For a person Aurica Green the Spirituality is nothing more
than an idea. How can one be more mental than Spiritual, as his
mind is turned to learning and can study its precepts as other
things, mathematics or history for example.
She only sees Spirituality as a matter which is to learn and nothing
more. Streamlining will be able to reach a conclusion Spiritual,
which can never happen.
The Supreme Power, to be in Aura Green, is the intelligence that
lies behind the creation of this reality. For him, his Spiritual quest
is a form of God considers that the work to discover who God is
through seems so and so difficult to achieve, as a challenge to
understand their self-esteem.
So from here the mind begins to unravel, beginning to emerge from
their Spiritual side.
This is how we take this to be the Aura Green go will be the mental
part with the intuition that leads to a higher level of wisdom.
To be a Auric Green Spirituality is also the resourcefulness it takes
to reach the end of the demand, so you can believe in All, and
feeling as an integral part of the Universe.
José Cruz
The Book Of Auras
José Cruz
The Book Of Auras