The Book of Auras by José Cruz - HTML preview

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Chapter 5


All sporting activities that have to do with team spirit have to

do with this Auric Blue, being able to highlight the basketball,

soccer, water polo, among others.

As tends to seek its balance psycho-physical and sometimes

spiritual, this is Blue attracted to other sports that allow you to be

in Union with Nature.

Such as swimming, skydiving, horse riding, dancing, Tai Chi, Yoga

or simply a picnic, which cause them to enjoy and feel Mother

Nature, when this is Blue, does not have the energy stability

required for the proper functioning of your physical. Let thus

undesirable waste accumulate in the body parts found.

This is should not be a good pass energy in those areas, which

becomes more marked among women who after having children, or

when they begin to reach the age of menopause, usually get a little

more robust.

What many do not understand, and do strange diets come in many

cases to compromise your health. These ladies must feel that their

beauty is always on the inside.

José Cruz

With regard to men of Blue Aura, the main difficulty lies in

following what respect society. Being a man physically with all

learning disorders often brings you to the Company that it is an

integral part, because it is in their constitution Astral Blue and a

female being.

This may be overcome when he learned to be familiar with and

accept yourself as you really are.


The Book Of Auras