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Science really does seem capable of anything. Even when one scientist says “that can never be done,” along comes a scientist that makes it happen. We have done astonishing things. Just imagine: we began by placing music on old mediums- like records, and now we are able to place thousands of songs onto a chip no bigger than a thumb nail. Those old arcade machines. They took up a lot of space. But now we have thousands of those fitted into the same size chip. We basically have telepathy. For all intents and purposes we can talk to a person on the other side of the globe without even standing up. Heck, we send for photographs and video, sounds and all of Pluto. So it paints a picture: maybe science really is capable of doing and creating anything.

And that is what I will go by in this book. That educated assumption. For example when we do eventually create a force shield what can we use them to do? Those kinds of questions I will answer here. This book should be great for an inventor. Inventors and labs are always going off of such things, like as found in Science Fiction (books/movies.) Only this book will get around to the nitty gritty.

While I cant say how these things can be done I can say how things possible in the future could be used. And I can say what could very well be there in the future. And I can set forth things that the technologically/ scientifically gifted can try to make.. how that could be used. 

And that’s really all there is to this book. It is a book of ideas. A kind of book that that can be used for future ideas, given future possibilities to. I hope you enjoy reading it.


Force Shields

A force shield is a solid energy field. Like making matter from energy. And who knows what shapes they can take. Generally when we talk about them we talk about those that are like squares. But they could take on any shape, I imagine. I could predict they could rotate like a wheel and be used as such. Or like helicopter blades. Could function as an elevator. Could form the walls of a home.

Here is a list of other things they could be used for:

Any protective barrier. Including clothing.

A hand that clutches onto things as emulated with a glove on your hand.

Rotating storage.

A bridge.

Cooling, like a fan.


Incorporated into very large buildings. Or just as a tent.

A seat. A bed.

Used to lift, almost to an anti gravity effect.



Seems like science always has an answer. While it would be very daunting to travel to Mars maybe we can go there through robotics.. as a suit. Like one that incorporates 3D VR. As we move in an android kind of suit that can include tactile senses.


Power of Rings

We may go from smart phones to smart watches. Maybe. But rings are something not really yet considered. Such as those with sensory buttons. That understand hand movement and “hand code.” Like finger and thumb separating. If they can produce holograms before the hand then all the better. Like making a circular movement with the finger to skip to the next thing or speed something up in going through a menu.

And maybe a bracelet could be used to help. A wire going from each ring to the bracelet. For power or whatever else.

You could point at something. A ray goes out to touch it. And it tells you about it.


Paper Thin Displays

I think these would be awesome. To be able to have a visual display as thin as paper. Like using them as stickers that play video, or even better, sound too. You could have credit card sized phones. You could stick a TV anywhere as a sticker of any given size. Could have a bundle of things in a wallet or purse. Like a visual map the size of a credit card. Your favorite movies, songs, games, books.

Can be that you have a watch with displays you screw on. They don’t have to literally be paper thin. So you wouldn’t have to just use them as stickers. You also could have thin modules to screw on and flip around.

They could roll or fold up. And as such can be expanded as needed, otherwise taking up less space.


No cancer. No diabetes. No obesity.

Or any number of other maladies. These are the real goldmines for humanity. If there was a pill to keep weight down safely and effectively people could eat all they like. Hopefully no more cows pigs and chickens slaughtered as much as we do. And I digress, but lab grown meat would be a great human invention. Consume all the sugar you want. Wouldn’t that be great? It really would. None of us really like to eat our vegetables. If we could live on desserts we probably would.. mostly. Of course a person would enjoy a nice piece of meat sometimes, too. But remedies, dietary and nutritional, as well as diabetes, would make for a happy human race!

And going over cancer too. That’s what smokers really need. Certain li y not just them but the many whose ordeal it is as well.


No more starvation

We usually think “replicators.” But there are other methods to increase food production. Like making the animals bigger. I won’t go over that here. That’s already being done. However there could be created seeds that spur growth much quicker. Like a seed that grows a banana tree in a week or so. Or a tomato in a few hours. Who knows. Even in a few minutes. Agriculture could be automated entirely. From planting to procuring, from that to canning. Through robotics and such.


No More Work

Well, except the work you want to do personally. Like painting or wood work. Whatever you want. That instead of having a boss or having to keep your eye on your employees. Am talking about robotics and android’s that do all of the work itself. “Ethical slavery.” A machine- simply that. Not one whom we have given consciousness. They are getting to where they can lift and transport. We are beginning to bring out driverless vehicles. So the idea is: if they could pretty much freely do the work apart from needing power, then humans will no longer need to do tedious things.


Greater Safety

Imagine an AI capable camera. One that could see crimes and call for help on the he victims behalf.

Or a personal force shield around a person.

Or a bio-marker. One that can find anyone.


AI Creating Things

Someday soon enough I believe AI will be able to create fully realistic CGI movies on it’s own, or with limited support. Songs too. And books. Auto generated movies. What would be their appeal? Well someone could list what kind of movie they want. They could even make the script to have AI adapt into a movie. And it could orchestrate the music for it too. If a person has a favorite book they could have it make a movie out of it.

And pretty much the same for video games too.


Driverless cars and electric vehicles

They could go their routes and recharge needed. They could make human operated vehicles obsolete. We could possibly afford an RV that goes across the country. With limited assistance. Refueling stations will very quickly be adapted to be done automatically, too. And maybe we won’t have to re-board. One vehicle will pull beside another.

Birth of The Super Human

We are closing the gap toward giving mobility toward the paralyzed. Recently a device was created to help a paralyzed man walk via thought.

The gene editing technology that is progressing could improve the human body greatly.

We are going to someday soon give sight to the blind I believe. Hopefully.

Imagine not metallic spaceships as though we are crossing the sea in a wooden boat. Rather imagine the possibility of a more energy based space travel. A suit that can take you anywhere. A device that can contain you in more a force shield kind of way. As that being more energy based than metal based. Could be a belt. It creates things around you to allow for such things.

Universal translators would open many doors. 


Making space and Mars inhabitable

Giving it the air we need. The food we need. Though as for food, replicators sure would make things easier for us there. But perhaps a very special suit could be made that allows us to live there unencumbered. The effect of a replicator is underestimated. If we can transform things into metal then we could have a place to live in space fairly easily.

We’ve sent records of Beethoven and popular music into space. Perhaps they will make an AI program the same way. Maybe containing the contents of the internet (except for the crude stuff.)


Face Recognition

It us already around. Who knows what the future uses of it could be. It would sure help to catch criminals. I wouldn’t at all doubt that is in development. And more power to the law abiding people! Maybe instead of an ID every place would just quickly scan your face. They’ve done so in movies before. But not as just simple identification apart from a CIA kind of room. But the own door of your home! By seeing you you have access. As for people imitating faces I guess that could be a hurtle to cross. But hell we could even have dinner body identification. One that as fully developed as it can get, knows the circuitry of you mind to identify you.



3D Printers

Are becoming evolved enough to make some pretty nice homes. Couple that with drone construction and maybe by throwing a few other things in the pot they could build all by themselves. I imagine if they became developed enough they could practically replicate something. Using food stuffs. Putting it together to emulate a food. We have plastic based 3D printers. But it doesn’t have to end there. Other things could be used. Metal. Wood. Food. Chemical reactions. And if we came out with a plastic as hard as metal and conductive of electricity we could make circuit boards on the fly. Just as we collect crops and package then, but with electronics.

Think of the many things they could create and you would no doubt find that a small factory could be found in any home.


Second Reality

Second reality means that when things become so realistic- things like games, hologram rooms, VR stuff, VR suits, that it imparts a second reality to immerse yourself into. So that comes with things like photo realistic holograms, which is possible through VR too, things like touch sensing suits as well. The neat thing is that you can take a limited space and make it boundless. A small room is given thousands of miles, possibly even greater. Social places like worlds individuals wish to “dwell" in become possible. It may be that a game is no longer a game. Not so much anyway. Whatever fantasy world could be concocted is possible.


A Few Great Accomplishments

Like walking on air. Like a staircase or something. Anti Gravity whose effects cannot be underestimated. A fountain of youth formula. A chemical that returns sight to the eyes. Free energy. Or practically so. Very highly abundant energy from few resources. Longer lasting batteries tripling their longevity. Force shields. Highly intelligent AI. Androids with consciousness. Transferring life over to a device right before death. AI knowing you are near death. Automatic help being dispatched. Drone deliveries. Drone construction. Machine replication. Work automated. Self cleaning clothes. And towns upon the ocean, deep beneath the Earth's crust, and incredibly high in the sky. The sky’s the limit. Science can do this all.


Things Possible With Anti Gravity

What if its reversed? That could serve as a damn good magnet. Anti Gravity could serve us more than just letting us float around. Who knows, they could be incorporated into a circuit board as far as magnetism goes. Magnets and electronics serve each other well. It pulls upward and downward. Anti gravity can do more than pull up and down (as reversed.) It can also pull forward and backward. Imagine it working in a circle. It spreads things apart like in a diameter. So in essence it can move things all around. Not just straight up.


Instructing AI to do certain things

It could provide greater mobility. For example as a suit that is controlled by telling it what you want done. Walk forward, turn, pick up apple, etc., and the better it understands the better. For example telling it not just walk, but what toward. Like “take me to my mailbox.”

It would have taken a massive library in the past to find a particularly difficultly procured fact. Now we can ask a hone device on our couch any question we want to and get an answer (within reason of course.)

When internet becomes available every where- if maybe by the government or something who thinks all should have it, which isn’t doubtful. Then we could very freely look up information at any time. Call by word of mouth. Talk to our friends wherever we want. Be told how to get some place. And I wouldn’t doubt that I tenet specific tasks would be sold device fork at many stores. One for a map. A small display. A large display, etc.

And we could know the world around us more readily. With a device in hand telling us exactly what is nearby. In that store or wherever else.

We would often be like people talking to themselves for answers and things. When is that movie playing. Am I going in the right direction. How old is this building, where can I find this book in town, do you know where my friend is, which bus to I take, is this place hiring, how many more days, etc., etc.

A great help AI could be is in creative endeavors. A teacher in the pocket like no other. Doesn’t tire. Doesn’t need to be paid. Knows practically everything. Never becomes frustrated. It could tell you what tool to use. Provide the best videos for you. Suggest the best colors giving you a simulation, fix your grammar, use highly technical math, fine tune your basketball skills, or pool. Hell, given holograms could be a very realistic source of help before you.

And perhaps someday some scans will be possible. Such as scanning a food for its calories. Stating the mineral content deep in the Earth,. Looking around for little viruses and bad bacteria. Telling you if you emit an odor.

Easier Shopping

We have seen for some time now those self checkout registers. Dumping a bag of coins in. Credit cards on phones. Tap on debit or credit card machines instead of sliding. People will certainly get any convenience they can get.

You can look up price and location on a GPS infused map. Times too. Or just quickly order online. Someday having a drone come to your front door.

Maybe someday you could just gather a lot of stuff and a scan scans it all at once, charging your card. Or there could be a machine gathering all for you before you arrive. Could be placed in a lock box and opened after purchase. A garage sell could leave things in your yard near a security camera, a smart one, and if a passer by sees what they want, use a card or something to get it unlocked.

A card? A phone? An implant? Who could say. Maybe a face scan. A hand scan. Data on watch or data on a ring. Data on a key chain, etc., I am surprised that smaller credit cards haven’t been made yet. Though maybe they have been, I’m not sure.

Self driving vehicles, drones, and automation is added to the equation.

And maybe buying can be more generalized. To receive things based on predetermined budget. That’s somewhat here today. Buying a set of meals as a subscription. Buying in quantity can lower prices. And just make things easier.


Easier Communication

When will someone be in their second reality asleep on a couch? When will a holographic ghost wake them up? When will they go to a chess table on a desk and invite another to play? Them also being holographic representations of real people?

To say a full name to call. To much more often do things on a smart phone without picking one up and turning it on? Longer lasting batteries will have much implications. Really a power bank could do also so much. They are light weight and hold a lot more power. I like to think pushing a button on a ring with a microphone may someday be. Rings are easy.

Calling long distance doesn’t incur additional prices anymore. Calling from across the country. Did you ever think that would be?

It could be a scientific axiom to say that we will match what there in science fiction but double it, and double that. Perfection is ever allusive. Something always ahead of us.

Show me my room on a watch display. Send help right away. Speak through a speaker in your living room. Just say “answer.” Just say “tell me about.”


Possible Uses of a Replicator

The definition I have for one is a device that creates other things. We’ve seen them before in shows that bring up meals and drinks seemingly from thin air. Let’s just say they can create anything and go from there. Maybe they just change molecules and stuff. Rearranging atoms. Transforming them.

This thing would truly be everywhere. Not just in a room where you get food.

You’d have small disks for them to place all around. And a square shaped one in the pocket.

So at your arms reach it creates a drink or meal. Whatever you want. Earl grey tea.

At the desk they would be there to create pen and paper.

Factories would have these churning out things constantly.

A Car would always have a spare tire.

Something even less considered is that it can create new compounds altogether. Like we did with plastic. After all if we can rearrange molecules in such a way we can create all new properties. Things that nature never did on its own.

Precious gems and metal can be created. Or all new ones.

A person could have a whole manufacturing facility in their room. On hand.

Fuel could be produced from them. Not just a drink. But other fluids. A fireplace would never need tree derived wood. And maybe heat could be simulated too. And oxygen. And water. Bricks for a home. Or even better, special kinds of materials for construction.


The Future of Circuit Boards, Software, TV.

One great thing would be conductive plastic. And beyond that of varying levels of conductivity. Effectively incorporating into it things like fiber optics and whatever could serve them well. Which will be over time. Sending electricity through the air would cause a monumental change in them. In fact wireless electricity would cause a monumental change itself. A more universal and far more intuitive programming language would propel the software for it. AI working well alongside. As such you could just write down ideas like for a video game and have the AI program it of the type. It would be of a more “let there be light" way of programming. There could be the “center CPU" in such a case as that. One that has all of the things twist around to suit the needs of their use. A universal circuit board. Those are things I can only provide in the abstract.

But if circuit boards become very small yet very powerful, much more than they are now, and if they can be mixed and matched, then a person is no longer buying ram or a hard drive. Already is with an SSD. But do that a few times over with a few different things and you have a device incredibly small yet awesomely powerful. Pop in your own programs/software/games, ones that you mostly had AI create. Who could then hold a copyright? Well such things will have to be considered.

We already having software improving software, usually known as mods. And we have what we now consider “highly simplistic" software emulating other programming language created things. As with “emulators.” USB gamepads are very affordable. And this stuff is in many ways becoming universal. Like power supplies.

If it is going to be small cheap and easy anyway then they may just start including a computer inside a TV. And whatever would go well alongside, like controlling and recording the internet.

And moving onto TV.. I believe that it and internet is being formed into one. Somewhat so, already. Streaming games is being g attempted by at least a couple of companies. Digital projectors and very large TVs have become greatly cheaper. 3D TV didn’t really catch on. VR and holograms make simple screens less favorable. Are we going to be more at a stadium then a seat? How much depth do holograms need according to viewing them as a form of entertainment? A whole room? Greater? And where will we sit? Up higher? Not directly in front? And would we walk around in the movie? Would we prefer to be a part, or just a spectator? What would the “filming" entail (or more like programmed to be.)

There are a lot of questions indeed to answer about the future of TV. Will it become obsolete in it’s current form? Replaced by VR. By holograms or halo lenses.


Android servants

We tend to be very short sided on androids working for us. We may think they are going to be future maids and not much else. But they could do a great deal more. Not just cleaning. Even more than we could do. AI could be far smarter than us. And they are stronger, more versatile physically as made to be. They could run errands. They could protect us. They could water the garden. As well as cook and clean. I did see a science fiction movie though were some of these existed. That and playing the piano. Working on art. Building things. Construction, electronics and otherwise.


Specific robotics

While the human form can do a lot as an android, different kinds of forms are sure to be present too. Like a thing that paints the wall. A delivery machine. Things that mop the floor or vacuum it. Maybe we will even have robotic dogs someday. Human companion machines you could say. In any kind of form.


Adjustment of entertainment

I’m sure before long that you could filter out content not child friendly using AI to find it and cut it out before it is shown. That could be a thing a media player could do. Saving clips could be easier. Buying whole series would be on a small memory card instead of a boxer set. Music, too. Whatever price they find fair. Different versions of the same movie may come about. And I think that would be an awesome idea. That it includes scenes not there on the first viewing. Making the movie a little different each time you watch it.

And maybe you could make choices for the characters in the movie. You could be a part of the movie in ways like that. N ok t really a video game. Just making the movie what you want it to be. To have a bit of interaction with it. Maybe you could control the camera to a degree as well. Having it pan around. And while another set of people are doing one thing and another set of people another at the same time, you may flip between them. In effect you could “look around the movie.”


Designing your own entertainment

In a step by step process you could create your own music through AI based instructions. You could choose just what kind if voice, perhaps with examples, higher, lower pitch, scale, instruments, etc., and of course lyrics. Would sound so damn real you couldn’t differentiate it from the real thing. You could say to speed up the playing, make it louder, or softer. When done record it. Save it as a music file. Use it as you wish to. Sell it. Hand it out. Incorporate it into something else.

And they could take old shows and make new episodes of them through AI.


Walking around Earth

Online maps are becoming as such that you can take a look around in all directions. You know, those street maps where you can turn around and go closer. This could be incorporated into a few different things. Like on a tread meal you could jog at home and have a better view. Jog in any city or place you want to. You could take a look at earth itself and everything in it. And with permission you can come in and visit a friend or a family member. You could even make new friends in such a way. Maybe they’ll have a special doorbell. A note on the door that is only there in electronic form. A large sign that is really there indicating something. Things posted in general like a wish list or your real property enhanced in some ways digitally to incorporate into the map. A digital garage sell for example for anyone who visits you on “the map.”


My house

MySpace will become MyHouse, in fact that’s a domain name that could soar in value. A my house website would give a digital representation of a very large home. You could set it up precisely to your desire.  You could leave notes on a desk for visitors who have come into the first room. You could have your days favorite videos playing on you TV. More personal ones in your own room. You could have things to sell in your garage. Connected maybe to a selling account on another website. An assortment of your favorite things in digital form. Viewable like as in VR or a multi directional movement (3D.) If you want to see a visitor you can. If you don’t want to, they cant come in. And other things could be good to include as well, like photo albums and songs playing on the “radio" while you are able to express yourself with them. Or a book shelf of the books you like the most.


The Effect of Easy Knowledge

Meaning that knowledge is quick to grab and use: readily available and taught in a wide variety of ways. Thanks to the internet this is so. A few decades ago (from the time of this writing) that was not so. If a person was to learn anything they only had books and higher education. Trying to learn a new thing wasn’t easy. But now due to internet, people can learn whatever they want. And they are learning new things along the way. The information any one given individual could use is more broad. There aren’t as many missing pieces. So knowledge is had by the regular person. Unless they choose not to use any of it, preferring entertainment vices.


Going to Mars in Style

We may haven’t gone to Mars yet but when we do we will have a lot more at our disposal than we would have, had we gone already. They’d had been depe

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