The Aura Crystal person has the power to delay or absorb the
other colors in the Universe, in proportional shares of the other
colors Auras, the holding in his being for the time necessary for its
For example, a part of Crystal Aura of the person can turn green,
when it interacts with another Aura Green. One of Crystal Aura
has a capacity to camouflage their color by absorbing rays of other
colors of Aura without any harm to another person.
Conversely, when this happens, the person Aura Green, feel more
vitalized and release as if a weight if it is. This is one of the gifts
that a conscious Crystal Aura holds.
When you do this, can take various forms, features and languages,
thoughts and attitudes, sometimes when necessary to reach Auras
memories of other colors, these people are alive or dead.
These facts often confuse family and friends, when they are not
attuned to it, can sometimes lead to small situations of
misunderstanding between them.
About the children, the parents of Crystal Aura children seem not
to care about the discipline, and forms of education.
José Cruz
Similarly, parents with other colors of Aura are upset when the
children of Crystal Aura pull back on the emotional, without giving
any indication of what they are thinking or feeling. In general,
these parents find it very difficult to relate to a child, it changes its
behavior at any instant.
About the mental level of the person Aura Crystal is not very
flexible in their spontaneous responses more closely resemble the
plays you like, makes use of such knowledge often acting as if he
had a script before.
Therefore usually a shy person, retracting a lot and most of the
time, he enjoys most part will be in different situations, just
waiting and feeling.
It is a type of person who trusts too much in others, typically
family members are always a few, as well as friends too. Often
depending on them to identify him, to build their identity or to keep
in contact and decide before the Society.
One of Crystal Aura is a very fragile mental costing you to keep
your nervous system balanced. When this happens it tends to relate
to their spirits, that's where you feel safe in the depths of his being.
When later comes up other people are baffled by what happened to
This is Crystal color, rarely shows his deepest feelings. Even in
times of crisis, what do you think is best but not spontaneously, as
do other beings with other colors of auras?
Because of its strong intuition feels that their true feelings are
misunderstood, so much to deny these to share the deepest parts of
themselves. That's the way it is to digest the tension, turning to its
interior, gives it an aura of coolness and mental impossibility.
This person's Aura Crystal is quite delicate humble, tender and
fragile. Taking other people with other Auric colors has a stronger
tendency to try to manipulate.
The Book Of Auras
This is where he feels misunderstood, leading him to feel like part
ignored in many situations for others. This only happens to you
because it gives them power to do so.
Partly suffer for it, can sometimes feel bad for all that the mind
makes you feel. And if it is misunderstood, this is due to their
inability to make him understood.
José Cruz
The Book Of Auras