The Biblical Festivals – Messiah’s Aliyah of Glory by P.R. Otokletos - HTML preview

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First Fruits - Conclusion

There should be no surprises after this review that the Festival of Yom Habikkurim (First Fruits) … as ordained by G_D … is and does forever encapsulate the principle of regeneration or renewal. There should also be no confusion that Yom Habikkurim, that 3rd day … in that year … at that appointed time … is when G_D, through Yeshua HaMashiach, delivered the means of humanity’s own transformation!

There should be no doubts at all that “The Resurrection” of Yeshua is forever associated and permanently memorialized by G_D within the Yom Habikkurim (First Fruits) Mo’ed!

So … a question for the mainline Christian … “what significance or relevance does the astrological Roman festival of “Easter” (a pagan fertility festival … instituted long before the coming of Mashiach) have to do with Yeshua … with the Everlasting Covenant … with the Holy Service … with the Mishkan … with the Torah … with the Biblical Hebraic perspective? Hmmm! Any attempt to remove Yeshua’s glorious resurrection from the appointed time (Yom Habikkurim) is … pun intended … “fruitless”!

As for the mainline Jewish brethren … within the very foundation of our Jewish prayer life, as depicted within the “Amidah” (daily prayers) … is the second prayer the “Gevurot” or praises to the might of G_D. … Praises to the G_D who raises the dead … praises to the G_D who brings forth “Yeshua/Salvation”!


Frankly … when simply viewing this prayer one can only wonder and despair how the mainline Jewish believer fails to recognize the truth who is Yeshua HaMashiach … Goel of Israel and all humanity! Yeshua who is the Salvation of G_D!

It would sadly appear that honoring the First Fruits Mo’ed … at the appointed time, without Yeshua, is presenting G_D with tribute for blessings provided. Assuredly it can’t represent us memorializing Mashiach for providing the means of our temporal transformation.

And let us not forget at this point that Mashiach revealed to Israel and specifically to a member of the Sanhedrin that “rebirth” … temporal renewal was a requirement for citizenship into G_D’s Kingdom. Naturally Nicodemus was a G_D fearer and observant Jew … so clearly a pure mental disciplinary approach to Torah application is not something that will get us far in the eyes of G_D since our works are as filthy rags when performed for merits.

Yes beloveds … it appears that in pure Messianic Hebraic terms … we have some serious problems in properly observing the glorious Mo’ed of Yom Habikkurim! On one hand we have ignorant observance of the event on a day not appointed by G_D … while on the other hand we have ignorant observance of the appointed time … in both instances the fullness of Yeshua being sadly absent.

Clearly there are hearts and minds in both hands that want what we should all yearn for … renewal … leading to permanent life in G_D. But just as clearly G_D has ordained for us this special Mo’ed wherein we set aside the cares of this world and pay tribute to the one who: purges, transforms, sustains, guides, blesses and yes even punishes!

So hopefully there are no lingering doubts that Yom Habikkurim is indeed the only valid “appointed time” associated with The Resurrection of Yeshua HaMashiach. It is only in and through Yeshua where the ever present shadow of mortality and death is made void through light … Yeshua is the one who leads us through the shadow of the valley of death onto dry land which is the inheritance made under the promises of the Everlasting Covenant … we shall not fear!

OK … since this is the case then what are people to do? Change the day upon which they observe the event? The answer to this is assuredly a yes if Yom Habikkurim is not the day upon which Yeshua’s resurrection is celebrated!

Beyond the tactical question of observance however lies the crux of the issue … personal transformation of the temporal human! We are indeed talking about the “new person” versus the “old person” … a renewed mind versus the mind stuck in olam hazeh … the response to the baptism of water that results in a regeneration of the temporal person!

Ultimately let us consider the Yom Habikkurim from our beloved Mashiach’s perspective for one moment. Do we think his heart is gladdened when billions of people by-pass the eternal Mo’ed to celebrate his taking back his life from the dead at a time appointed by men … by pagan Rome?

Do we think Mashiach’s heart is gladdened when the seed of Jacob honors the Mo’ed but fails to recognize him at the festival’s center?

Let us remember that Mashiach ben Joseph, the suffering servant was ordained to die broken hearted … do we want to continue breaking his most precious heart? Heaven forbid!

End Yom Habikkurim Discourse - Aliyah Step 3