The Biblical Festivals – Messiah’s Aliyah of Glory by P.R. Otokletos - HTML preview

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Pentecost Conclusion

As we begin the wrap up of this brief and hopefully enlightening Shavu’ot review … we should realize that we still need to consider Shavu’ot within the broader Mo’adim, Covenantal, Holy Service and Mishkan perspectives.

As we embark on these perspectives there is something quite extraordinary about the B’rit Chadasha Shavu’ot experience that needs to be exposed. When we consider the supernatural record of peoples from so many diverse tongues being able to hear the news of Mashiach Yeshua … from the followers of Yeshua who could not possibly have known all these languages … we should look to Scriptures for additional context … meaning and revelation. After all is this not the same question that was asked by those at the time … “what means this?”

And the whole earth was of one language and of one speech. And it came to pass, as they journeyed east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. And they said one to another: 'Come, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly.' And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar. And they said: 'Come, let us build us a city, and a tower, with its top in heaven, and let us make us a name; lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.' And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. And the LORD said: 'Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language; and this is what they begin to do; and now nothing will be withholden from them, which they purpose to do. Come, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.' So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth; and they left off to build the city. Therefore was the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth; and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth. (Genesis 11:1-9)

When we look back to the story of Babylon and the tower of Babel in Genesis we must recall that the “seed” in complete control of these people was that of the adversary and the desires and motives of those great builders was wickedness … idolatry … rebellion … even after the great flood … even after the great purge! As such the LORD took mercy upon humanity and the Earth while intervening so that the great evil would be stayed. This confusing of mankind by introducing local languages and dialects was essentially an act of mercy! It appears that without G_D’s intervention the cup of Babylon’s iniquity would be filled well before its due time!

Within Scriptures we do not see another such comparable record of supernatural language related events until the Festival of Shavu’ot as recorded in the B’rit Chadasha. But … this time the supernatural event is not designed to confuse the people … this time the supernatural event is designed to remove all confusion so that the truth would be made manifest. This time the people are not being dissuaded from building the great edifice and city but rather they are being called to participate in the greatest construction project of human history … the rebuilding of the eternal temple!

We have already exposed numerous Scriptures herein where Yeshua and his talmidim depict the believer as a building block in the temple being built by Yeshua. We have seen where the believer is reckoned as being the temple itself … with G_D inside the believer. We have seen where the believer is to be part of the nation of Priests … caretakers of the Holy Service and their very lives the sacrificial offering to G_D … just as Yeshua is! We have seen where the body of believers are to be as one … united in Mashiach … united in the faith … united in the Kingdom.

What we learn from these Shavu’ot events is that through Mashiach, G_D can once again trust humanity. Through Mashiach this confusion (Babylon) and separation, implemented for humanity’s protection has been lifted so that nothing will be withheld from us … for our “seed” is righteous … our motives are pure … the outputs of the great construction are meant to bring G_D glory and honor. In essence G_D through Shavu’ot is declaring … go ahead my children … be all that you want to be and can be … and he will not only keep from impeding our efforts but entrust us with the tools, knowledge and resources to get the job done … for the sake of his Holy NAME alone!

We must remember that in this grand plan of G_D … all things are being aggregated into Mashiach Yeshua. Shavu’ot then represents this great Mo’ed of the elect wherein the true believers are no longer themselves … but united in the Body of Mashiach through membership in the eternal temple and holy service.

The promise of Shavu’ot and the seal of election serve as a promise for the great day … “And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from G_D out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.” (Revelation 21:2)

But beloveds … the building has already commenced and Shavu’ot serves as the great memorial to the beginning of the project! A project where believers are integral to the effort and serve the master builder … Yeshua HaMashiach … who most assuredly does not provide anything but uniform, clear, consistent and wise directives!

Now pondering a bit more upon the Mishkan and Holy Service … we should note that this 4th Mo’ed would be aligned to the great Menorah within the Holy Place.


As the reader will recall the Yom Habikkurim (First Fruits) Mo’ed was aligned with the Table of Showbread … representing the renewal of the temporal land and individual. As exposed herein however this Shavu’ot Mo’ed … is thoroughly associated with Torah … Israel’s light as a reflection of G_D’s character. Although there are numerous Scriptures that reveal how “light” is thoroughly associated with G_D … with Yeshua … with wisdom and the ways of righteousness, it is going to be presumed that provision of such detail herein is not necessary. It is presumed that most readers are cognizant of these associated Biblical relationships be they Jewish or Christian.

The point to be made herein is that this continued ascent (aliyah) within the Mishkan is undoubtedly aligned perfectly with the Mo’ed yet again. In this case the Menorah, symbolic of G_D’s essence (G_D is light) … represents clearly the next stage of the holy servant’s path. Redemption to Separation to Temporal Renewal to Spiritual Indwelling … all enabled of course through the works and power of Yeshua HaMashiach. It remains all about Mashiach!

And because we have seen where the Shavu’ot Mo’ed is directly associated with G_D’s Torah, there should be no debate whatsoever that this light inside the indwelled believer is nothing less than this same Torah. The Torah of G_D no longer written and subjected to sheer mental and physical interpretations … but now circumcised upon one’s heart by the master mason … the master stone cutter … Yeshua HaMashiach.

And should this come as any surprise? If believers are indeed to be the living temple … than what good is a temple without light? What good is Israel if their wisdom before the nations is something other than what G_D has declared to be wisdom? What good is knowledge without the heart and spirit of G_D to properly utilize it? If one approaches the teachings of Yeshua in a proper Hebraic perspective it is clear that Yeshua goes beyond the tactical and literal nature of the commandments and teaches the Torah to the people in a manner so that they, like David, understand that Torah is in fact “spiritual” by nature and tangibly mental in a secondary fashion. The B’rit Chadasha shows us that as righteous and good as the works of the law are … they cannot by themselves transform us. Mashiach taught us that obedience AND desire AND praying for this righteousness is what G_D wants. THEN G_D will send the gift of the SPIRIT … THEN Torah can be wielded spiritually by believers.

Most assuredly Yeshua’s revelation and delivery of real Torah to Israel is worthy of Mashiach … Most assuredly there is only glory and no shame in Yeshua’s B’rit Chadasha!

Through Mashiach Yeshua the perfection of Shavu’ot is manifested to all the Earth. So then … is Shavu’ot a permanent memorial to the gift of the Holy Spirit that results in over 35,000 disparate communities, with their own edifices, doctrines and practices?

Is Shavu’ot then a permanent memorial to the gift of the Holy Spirit that results in each and every individual determining on their own how G_D’s character … his essence … is to manifest?

Is Shavu’ot then a permanent memorial to the gift of the Holy Spirit that results in every believer and community speaking a different language?

Is Shavu’ot then a permanent memorial to the gift of the Holy Spirit that results in confusion?

Or …

Is Shavu’ot then a permanent memorial to the gift of the Holy Spirit through Mashiach … which results in G_D’s Torah being written upon the hearts of believers?

Is Shavu’ot then a permanent memorial to the gift of the Holy Spirit through Mashiach … that results in believers sharing a unique distinctness that is uniform, recognizable and directly related and aligned with the Everlasting Covenant?

Is Shavu’ot then a permanent memorial to the gift of the Holy Spirit through Mashiach … that results in believers collectively moving in a manner that depicts the building of the eternal temple and new Jerusalem; a movement towards individual and communal holiness?

At the end of the day we are left with pondering: “what all of this means?”

What has been depicted herein, through review of the Shavu’ot Mo’ed in Traditional and Messianic Hebraic perspectives … is that Shavu’ot represents a most critical element of both individual and communal ascent (aliyah) along our path back to G_D’s presence. Shavu’ot is the second mandatory pilgrimage for members of Israel.

We have seen where G_D’s Torah … his LIGHT represents Israel’s true inheritance as well as the path that his chosen people are to pursue … specifically for the purposes of expressing his love for humanity to all peoples of the Earth. This is clearly revealed within the auspices of the Tanakh.

We also clearly see where G_D’s Torah … his Word … his Mashiach Yeshua has revealed himself to be: the way, the truth, and the life … the light of the whole world … the true and sustaining vine … the bread of life … the living waters … … the resurrection … the inheritance of the saints … the good shepherd … the master rabbi … the builder of the eternal Temple … the Everlasting Covenant … the SON of G_D!

Within the auspices of the Shavu’ot Mo’ed then … believers should be forever celebrating this awesome gift of G_D’s SPIRIT with the heart and knowledge that we are being purposefully conformed to a state of being that is unachievable through human endeavor.

Shavu’ot is celebrated with humble gratitude that we as believers have been chosen from before time to live with G_D’s very presence inside of us.

Shavu’ot is celebrated by believers because we now walk confidently along the straight and narrow path of G_D … with this serving as G_D’s seal and the promise of immortal inheritance in and through Yeshua HaMashiach.

Shavu’ot is celebrated by believers because we truly have been made different, distinct and peculiar … we are no longer bound to the legacy or expectations of this temporal world because Shavu’ot encapsulates the baptism of fire.

Shavu’ot is celebrated by believers because we truly are now consumed by G_D through our LORD Yeshua HaMashiach … we burn for HIS Word because within HIS Word is Life itself.

Shavu’ot is celebrated by believers because we have found our purpose in life and that is to lay down our mortal experience in the present for the hope of a better and permanent experience to come … in that day.

Shavu’ot is celebrated by believers because we are now part of Kingdom Israel … full citizens … with all due rights and responsibilities … providing witness to G_D and his Mashiach Yeshua without shame.

Shavu’ot is celebrated by believers, at the properly ordained time, because this is what G_D has revealed and declared … and this is what Yeshua HaMashiach has upheld and confirmed … and this is the truth that the Ruach HaKodesh confirms!

And when we view Shavu’ot collectively within the auspices of the entire Spring Mo’adim we should get a wonderful sense that these stages of development represent the re-birth and maturation phases of a believer. As the early Spring barley harvest represents the initial and somewhat immature grain … we see in Shavu’ot the sprouting forth of mature and robust grain. As such Shavu’ot culminates this aggregate Spring season leaving us: redeemed; separated; renewed and most assuredly equipped to perform our duties in conformance to the Everlasting Covenant and will of G_D.

When we view the Spring Mo’adim collectively we should recognize through the Holy Service and Mishkan patterns that we have moved from aliens to a point of acceptable approach to a renewed mind and attitude to a point of innate divine wisdom that sanctifies us and makes us holy! Not because we are worth anything on our own but because of G_D’s eternal mercy and love … he has given us Yeshua HaMashiach the way, the truth and the life.

So what then shall we say? Has all been revealed … can there be anything at all of relevance beyond G_D’s SPIRIT within us?

We must not lose sight regarding the covenantal nature of this “G_D to Israel” … this “G_D to humanity” relationship. G_D has revealed his plan and he has implemented this plan at tremendous cost to himself! In total righteousness, mercy and love he has initiated the restoration of his beloved creation through the sacrifice, suffering and death of the beloved SON … his own dear and perfect Word that is the exact manifestation of his own glorious character and essence … Yeshua HaMashiach! This truth undoubtedly revealed in Holy Scripture … both in the Tanakh and the B’rit Chadasha.

Consequently we really need to consider what we’ve been taught and how we’ve been raised with respects to our relationship with G_D. From a Spring Mo’adim perspective can we really convince ourselves that we are serious … that we are compliant to his requirements … that we are really desirous of redemption, separation, renewal and Spiritual indwelling? These are important questions because if we are not then the subsequent meaningfulness of the Mo’adim reviews to come will undoubtedly be irrelevant. G_D wants us to start … Yeshua wants us to start … we need to start our aliyah back home! We need to make the first two pilgrimages before we can undertake the third and final pilgrimage.

In tactical terms then … if a person is a purported believer in G_D the G_D of Israel … a purported believer in Yeshua HaMashiach the redeemer of Israel and all humanity; than what should be an adequate response to redemption, separation, renewal and Spiritual indwelling within the auspices of G_D’s Mo’adim cycle?

Yet again do purported believers shrug the shoulders and simply follow the customs and traditions handed down over time? Gentile customs which for the last 1,850 years have led Christianity away from observing the Mo’adim … customs which represent mere man-made traditions … customs which at the very best represent in some shadowy perspective a portion of the truth of Mashiach’s glory and G_D’s great plan for Israel and all humanity. Hmmm!

Yet again do purported traditional Jewish believers shrug the shoulders and simply follow the customs and traditions handed down over time? Rabbinic customs which for the last 2,000 years have led the Jewish people away from observing the Mo’adim in the proper Hebraic Messianic context … customs that have failed to recognize the glory of G_D in and through Yeshua HaMashiach … customs reflective of the original shadow associated with the Exodus and wilderness experience. Hmmm!

All the congregation of Israel shall keep it (Pesach). And when a stranger shall sojourn with thee, and will keep the Passover to the LORD, let all his males be circumcised, and then let him come near and keep it; and he shall be as one that is born in the land; but no uncircumcised person shall eat thereof. One law shall be to him that is home-born, and unto the stranger that sojourns among you.' (Exodus 12:47-49)

In light of the Hebraic review of the Spring Mo’adim performed herein and the revelation provided by Scriptures … do we believe in one Torah (teaching) for both Jew and Gentile? Do we believe that the Mo’adim are somehow irrelevant to G_D’s plan? Do we believe that G_D really desires a divergent, fragmented and ignorant chosen people? Do we really believe as the Scripture reveals that all things are being drawn into G_D through, by, with and in Yeshua HaMashiach?

This Biblical Hebraic perspective review hopefully thus far has shed much needed light upon the relationship between the Mo’adim … G_D’s plan … and of course Yeshua HaMashiach. If this be the case than what should the reaction of the purported believer be? Should there be any doubts regarding the meaning and purpose of his plan as revealed and manifested in and through Yeshua? Should there be any doubts as to why G_D ordained the observance of the Mo’adim FOREVER?

Ultimately the early and late Spring Mo’adim collectively represent memorials of G_D’s work on our behalf and this work has been perfected by Yeshua HaMashiach. Do we then honor Mashiach in the manner prescribed and commanded by G_D or do we continue to “do as we please” and “do as tradition dictates”? Do we really believe in our hearts that G_D’s Holy Spirit would teach and lead us away from the Torah … that it is “OK” to disavow the commandments … disavow the pursuit of purity and holiness? Hmmm!

The purpose of the Holy Spirit is to guide us in the ways of Mashiach … in the ways of G_D. If our behavior is not consistent with the character of the LORD … If our behavior is not reflective of the Everlasting Covenant then we really need to consider the possibility that we people are attempting to be god … that we people are in essence telling G_D what is proper behavior … telling G_D how he is to deal with our definition of righteousness … how he needs to dispense grace and mercy. Hmmm … sounds like the same desires of Adam and Eve!

End Shavu’ot Discourse - Aliyah Step 4