The Biblical Festivals – Messiah’s Aliyah of Glory by P.R. Otokletos - HTML preview

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Trumpets - Conclusion

We began this Yom Teru’ah discourse declaring that this festival, beyond all others, has traditionally been deemed to be somewhat mysterious in nature. Despite such challenges we can readily see in Scriptures where Yom Teru’ah is all about trumpeting and shouting … Yom Teru’ah is about being called into remembrance by G_D within the context of celebrating, sacrificing, warning, moving, battle preparation and judgment.

Within this basic framework, Scriptures readily provided us the wilderness experience (the entrance into Canaan) most exemplifying all of the Yom Teru’ah attributes. The subsequent review of these events enabled us to discern a very concrete outline of context and meaning within a Biblical Hebraic perspective:

  • G_D remembering his chosen people Israel;

  • G_D judging the children of hasatan;

  • G_D exercising authority over hasatan;

  • G_D personally waging battle on behalf of Israel;

  • G_D removing the reproach of his people Israel,

  • G_D physically establishing the temporal Earthly Kingdom of Israel;

  • G_D sanctifying the land and purging it of unrighteousness;

  • G_D placing into the land his Holy Presence with himself as King;

  • G_D establishing within the land the Holy Service;

  • G_D delivering the promises of the Everlasting Covenant;

  • G_D setting up Torah as the Kingdom’s constitutional regulations

With this established framework we consequently looked within the B’rit Chadasha inspired writings and with little difficulty were able to establish the patterns and relevance within the context of Mashiach’s return.

Upon further review we also readily could see where the prophetic fulfillment of Yom Teru’ah, in a B’rit Chadasha context, was thoroughly consistent with the Messianic Prophecies and End Days Scriptures contained within the Tanakh.

It would appear that an extremely strong case has been made linking Yom Teru’ah to the “Day of the LORD” and consequently Mashiach Yeshua’s second coming to judge the nations of the Earth and establish his Earthly Kingdom!

Admittedly for some or possibly many readers this association may not have come as a surprise. In all probabilities however the path to this understanding did not come by way of viewing the Israelites entrance into the promised-land within a Yom Teru’ah context. It is hoped that this wilderness pattern Mo’ed promise and Messianic fulfillment in Mashiach Yeshua framework, has provided a more robust and richer understanding of the Mo’ed and G_D’s grand plan.

Additionally we should be strengthened and made more confident that the Hebraic perspective framework (Traditional-Messianic) is a framework that apparently overlaid nicely for those Mo’adim already fulfilled by Mashiach … but just as well overlays nicely for this Mo’ed not yet fulfilled by Mashiach. We should be comforted and delighted that G_D is true to his Word and will not leave us guessing … he will not leave us wondering what it is that he wants us to understand!

As believers in G_D … in Mashiach Yeshua … we really must take stock in what is revealed within his Word! What we’ve seen depicted within Scriptures concerning the tribulation to come and the establishment of Mashiach’s Earthly Kingdom is for many folks assuredly a surprise.

As modern believers we should be willing to confront the Scriptural supported Messianic Hebraic perspective that depicts:

  • A tribulation wherein the saints are under duress because of the faith and cleaving to the commandments;

  • A tribulation wherein the adherents of Mystery Babylon the great whore … adherents of unorthodox doctrine … will be under the judgment of G_D;

  • A Millennial Kingdom of Mashiach that is Biblically Hebraic and Torah centric;

  • A Millennial Kingdom of Mashiach that restores Israel and the Jewish people to prominence and well-being while chartering them with the stewardship of those left from the nations;

  • A Millennial Kingdom of Mashiach that is all about grooming and sanctification … a Kingdom that is geared to readying the people;

  • A Millennial Kingdom of Mashiach wherein the Sar Shalom … Yeshua … is a King that expects and demands compliance;

  • A Millennial Kingdom of Mashiach wherein those that are non-compliant will be punished and worse yet not be allowed to approach G_D’s presence.

Based on simple observation it would seem that this picture of Mashiach’s rule … this picture of life after death for some people … essentially represents a significant shift in view … and perhaps even sadly may represent a view that is not particularly inviting.

From a Messianic perspective however this picture is not only a picture of “how things should be” but it is a picture of “how we want things to be!” From a Messianic perspective this Kingdom of Mashiach is the only Kingdom that makes sense in accordance to the complete revelation of Holy Scriptures. In this Kingdom the Torah is upheld … in this Kingdom the Holy Service is upheld … in this Kingdom the Mishkan serves as the central focus of existence … in this Kingdom every promise made under the auspices of the Everlasting Covenant is upheld. Let’s face reality … what good would G_D’s Word be to us if the end game of the Earthly Age were to result in anything but what he has already revealed to us?

And in case this picture of Mashiach’s Kingdom alarms or frightens a believer in Yeshua … fret not. It is the opinion of this author that the details associated with the Kingdom to come should provide nothing but hope. It certainly appears that Mashiach himself declares that his peoples will need to learn what is clean and unclean … his peoples need to learn the laws of the House … his peoples will essentially need to be taught the Kingdom rules and regulations. As such this more than implies that there are peoples within the Kingdom that have survived the tribulation … but are not quite up to speed with how the Kingdom operates. This seems to imply that there will be resurrected persons of faith that will need to come up to speed with regards to how the Kingdom operates. This implies and upholds that faith in Mashiach and not the works of the law save! This implies and upholds that his mercy for the sake of HIS GREAT NAME is what this is all about.

Frankly in the opinion of this believer … there are not many believers, Torah observant included, that are ready for graduation … are ready to bypass training!

Perhaps a closer look at the Holy Service and Mishkan pattern can provide us a sense of perspective from a different vantage point. Not only have we seen specific Mo’ed alignment with the patterns at each previous step of the “aliyah” but it seems to make sense given the tremendously important nature of Mashiach’s Temple within the Millennial Reign.


As can be seen within this Mishkan pattern the fifth Holy Service component is the Altar of Incense.

And thou shall make an altar to burn incense upon; of acacia-wood shall thou make it. … And thou shall put it before the veil that is by the ark of the testimony, before the ark-cover that is over the testimony, where I will meet with thee. And Aaron shall burn thereon incense of sweet spices; every morning, when he dresses the lamps, he shall burn it. And when Aaron lights the lamps at dusk, he shall burn it, a perpetual incense before the LORD throughout your generations. Ye shall offer no strange incense thereon, nor burnt-offering, nor meal-offering; and ye shall pour no drink-offering thereon … it is most holy unto the LORD.' (Exodus 30:1-10)

And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour. And I saw the seven angels which stood before G_D; and to them were given seven trumpets. And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne. And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before G_D out of the angel’s hand. (Revelation 8:1-4)

But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it. Likewise the Spirit also helps our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. And he that searches the hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because he makes intercession for the saints according to the will of G_D. (Romans 8:25-27)

Let the word of Mashiach dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the LORD. (Colossians 3:16) Note … direct translation “soul melodies”!

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of G_D, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto G_D, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good acceptable, and perfect will of G_D. (Romans 12:1-2)

Let us be reminded that Yom Teru’ah (Zikaron Teru’ah) at its very core is about shouting or trumpeting for the purposes of being “remembered by or being brought into the thoughts of G_D”. At its very root Yom Teru’ah is about communicating … it is about resonating acoustically to G_D!

And pray tell how does the “Altar of Incense” … of smoke … translate into audible, acoustic resonance?

We should see from Scriptures how the very prayers of the saints are contained within the incense smoke that rises before G_D’s throne … presenting a sweet aroma.

We should see where it is Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Breadth) that actually makes intervention on behalf of the saints. The Spirit of truth and soul searching that presents the groaning of our very souls to G_D despite our human inability to make audible such pleas, yearnings, desires and prayers.

We should see where the very Word that is Mashiach inside of us creates soul melodies within us. Melodies that are used to communicate with the other body of believers and G_D’s creation! Melodies as a tangible expression of love that we as people in most instances cannot even fathom!

We should see where our very lives … our walk in Mashiach is in fact a living sacrifice wherein our thoughts and actions are presented as a sacrificial offering before the throne of G_D through Mashiach Yeshua the eternal High Priest.

Oh yes beloveds … it assuredly appears that the seemingly inaudible nature of the “Altar of Incense” is in fact symbolic of a very real and tangible “resonant communication mode” between us and G_D.

And … when we view this next step in our aliyah … moving closer and closer to G_D through Yeshua … doesn’t this make sense? If in the previous step a believer is gifted with Ruach HaKodesh then how far of a leap is it to consider that HaRuach will actually work in us … work for us?

Yom Teru’ah then ultimately provides us with an extraordinary picture of things that are … and of things that are to come in the future!

Yom Teru’ah is a celebration of personal but even more so communal relationship with G_D wherein G_D eagerly awaits our call to remembrance … eagerly awaits to hear from us;

Yom Teru’ah is a permanent memorial to acoustical resonance … a memorial to the omnipotent power of G_D’s resonance … a memorial to the very act of creation of itself … a memorial to the RESONATING WORD … a memorial to Earth’s birthday;

Yom Teru’ah is a permanent memorial to the power and authority of the KING OF KINGS … a memorial of his dominion over all of creation and Earthly Kingdoms;

Yom Teru’ah is a permanent memorial to G_D’s faithful restoration and cleansing of creation … of his Earth;

Yom Teru’ah is a permanent memorial to G_D’s faithfulness of the promises made within the Everlasting Covenant to Israel … the promises of an everlasting possession;

Yom Teru’ah is a permanent memorial to interoperating with G_D through Ruach HaKodesh … defining a path … walking a path … changing directions … hearing alarms … preparing for battles … crying out in need … crying out in joy … giving praise and homage to G_D! It is a memorial to life in Mashiach!

Let’s face it folks … Yom Teru’ah consequently is a Festival that encapsulates the perseverance of the saints … that perseverance being nothing less than the love, mercy and benevolence of G_D.

As believers we know that the walk is not always easy … we know that the walk does not make us popular … we know that the walk in fact separates us from the acceptance and love of olam hazeh … it takes us away from “normal”!

The Mo’ed of Yom Teru’ah encapsulates both sides of the Israel equation. On one hand we are the pariah of humanity … the ones with the target on our backs … the ones whom this olam hazeh and the wicked one will come after. For Mashiach we are the fools of this world … we are the people scorned for what the world does is not acceptable to our G_D. On the other hand we are the children of the Everlasting Covenant … the children of Mashiach’s Kingdom to come … the children of inheritance.

So in light of this review can we view Yom Teru’ah in a more meaningful light? Can we see the importance and continued relevance of this Mo’ed? Do we not want to use this appointed time to cry … to shout out to G_D that:

“I do not want to fall under the judgment of olam hazeh” …

“I want to be remembered G_D” …

“I am willing to persevere for the sake of Mashiach” …

“I want to be part of the Kingdom” …

“I gladly await the KING and his righteous constitution”

Yom Teru’ah is that special day when G_D is listening … waiting to hear from us; are we going to call out and be remembered or just fade away into olam hazeh?

And … let us keep in mind that as final as this coming of Mashiach Yeshua to rule the Earth may seem to be, that there is more to the story … we’ve not quite reached to end game in a Biblical context as of yet … but we are getting close!

End Yom Teru’ah Discourse - Aliyah Step 5