The author Andrew A. Cullen has been writing under the pen name of P. R. Otokletos since 2004 when he began writing/blogging Messianic Jewish/Hebraic Roots commentaries across a broad range of topics.
The author is part of an emerging movement of believing Jews as well as former Christians recapturing the Hebraic roots of the Messianic faith. A movement that openly receives not just the redemptive grace of the Gospel but also the transformational lifestyle that comes with joyful pursuit of G_D's Sacred Torah … just as it was in the first century Ce!
Despite a successful career in politics and business, the author is driven first and foremost by a desire to understand the great G_D of creation and humanity's fate. To this end the author has spent years studying the Hebrew and Greek Holy Scriptures, in a Hebraic context in order to get past the delusions of mainline religions … to get at the truth!
In 2005 the author completed his first book "The Seven Churches of Asia - The Path of the Chosen Revealed". A work which provides a Messianic Hebraic look into the Revelation of Jesus Christ (Yeshua HaMashiach in Hebrew/Aramaic) respective to the seven church messages found in the Book of Revelation.
His second full length book completed in 2013 "Mystery Babylon Exposed - An Attack On Lawlessness", provides a broad sweeping overview of how G_D's adversary works against the children of men through confusion, lies and deceit to keep people from the truth of the Gospel Message and the Covenantal relationship offered by G_D. The work exposes the false framework of wisdom woven into this temporal world (olam hazeh) and the solution for humanity (Grace and Torah) provided by G_D through Yeshua HaMashiach. This work undertakes a broad overview of the Torah Commandments within a Messianic context provided to us by Yeshua ... The Master Rebbe!
This most recent book "The Biblical Festivals - Messiah's Aliyah Of Glory" was completed in 2014. In this work the Traditional and Messianic Hebraic perspectives relative to the Sacred Festivals are surfaced, discussed and reviewed in order to reveal the glory of G_D through the awesome fulfillment and perfection of the Festivals by, in and through Mashiach Yeshua. This work essentially reveals Yeshua's great "aliyah" (ascent) to glory and consequently the great aliyah of Mashiach's faithful community ... a.k.a.. Israel!
The author is convinced that nearly two thousand years of wayward understanding of the Biblical texts and man-made doctrine has significantly shrouded humanity's view of G_D … his Messiah … and even the very Gospel message itself. Consequently the author has dedicated his time and efforts to offer humanity a different perspective of the G_D of Israel … a different perspective of Messiah Yeshua … a different perspective of the Gospel message in the hopes that some might be awakened to and pursue a relationship with G_D as defined within Holy Scriptures.
There is indeed a veil of ignorance that thickens all around us and is keeping us from our destiny … from our restoration. Like others who can see past this shroud, the author labors for no other reason than to give G_D the glory he is due and G_D's just due comes by way of the Hebraic bias … as the reader will soon see!
The author hosts a web-site " http://pr.otokletos.org/ where numerous Messianic Hebraic materials are provided free of charge.