The Book of Auras by José Cruz - HTML preview

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Chapter 2


Because of these beings are more linked to the Blue Moon

part influenced by representing the same blue, which is known as a

color that is associated with homosexuality and bisexuality. They

tend to be more feminine than other people with Auras of different


But watch out there for some beings with this blue color have a

tendency to turn over these types of relationships, knowing there

are others that balance the feminine energy, or negative in it. Are

and feels quite man or woman, coming in many cases the father a


As you know the color blue is representative of love and that flows

from it. The attention for those who loves and cherishes,

accompanied by a constant concern in helping others is a feeling

that often manages to overflow out of you.

This is Aura Blue who always wants the best for others, delivery is

always to the cause as best he knows and feels. Intuitively always

adding something to what he does himself.

José Cruz


The Book Of Auras