The Biblical Festivals – Messiah’s Aliyah of Glory by P.R. Otokletos - HTML preview

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Passover - Conclusion

What we were able to ultimately discern within this review of the Pesach Mo’ed was the following:

  • Israel and all humanity is subjected to the bondage and slavery of the imperial systems of the fallen creation;

  • Hasatan is the power that subjugates Israel and all nations … the systems of this world belong to him and are part of his kingdom;

  • Redemption (freedom) is needed for Israel and all humanity; redemption from innate lawlessness to a condition of lawfulness;

  • The fallen creation is under the judgment of G_D;

  • The redemption price is Mashiach Yeshua himself; the lamb of G_D;

  • The redemption objective is the adoption of Israel and all humanity into the “seed of G_D”;

  • The result of redemption is the establishment of G_D’s kingdom which is to stand in opposition to the kingdom of hasatan for purposes of separation, judgment and ultimately restoration. It is the Kingdom of light;

  • Adoption into the kingdom is to result in a personal relationship between an individual and G_D defined within the auspices of the Holy Service;

  • The inheritance of the children of “olam hazeh” is what the destroyer brings … death;

  • Pesach was Yeshua’s appointed time … the time he was to be offered up … the time that redemption/adoption was declared … the time that Yeshua took back the authority.

Hopefully there are no doubts or confusion remaining that the events which transpired in Egypt over three thousand years ago were assuredly meaningful to the Israelites within its own context … but … assuredly these events also served as a model of promise and future fulfillment within the auspices of the Hebrew Mashiach … Yeshua.

As this brief review detailed, Pesach begins the plan of G_D wherein he exercises his right of redemption as The Goel. What we’ve also seen as well is that the fulfillment of these promises did take place within the glorious life and ministry of Mashiach Yeshua. As such then we really need to understand what these things mean to us today … as people … in our modern world!

What we ultimately must realize is that all people are inherently children of “olam hazeh” and subjects to the world’s systems that are ruled over by G_D’s adversary. As such there is only enslavement resulting in lawlessness and death … unless … we can be remembered by G_D and redeemed.

What this Pesach review has showed us however is that redemption is only considered by G_D when we cry out … “ABBA save me from what owns me … save me from what I am not able to extricate myself from … redeem me and give me the chance to be adopted into your family … into your seed”. And we know further that this redemption cry can only be issued in faith through the redemptive power of Yeshua HaMashiach alone … the one who has paid the redemption price.

It is paramount for all people to recognize the utter lack of power that we have in this matter. It is paramount that all people recognize our state (lawless and unacceptable to G_D) while we belong to the seed of “olam hazeh”. It is paramount that all people understand that our pathway to G_D lies in redemption that brings us into alignment with the Everlasting Covenant via adoption into the seed of Yeshua … the Holy One of Israel … into the Kingdom of light. It is paramount that all people understand that our extrication from olam hazeh and the forgiveness of past sins is designed for the sole purpose of having us integrated into the servant kingdom Israel … ultimately to become an integral part of the Holy Service and permanent Mishkan that Yeshua is building.

As we have seen herein, the Pesach Mo’ed is all about “redemption” … it is all about adoption … it is all about the “right to approach”. Pesach as we have seen represents not the end state … but the very beginning stages of our restoration towards acceptability.

Clearly we have not seen within the Pesach framework the details associated with ongoing or perpetual sin atonement, cleansing, eternal life and the world to come … “Olam habah”. Obviously as the reader can surmise these details will surface as we progress down the path of subsequent Mo’adim reviews … as we make aliyah!

What we can be confident in however is that Pesach represents this first step of our “aliyah” back to G_D … through Yeshua HaMashiach. We should therefore as modern day Messianic believers remain cognizant of the importance of this redemption and just how important Pesach is to G_D’s plan. We must be cognizant of how integral Pesach is to Yeshua HaMashiach … the one who is making this happen.

Let us not lose sight that Pesach was ordained “forever”. Let us not forget that all redeemed people belong to the kingdom of Israel through Mashiach and are naturally bound to the Everlasting Covenant … which is a beautiful thing! Let us not forget that partaking of the Pesach sacrifice is an absolutely necessary element of redemption and a right reserved only for the faithful children of G_D.

When we view Pesach in purely Messianic terms, like we did with Shabbat, it should be abundantly clear that Pesach is an inherited right to all who are adopted into G_D’s family. Pesach stands therefore as the permanent memorial to Yeshua’s redemptive works as Goel and the suffering servant and … also … as the additional promise to come when Yeshua will permanently redeem us from the corruption of olam hazeh as Mashiach Ben David … King of Kings!

So … is there any doubt that Yeshua, who paid the price for redemption with his life, wants and assuredly deserves Pesach honored forever?

Is there any doubt that our minimal response to the revelation of Pesach in its full Messianic glory is to grasp onto our redemption in Mashiach Yeshua?

Is there any doubt that Pesach remains and should be an integral component of the believer’s annual life cycle?

Do we really think that G_D accepts any form of substitute for Nisan 14 … the day which he has established as the Appointed Time of redemption?

So … what do we think of any person or system … knowing the truth … that tells us not to honor and obey G_D’s Pesach … to what Kingdom do we think they belong to … the Kingdom of light or the kingdom of darkness? Hmmm!

End Pesach Discourse - Aliyah Step 1