The Yellow Aura is more like a child with regard to money.
Do not like to feel the weight of responsibility to manage its
monetary part. It's kind of a person, they call sheet plate gets worn.
Not worrying much about their future.
See money as a vehicle that connects you with other people in
society. The money is meant for him to have the most exquisite
pleasures, like cars, designer clothes, diamonds, etc, likes to feel
money in your pocket that brings you an illusion of well-being. Be
in the bar on the beach, being with friends, walking, in short where
there are people who spend their hobby is good bits of life together.
Due to a facility that also has scorched the money, it's always hit
for a Yellow Aura; find a better half who manages the monetary
part, as with all applications and payments. It would be very
beneficial for a Yellow Aura mention about these responsibilities,
which would help to further develop their consciousness.
But that will take into account that when the belt tightens for a
very long time, without drawing a target, causes revolts due to lack
of positive effort, aborting every effort played so far, letting it all
go down the drain, the level he has reached.
José Cruz
So a weekly review of the strategies or decisions of the financial
program is essential for this to be the Yellow Aura. Financial
capacity is one thing. But leadership is one of the notable
characteristics of this color is Aura Rainbow.
This ability is manifested when it works together with other people
and takes everything as a joke.
The Book Of Auras