;”

My comment:

But Jesus had just started his mission, and was sending out his agents for the first time with the good news of preaching salvation, healing the sick, the blind, and raising the dead.

Who on earth would oppose that, if the manifesto had not built in nuances of violence and extremism?

Jesus never told them anything like that – this angle was added onto the original story, and projected to events in the future, all because this kingdom-of-heaven was actually extreme violence to bring it to the Jews and Israel in the synagogues.

Beware of men is still a commandment today against the intelligent that discover the double standards, the forked tongue, the venomous snakes those supporting Jesus are and have been for millennia.

[18] “And ye shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them and the Gentiles.”

My comment:

Here again Jesus sounds a racist against what the Bible calls the gentiles, classified as inferior folk, those not in the elite of the Chosen People, Jesus being one.

His admirers, the miserable crowd called up to follow him, were actually walking into a minefield of hatred, and soon would be accused of wanting to foment revolution.

What governors and what kings, Jesus, what are you talking about?

You lied to your supporters and promoters when you told them they were going to preach good news in Israel: you lied, Jesus.


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[19] “But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak.

[20] For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you.”

My comment:

It’s a pathetic passage, of illiterate imbeciles in front of governors, kings and the educated speaking a gospel pushing violence disguised as good news, delusional enough to believe that some Holy Spirit was going to speak for them through their vocal chords.

Jesus lied to them, again, to arrest their fragile intelligence and their low IQ, to create a false sense of protection in their distorted fervour that would land them punished.

It is scandalous, this gospel of Jesus-of-Nazareth.

What Spirit of your Father are you talking about, Jesus?

Were they commissioned to speak for the Father or for you and your kingdom story?

Jesus messed it up completely; he was severely confused.

[21] “And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death.”

My comment:

So, it was to be a very violent story, this new “Kingdom-of-heaven”, can you see it?

Death, martyrdom, violence, family hatred, all in the preamble 66

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of this divine plan.

It would disrupt family unity, and create violence in the social structures, all to support a christ with a violent plan to depose the Roman Emperor.

[22] “And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.

[23] But when they persecute you in this city, flee ye into another: for verily I say unto you, Ye shall not have gone over the cities of Israel, till the Son of man be come.”

My comment:

Big lies, here.

Firstly, Jesus told them it was a gospel of good news, the kingdom of heaven, and the angels had sang peace-on-earth-and-good-will-among-men but now it was a gospel of hatred, endurance, persecution, fleeing, death, and a son of man arriving to destroy everything.

Jesus lied a lot.

Why would disciples with a message of good news, love, understanding, tolerance, and a loving God have to flee, and be hated by all?

Violent language Jesus used in this and many other passages; yet, those pushing and selling him do insist he was a peacemaker; he was not.

[24] “The disciple is not above his master, nor the servant above his lord.”

My comment:


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This is cheap talk to pass for spirituality.

The reality the gospel created was one where an elite of lazy conscripts would be called masters, and a sinister crowd of criminals would be called lords.

Jesus was no master, no lord, no nothing but only another young man playing christ the Jews would soon detest, persecute, and put to death by crucifixion, as the story goes, most probably fiction.

[25] “It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more shall they call them of his household?”

My comment:

That’s what happened.

A bad master and a defective lord produced likewise disciples and servants wherever they went.

Why was the master called Beelzebub, the devil?

Something backfired.

The gospel of good news suddenly became one of insults.

Soon, the followers of this Jesus were involved in aggressive name-calling, using violent terms like Beelzebub, demons, dogs, pigs, sinners, the uncircumcised.

[26] “Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.”

My comment:

So, suddenly there is FEAR in this gospel of good news?

Why fear?

And what was covered?...


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This is cheap talk to play a poet.

Jesus was a disturbed character, often contradicting his argument.

[27] “What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops.”

My comment:

More violent tirades, pushing martyrdom, promoting cultic secrets.

What did Jesus tell them in darkness?

Why would a son-of-God use darkness as a metaphor for his teachings?

Was he afraid of exposing his secretive activity?

[28] “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”

My comment:

Very violent teaching, a typical side of a cult, threatening its adherents.

Obviously Jesus was pushing for martyrdom, while a little earlier was instructing to escape, flee, run away when danger is near.

Inconsistent teachings, like always.

Never explained what the soul is; he didn’t know – was only parroting slogans he heard somewhere.

Jesus was another religious parrot, like we still have today in their millions, pushing curses, anathemas, punishments against the intelligent mocking them.


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It’s a bad-fruit cult, with poisonous roots.

[29] “Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing [coin]? And one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father


[30] But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.

[31] Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.”

My comment:

Bullshit talk here, Jesus, that’s a lie.

What God would worry about counting hairs and not snow flakes or peanut shapes?

Was that important while letting the planet be infested with demons, the sick, poverty, violence?

Jesus, one can see how immature, junior, and subaltern you were in your early thirties with all your religious gibberish, lies and playing christ, for what?...

I’m sure you would have regretted all that nonsense in your sixties, if you had existed.

[32] “Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.

[33] But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.”

My comment:

Seriously? You had just arrived from nowhere, nobody knew who you were, and suddenly everybody had to give you credit?



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An imposter, a charlatan, a dangerous revolutionary.

Confess you what?

Who are you and your father?

From nowhere you suddenly appeared in Palestine, pushing social agitation, too young and too stupid, or dangerous, playing god, a revolutionary with a violent manifesto, and suddenly people have to confess you before men?

What the hell is wrong with you and your father, and who is this father you’re talking about, Jesus?

Jesus lied; he always lied; lied a lot to his friends, followers, and admirers.

By what standard theology pushes, they were God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost: a triad of gods trying to fix the moral situation in Palestine.

Three gods that never managed it.

Too late for heroic revolutions.

Failed, and later the solution was to incinerate all and start again with new heavens and a new Earth.

[34] “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.”

My comment:

WHAT?! So, you didn’t come to bring peace on earth like the angels sang around the manger?!

So, did the angel tell lies, or were they deceived?

Where did you find a sword in heaven, if I may ask?

Are there swords in heaven where you said you came from?

For violence, for war, for crime, for what?

Why would a saviour use violent language in a metaphor about 71

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his visit?

Wasn’t there a day when the problem was small and easy to fix without swords?

What would you say today, when nobody uses swords for war anymore?

Would you say I came not to bring peace but a MACHINE


So, you did not come here to bring peace, after all the propaganda that you were going to save the world by peaceful means, by reforming society, and by beatitudes, and prayer?

Jesus: you were such a liar, such a charlatan, an imposter, another very dangerous religious crook to eliminate.

Everybody thought that you came to bring peace on earth, even the angels at your birth, but your true colours are now revealed in this verse: you were a dangerous fanatic with no solutions for any salvation or any kingdom of God on earth – get lost, man!

[35] “For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.

[36] And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household.”

My comment:

You came to disrupt the family unity, the fabric of a stable and balanced society?

You were full of demons, Jesus-of-Nazareth!

Your arrival was a bad day, a disgrace, a nightmare.

Your origin was one of darkness, not of light.

You lied.

No decent christ would touch the family structure to save the 72

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Jesus, you were suffering from intense insanity, an immature and disturbed christ, or you were too stupid, and had no intelligence at thirty years of age, or both.

[37] “He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.”

My comment:

So, are you saying that I must hate my father and my mother to follow you?

Get lost, go to hell, you’re insane!

You’re a violent agitator full of demons!

Who needs a christ like that, one that foments hatred, family conflicts, friendship breakdown?

The natural inclination is one to love their parents, and esteem them, care for them when they are in need – family love is the core of a morally balanced society.

But suddenly here comes the Son-of-God breaking up the social fabric for his own secret plans, his revolutionary, anarchic language of hatred, social disruption.

Jesus, you were a dangerous christ, not from a divine source, not at all from heaven or from your Father; you were a liar, a deceiver, an imposter, a too agitated youngster with no wisdom.

This particular verse offers a clear view about the evil fermenting in your defective temperament: it’s not with hatred that a christ can become the saviour.

You failed because you were a dangerous enemy of society; something evil happened to you before you arrived in the market square with your violent language.


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[38] “And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.”

My comment:

Jesus, somebody added this word cross here, for nobody knew about it the day you opened your mouth to talk crap in this chapter.

Why would it be necessary to take up a cross to follow you?

You were not a teacher of morality, beatitudes, grace, tolerance, humility.

You were, after all, not the saviour of the world, but a dangerous agitator with a violent programme of suffering, social disruption, sacrifices to support an unknown christ.

Jesus, I would never follow you, because you first of all demanded that I hated my father and my mother, and next go take a cross to play a follower!

Get lost, Jesus, you’re a crook, a dangerous militant, an insane saviour!

Violence is not from divine inspiration, Jesus-of-Nazareth, you were not from God.

[39] “He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.”

My comment:

Jesus, you were a schizophrenic narcissist, a big liar, mentally dysfunctional, looking for popularity and undeserved applause by violent methods and means, an evil troublemaker to eliminate.

You were a disturbed character, posing as the saviour of the 74

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Jews, the son of some unknown god, a sinister schemer demanding the ultimate sacrifice from your admirers; you were not from heaven.

[40] “He that receiveth you receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me.”

My comment:


Your religion did quickly turn into a criminal machine, to create evil across the world.

History recorded the result of evil produced by those who shouted for you.

[41] “He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward; and he that receiveth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man’s reward.

[42] And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward.”

My comment:

Jesus, this is a lot of baloney, propaganda to sell your false product, but you don’t deceive the intelligent.

Did you believe in prophets, really?

Those were religious charlatans, impostors, liars, like you, because they pretended to represent a God they called Almighty.

Why would an Almighty God need agents to deliver a message to me?


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God told me to tell you is a big lie in the lips of your agents.

They were fake, dishonest, deceivers, that’s what they were, so were you.

What reward was that, dear Jesus, what are you talking about?

You should have been silent that day to avoid talking so much tripe – you needed psychiatric help, but sadly that was not available to christs in those dark days of excessive superstition.

… … …


revelation 22 verse by verse coMMentary Introduction

Revelation is the last book in the Bible, and also the most violent.

There is extreme violence in every chapter, even every page, sometimes disguised as a palliative virtue, but I am not deceived by it.

All its so-called prophecies, predictions, and divinations failed, because none was genuine, simply because they don’t exist and never existed – all in this book is man’s industry, fabrication, lies, the result of excessive cannabis abuse, HASHISH in those days, used as folk medicine to alleviate physical pain.

The last chapter, hereby inspected and commented on, to represent the entire drama, is where the Bible ends, in complete failure as far as the several imperfect plans of God are concerned.

In the previous chapter, God is creating new heavens and a new earth – again the old small geocentric universe, filled up with air, like the first prototype in Genesis 1; the writers had no knowledge of the real heliocentric universe of millions of lightyears in size –

for the first heavens and first earth passed away, and there was no

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more [Mediterranean] sea, as it says.

Next, in the final apocalyptic drama, is the New Jerusalem coming down from heaven, ready for habitation, but a structure to resist and survive nuclear war, see its horrendous size: a literally perfect cubic structure with about two thousand and four hundred kilometers in width, length and height, and its wall sixty five meters thick [Revelation 21:16], distance by air between Paris and Moscow. The height of this holy city would reach the low earth orbit of satellites; can you imagine a city like that?

And the angel went and measured it all with a stick and showed it to John.

It’s stupid.

This massive city came down from heaven, through the air, and was placed across Palestine and beyond its borders, bigger than Israel itself, an impossible monstrosity, the coarsest exaggeration ever imagined in matters of prophetic stupidity; would have a square surface the size of North America.

Of course nothing like that could ever exist, much less assembled in heaven, made of precious stones and gold, and then craned down to Earth to repair and replace the disaster of all the ridiculous plans that previously happened in Israel and the Jews, all a miserable failure.

Commentators try to allegorize this city, representing heaven, etc., but nothing in the text informs the reader about that – so preposterous, ludicrous and absurd most comments are about this violent story called “Apocalypse of John” - in my humble opinion the result of excessive HASHISH fumes in his old brain – he was ninety years old, Scofield said.

This is the Jews’ god trying to mend the broken plans he made for that tribe of marauders from Egypt, the “Chosen People” for the “Promised Land”, but this time he did even worse.

This incredibly massive city would be built in heaven, and 78

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placed on Earth to resist any attack from outside, with twelve gates, a massive wall impossible to escalate, or to catapult horse excrement over it to contaminate its purity – the idea that nothing would turn it impure and vulnerable to outside attack – such were the plans of the Yahweh God of the Jews.

Of course it failed, because nuclear bombs would easily destroy it, but the Almighty Yahweh in those retrograde days knew nothing about those devastating weapons.

John heard a great voice from heaven speaking to him [typical HASHISH hallucinations] saying that in this new tabernacle for the Jews, God and his Lamb will end all pain, suffering and tears, something he never did in the earlier episodes that start in Genesis first chapter.

As part of Revelation’s violent content, here, too, in this chapter there is plenty of it; the unbeliever, criminals, and liars [John was one of them with this collection of lies called Revelation] will be dropped in the lake of fire for an eternity of torment or worse.

This new Jerusalem will not have day and night, even though it is situated in Palestine, because the text says God and his Lamb will illuminate it with their presence, and thus no need for the sun or the moon, it says there – an earthly place, surrounded by other nations, as the text says – some incredible place on Earth with a physical God and a physical Lamb with a physical throne where they sit.

Pure hallucinations with nothing real, physical, the result of swallowing hallucinogenic fumes.

Then the same angel that was showing this tuff to John starts the next chapter, 22 – let’s hear what the idiot says.


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[1] And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb.

My comment:

Inattentive readers will not see the incongruence of this vision.

The angel took John somewhere, but no details of it presented

– the reader has always to guess, or imagine, or construct some weird vision.

It was a river somewhere, with “water of life” clear as crystal, absolutely pure, but sterile, no fish swimming, no birds drinking it, nothing natural in it, pure fantasy, some weird aberration of a river.

Its source under the throne of God and the Lamb, two fountains, as it were, what stupid nonsense.

Allegorical, shout the standard commentators.

Yes, sir, when it is convenient you call it that, otherwise literal, get lost, what do you know about it; it is more intelligent to read it literally, because why would a Super Almighty try to allegorize and talk to you in code?!

You know nothing, you add much, piss off!

In those days, the water in Palestine was neither clear nor pure, because it was to be taken from far away, or from salty, or dead seas.

Naturally, this time God fixed the problem with sterilized water; any junior Almighty would do the same.

The idea is that once an inhabitant of that New Jerusalem nobody would ever need to go get water somewhere or die from drinking it.

But the story does not offer any explanation as to how water would arrive from under the throne of God and the Lamb – all is left to the reader to guess and conjecture about.


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Naturally, this is some disturbed imagination at work.

It represents a physical place, with real water.

Other commentators propose their own fancy stories to try make sense of this confusion.

They add a lot of detail, or remove detail they don’t like or disagree with.

For instance, my private interpretation would be outright rejected, exactly what I do with theirs, par for the course.

The entire book of Revelation is prone to this type of literary adventure, and many books have been written trying to make sense of this ridiculous story.

Nowhere in the entire Bible this “water of life” is clearly explained, do you know why?

Because it is baloney, imagination, tales and legends from days of intellectual obscurity.

[2] In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

My comment:

It’s a big city with only a river, one street and three trees!

How pathetic is this book of revelations?

What is revealed here with this river and the three trees that give fruit monthly and leaves to make tea?

Three trees yielding twelve fruits monthly for the inhabitants of the New Jerusalem to live – no fruit, and all would die – thirty-six apples a month for an enormous city like that?...

The leaves of those trees were used to heal any disease, including 81

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coronavirus and others.

The idea was to go ask the angels in charge of the three trees to dispense a few leaves to make a concoction or tea to drink, possibly with ginger root, or in case of a serious situation rather eat the leaves.

It is a New Jerusalem where the Jews occupying it could get sick; or the inhabitants of other nations, not living in this crazy city would still get sick and die unless using the leaves of those three trees of life for rescue treatment.

It’s a crazy New Jerusalem.

Some commentators say it was only for outside nations, not necessarily for the occupants of the New Jerusalem, who would always enjoy good health.

Other commentators inform that the whole story has an esoteric, mysterious, secret, metaphorical, spiritual meaning.

Well, you weird, biased, left-handed commentators who like to add and take when you want to present your own private interpretations, nothing like that is anywhere proposed.

Read the ridiculous book for a literal interpretation, and you will see how stupid this “sacred book” is all about.

Remember that this “New Jerusalem” with streets of gold was a physical place, built by God and the Lamb, up there in heaven, wherever that is in the geocentric universe they believed, but there is no clue as to how they built it, or was all of it magic, or an illusion passing for a holy city.

As usual, nothing is explained in detail – the reader has to build an image of what the “thing” would be.

It is absolutely ridiculous, not to say stupid, but prophecies in the Bible are all of them in some undecipherable code; I don’t know why this God and his dear Lamb could not put matters as crystal clear as the water in the river that started running down from their throne.


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The gods of Revelation are deranged, my humble opinion, all fabricated by this John of Patmos, a character in his nineties, suffering from intense delusions, and smoking HASHISH to alleviate his sufferings.

At that age, a prophet is prone to developing serious and critical unhealthy mental disturbances capable of leading him to write apocalypses, John’s situation.

The problem was to adopt and include this ugly and violent book in the Bible, but it does indeed serve as a proper finale for a Bible full of violence, incongruence, stupidity, and amounts of crude irresponsibility and dishonesty.

Preachers arrive in the market square and shout that Revelation is divinely inspired, and that if you read and study it under the anointing of the holy spirit you will understand it.


I read ten studies and all disagree with one another on several points; where’s the anointing and the holy spirit?

That means that there is no holy spirit anywhere directing the process of inspiration – all is pious misconduct, the typical situation with schools and scholars of the Bible.

You disagree with them and you receive bad marks, or they will call you names, or condemn you to an eternity of damnation or worse, the typical approach to discourage the honest student to present a different opinion.

[3] And there shall be no more curse, but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it, and His servants shall serve Him.

My comment:

No more curse: who cursed first?

Yahweh did in Genesis chapter two, cursing Adam and Eve and 83

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the planet, for peanuts, for nothing serious, because of an apple tree he planted right in the middle of the garden to trick two innocent creatures, while to the Devil, Nachash, Satan, Lucifer, Yahweh offered three excellent perks, a second chance, permanent residence in our planet, and invisibility to attack us from behind.

So, Yahweh, the God Moses created and John had visions about, was horrible, cursing all those that argued against him.

But now he comes along and swears that he is not going to curse anybody anymore, as if we could trust him, I don’t!

Other commentators say that the curse means sin, disobedience, rebellion against God, etc., but the so-called “Original Sin” was committed by Yahweh himself, when he betrayed Adam, by not disclosing to the innocent man the presence of the Serpent Nachash in the Garden, spying on Adam’s naked partner, Eve.

And when Adam asked Yahweh who first saw the Devil in the garden, if it had been Eve or Yahweh, he ran away not to answer; the bloody cynic.

And later cursed everybody for not appreciating him.

Come on, what sort of God is this, which committed the original sin and next curses everybody to try to hide it?

In that New Jerusalem nobody would curse anybody, because all had to be slaves of God and his Lamb, but we are not sure: in general, slaves end up detesting their bosses, and sometimes attack them; why would this God and his Lamb want all the Jews to be their servants, doing what in that perfect holy city; cleaning the sewage system?

[4] They shall see His face, and His name shall be on their foreheads.

My comment:


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This is a narcissistic duet, two Gods excessively obsessed with their image, demanding perpetual exaltation and forcing all Jews in that city to write the names of those two Gods on their foreheads, can you believe it? There is no explanation as to why the Jews would have to shout the names of those two Gods, and what for, but it appears that that was what they would have to do for all eternity, plus eating apples from the tree of life and making tea from the leaves, what a boring lifestyle in the New Jerusalem –

John was high on HASHISH fumes, the devil, with so many lies!


[5] There shall be no night there: They need no lamp nor light of the sun, for the Lord God gives them light. And they shall reign forever and ever. The Time Is Near.

My comment:

Do you see the lie in the verse?

No night in this massive city, as large as North America; no need for the sun to shine over it, but would have artificial light emanating from God and the Lamb, nobody knows how that is possible in a city as big as that.

However, the sun still existed, and outside the New Jerusalem was still going on with its normal duty.

This is very stupid; the sun was still shining on this planet, but miraculously would not shine over this incredibly deformed holy city.

There was no night, but the sun still went around the Earth; so false, is it not: it is still the old geocentric planetary system from Genesis first verse, with Earth its centre.

This light in the city would go forever and ever, and the poor Jews stuck there, being servants.

This “apocalypse” is really awful, nasty, a horror; poor Jews, shame, what an eternity of desperation, same light day and night 85

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and no night, no time to go sleep and be normal.

I mean, folks, this John of Patmos was totally mentally dysfunctional, finished, poor creature, his brain destroyed by excessive smoking.

[6] Then he said to me, “These words are faithful and true.”

And the Lord God of the holy prophets sent His angel to show His servants the things which must shortly take place.

My comment:

There are more lies in this verse.

The angel lied to John.

He told John these words I tell you are true, while they were lies

– there is not one true statement in the entire book of Revelation; all articles of fabrication, exaggerations, absurdities, nothing really objective, empirical; the angel lied to John from the beginning of this story, or rather, John lied to all his friends, or was high on cannabis.

Here is proof that John lied: God sent prophets to speak for him!

It was a junior God, incompetent, inferior, incapable of doing his job alone by himself.

All gods of religion are so: anthropomorphic, made in the image and likeness of their creators, men.

This God of Revelation was one such one, man-made, recycled plastic, vacuum, invisible, inexistent, and religion is always poison for the brain.

This verse is particularly relevant to establish that rule.

Besides, there never existed any holy prophet.

All prophets were liars, thieves, double-tongued crooks, no exceptions anywhere.


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They always played messengers of that God they called a Super Almighty Creator, capable of creating visible and invisible universes and more; and yet, those prophets had to speak for that Super Almighty, and help him deliver messages to us.

Stupid, dishonest prophets, that’s all.

[7] “Behold, I am coming quickly! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.”

My comment:

Three times in this chapter this lie is presented: “I come quickly!”, “I come quickly!”, “I come quickly!”- never came, lied from heaven; lied to his best friend.

Commentators say that the Lamb, Jesus, Christ, Son-of-God is speaking here, not the angel of the previous verses.

It does not matter, it is not important: it is a big lie; no Christ, or Lamb, or Son-of-God ever returned to Palestine; in fact, there is no historical evidence that Jesus-of-Nazareth ever existed.

Besides, why would God return, for what?

It is weird: a God coming the first time to leave the job incomplete – never heard before in the universe.

This is a false prophecy, and this time by the Lamb, or by his master angel, or archangel, or the guy that wrote this story, who cares; doesn’t matter: it is a false prophecy, because we now know nobody ever came quickly.

This is the typical lie pushed in those days, when all the apostles were forecasting the return of Jesus in their lifetime.

Never happened, and in fact their Parousia preaching [second coming of Christ] caused a lot of problems and turmoil in the first generation of Christians, some apostles predicting that it would occur soon, for it was already the last hour, like this John of 87

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Revelation put it.

All lies, all deception; would never happen, and will never happen, I bet twenty American dollars.

This is, therefore, false prophecy, and in the Old Testament a false prophet would be lynched.

All the prophets of the Bible were liars and thieves, repeating myself, for it is impossible to exist a Super Almighty God that to send me a private message would need help from messengers!

I do reject any prophet, anyone, anywhere – all villains, scoundrels, reprobates.

[8] Now I, John, saw and heard these things. And when I heard and saw, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel who showed me these things.

[9] Then he said to me, “See that you do not do that, for I am your fellow servant, and of your brethren the prophets, and of those who keep the words of this book; worship God.”

My comment:

No, John, you didn’t: you had hallucinations from excessive cannabis.

John, I already explained it succinctly to you: at your age –

Scofield says you were 90 – you suffered from loss of hearing, almost blind, no teeth, severe backache, arthritis, and anal hitching; witchcraft of the day prescribed HASHISH fumes to try alleviate all that suffering the result of old age and fanaticism.

All old folk like you spent time smoking HASHISH as medicine, but you overused it and the result was the tripe we have now in Revelation: an extremely VIOLENT story for those you were surrounded by, the modernists, liberals, second generation of Christians, not any more believing your ridiculous preaching of 88

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Jesus’ return in the last hour you called it!

All your fault, from being a fundamentalist, a rabid fanatic pushing an old rejected agenda that failed.

They wanted to get rid of you, and were happy you had been arrested and taken to prison in the island of Patmos, where your physical condition deteriorated, hence overindulging in the medicinal herbs your doctor gave you – the rest is history, a book of lies, exaggerations, falsehoods.

Now, the second paragraph of this verse is proof that you were hallucinating, John, when you knelt before an angel you saw in front of you.

There was no angel, because they don’t exist – it is all religious fantasies from the Old Testament, lies, and you would not worship an angel, as you preached many times.

So, you were definitely on cannabis, John, shame on you.

Now, modern religious activists call you a saint!

Not for me; I don’t allow any Bible saint in my life – all liars and thieves, all impostors.

John, you were a loser!

[10] And he said to me, “Do not seal the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is at hand.”

[11] He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.”

My comment:

John, nobody said anything to you, man!

What time was at hand, you bloody liar?

You had those hallucinations and visions two thousand years 89

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ago, John!

In your first letter or epistle planted before the book of Revelation, you admonished and warned your parish that it was already the last hour, because the antichrist was in your church.

You instructed your congregation that Jesus would return soon to remove all the antichrists around agitating against you and your stories of the return of Jesus.

You called it apostasy to argue against Jesus returning in the flesh, and instructed your group to test the spirits, but you never explained what that curio was – for you anybody denying that Jesus God had been there in human flesh and suffered physically was a Docetist and an enemy of your fundamentals.

[12] “And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work.

My comment:

Same lie of verse seven - “I come quickly” and never came.

But why would he come quickly if he had been here not so long ago?

Jesus lied to his disciples with many lies.

In Acts 1:6 and 7 the disciples asked Jesus an important question that he rudely dismissed.

He had been telling them for three years that the kingdom of heaven was near, but when his friends asked him if it was now that he would restore the kingdom to Israel he answered it was none of their business!

Why not, if he had told them so many times he came to bring salvation to the Jews, to destroy Rome and return to them the promised land of Israel?

Now, in Acts 1, Jesus was impolite, and didn’t answer the 90

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disciples, but here in Revelation he is telling them that he is coming back very soon!

Liar; Jesus lied a lot to his best friends, and this time he is lying from heaven.

He was neither genuine, nor honest; he was too young to be wise, but agitated by some hateful motivation against the romans; his language exposed him very soon, pushing parables, symbols, secret language, disguised insults against his enemies, playing christ.

Was soon caught in his own words, pretending to be a divine messiah, a liberator, the redeemer of the Jews, and was eliminated.

His admirers arrived to change the choreography, and to write a holy book to use as a divisive weapon and try to complete the secret plan their master told them about.

They also failed, and soon their plan backfired, and many also died as political martyrs trying to dethrone Caesar.

This gospel of good news would go on to provoke many people to fight for God, for the church, for the Pope, for the Reformation, and rivers of blood flowed from all those conflicts and wars.

Jesus’ reward was VIOLENCE.

[13] “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.”

My comment:

Baloney, Jesus, useless jargon, banal platitudes, empty clichés, because you are only a lying fraudster, a slick charlatan, a cheap impostor, and all that follow you are your victims, deceived by false promises, untrue rewards, pretentious blessings.

Your message was violent, dissentious, destructive; your gospel poison in the lives of your admirers, ready to war to defend you, 91

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and cruel to quickly condemn to eternal torment your adversaries for disagreeing with your fictional story.

You are the beginning of crude fanaticism, and the end of tolerance, good disposition, charity, and morals.

You are the first to pick up weapons to condemn anybody disagreeing with you, and the last to blast anathemas at those rejecting your violent gospel.

[14 Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city.

[15] But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie.

My comment:

Your commandments were sourced on a violent gospel from the start – innocent children slaughtered in Bethlehem to celebrate your arrival in Palestine, baby Jesus on the manger, what a travesty of a story.

Why would a proper Almighty need to issue commandments that nobody would accept?

Why threaten people that basically had never heard about you?

What commandments, can you list them for us – I mean, you, not your agents, for all are crooks?

If you are referring to that monstrosity called the New Jerusalem, a cubic tomb for the Jews, then forget it, no intelligent student will ever want it, keep it all for you, thanks.

As for liars not being allowed in that holy city, then you, Jesus, will be the first not allowed in, since you spent all your short ministry telling lies one after the other.


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[16] “I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star.”

My comment:


If Jesus is Almighty, I simply reject his agents doing work for him.

It is the old story of a Super Almighty God sending preachers to my suburb to deliver messages of that Super Almighty to me, and wanting to be paid in cash for the job!

“Hey, Julio, my name is John, and I am here working for God Jesus in heaven, and he told me to tell you to accept me as his messenger, or if you laugh at me I am endowed to threaten you in the name of Jesus, and in the end he will throw you in hell for an eternity of torment or worse, do you understand?!”

Jesus lied again from heaven – taking this stupid story at face value.

The root of David is a clue to how violent this monarchy is going to be – David was a violent king, committing much crime, and a thief; in his time he killed many innocent people to rob them of their land and possessions.

An offspring of this bloodthirsty king is bad news for the kingdom of heaven, the New Jerusalem, and for the Jews living in it.

The “Bright Morning Start” was also Lucifer’s rank – Isaiah 14:12.


[17] And the Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely.


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My comment:

Ridiculous poetry, contradicting the so-called gospel of repentance, and all the rest.

Makes no sense, certainly the result of excessive HASHISH

fumes in the brain, poor John.

[18] For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book;

[19] and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

My comment:

One of the plagues was to dry up the Euphrates River [16:12], how hilarious a plague against those adding or subtracting on these stories in Revelation.

It is also rather stupid and dumb to issue this threat about orally spreading the prophecy of this book – how would it not be possible?

There was no production of books in those days, only oral transmission of ridiculous prophecies was possible, and naturally easy to add to embellish them, or modify its content, who would ever go back to the original oracle and check if what was discharged from sermons was accurate and faithful?

You see, this content in Revelation is absolutely rejectable in matters of divine inspiration.

This verse here does clearly show that the whole story is fabrication, charlatanism, forgeries.

A lot of adding and taking away went on throughout the times, 94

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resulting in many different interpretations, many divisions in the churches, a lot of fighting and even war to defend a particular interpretation.

It never ended up to this day, and it never will, because nothing is clear like crystal in the Bible, always some important detail missing to be added by doctors of divinity or scholars bent on protecting their trade, being dishonest as they are.

The Bible is a book of blood and violence, of many lies, used by a large conscription of con-artists and quacks, some called by pompous names like Pope, Reverend, Minister!

I respect none.

“God shall take away … the things...” - what things?

Doesn’t say what things, and this term is clearly not inspired scripture, because to be properly inspired “the things” would be clearly mentioned, so that nobody would have to invent things, a speciality Popes and preachers are professional at.

[20] He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming quickly.”

Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

[21] The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

My comment:

What things, for God’s sake?!

This violent story called Revelation of John ends with a lie, like it started with a lie – in fact the whole is one lie after another.

Again the Lamb confirming for the third time “I come quickly”!

Came never, what for, if you had been here not too long ago?

Coming back for what, really, for what, to do what, what to do, do what what; did you not have enough time to finish the job by 95

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the first visit?

Jesus Christ, who do you think would believe you after twenty centuries of waiting?!

Man, Jesus, you’re a big liar, but why, what good would you get from being a charlatan?

Nobody needed you for the last two thousand years, Jesus.

You are not needed here, never were.

If you returned from a fossilized condition you would be rejected again for the same reason: for being violent, crude, coarse, a liar, a quack; your grace is useless, never helped in any situation, only useless jargon to play pious, but you don’t fool the intelligent reader.

Goodnight, Jesus, you don’t have to return, please don’t come back, no need, no nothing, and I bet twenty American dollars that you will not. Goodnight.

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lies in the beatitudes Matthew 5:3-10