The Book of Auras by José Cruz - HTML preview

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Chapter 7


This being the Blue Auric racing business is more likely to win

when they have a particular component of the service, and allowing

it to relate intimately with others.

How to live more by Intuition tends to take longer to make certain

trading decisions, hopes that his Spirit will respond, after feeling

that it is high time, make the decision without looking back.

This needs to be to find ways to deal with business situations, and

to enable it to have time enough to work at their own pace, to feel

good professionally.

He needs all matters concerning the business, are well described in

contracts or in some way on paper. That he may have the

opportunity to separate the mental from the material, thus creating

an operative solution.

When there are setbacks in business as he takes a personal matter.

Thus gaining an immense inner strength which leads him to

recognize what you feel and where it comes from.

That enables you to learn more and continue forward, allowing it

to act successfully as regards the power of negotiation. And when

it takes a commitment is reliable.

José Cruz


The Book Of Auras