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Joseph F. Roberts, ThD, PhD


The Book of Daniel


The Book of Daniel is a companion to the Book of Revelation. The following is an overview of the book.

Daniel, the author, like Ezekiel, was a captive in Babylon. He was brought before King Nebuchadnezzar while young, and trained in the Chaldean language and sciences.

His career resembled that of Joseph. He was promoted to the highest office in the realm.

He maintained his spiritual life in the midst of a heathen court.

The main theme of the Book is the Sovereignty of God over the affairs of men in all ages.

The pagan king’s confessions of this fact constitute the Key Verses of this book.

Section I is largely a narrative of personal biography and local history. It contains an account of thrilling events and divine interpositions unsurpassed in the Old Testament. It refers to six moral conflicts in which Daniel and his companions participated.

The first conflict is between pagan self-indulgence and conscientious abstinence, in promoting health. We find in chapter one that abstinence wins.

The second conflict is between pagan magic and heavenly wisdom in the interpretation of dreams. We find in chapter two that divine wisdoms wins.

The third conflict is heathen idolatry arrayed against loyalty to God. In chapter three we find that loyalty to God wins.

The fourth conflict is a pagan king’s pride arrayed against Divine Sovereignty. We find in chapter four that God wins and the king is turned out to eat grass.

The fifth conflict is impious sacrilege arrayed against reverence for sacred objects. In chapter five we find that reverence wins. We also find the handwriting on the wall and Belshazzar being dethroned.

The sixth conflict is between malicious plotting and the providence of God over His saints. In chapter six we find that providence wins with the lions’ mouths being stopped.

Section II gives us the visions and prophecies relating to the controlling hand of God moving the scenes in the Panorama of History, chapters 7-12.

The Book of Daniel is a companion to the Book of Revelation. Both of these books contain much imagery which appears mysterious. The attempt to fit the the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation into the facts and events of human history has usually produced an endless conflict of opinions. The reason for this is that the true interpretation of the details of the visions is not always clear.


The Book of Daniel

There are two facts that are generally acknowledged by most scholars:

(1) That the prophecies represent a partly veiled Revelation of Future Events in secular and sacred history.

(2) That the visions point to the ultimate triumph of God’s Kingdom over all Satanic and World Powers.

In chapter seven, many commentators see the Four Beasts as representing the Four great Empires, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome, followed by a vision of the coming Messiah.

In chapter eight, another period of Medo-Persian and Grecian history appears under the figure of a beast.

In chapter nine we find Daniel’s prayer and a veiled prophecy of the time of the coming of the Messiah.

Chapters ten to twelve contain additional far-reaching predictions and revelations of future events.

These three chapters have been the battleground of theological controversy with many varied interpretations. (Adapted from Thompson’s Chain Reference)

Editors Note

There will be times when I, the editor, will make some comments. When that happens, my comments can be distinguished from the others by the change in font. There will also be times in which I will insert works by others and it will be in another font so it can be distinguished from mine.

The bulk of the commentary and study is taken from the work of Dr. Albert Garner. I have not included all the Scriptures References that he includes in his commentary as it is on the PowerBible CD but the bulk of the work is there .

Other comments are added throughout the study from other authors such as Dr.

Roy Cully, Larry Wilson and others. Before each section of comments I have endeavored to indicate whose work is being used. In all the works, I have taken the liberty to correct grammatical and spelling errors that have occurred. That did not affect any of the work that these men have done. Their work remains intact. Any mistakes in this work are mine.

Just because I have included comments from these and others does not mean that I necessarily agree with everything they have written. Many of the things in the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation are difficult to understand when it comes to End-time Prophecy and should never be considered to be a severe test of fellowship. We will study this book to the best of our ability trusting in the Holy Spirit to reveal to us what He desires for us to have.


The Book of Daniel

I have included many illustrations and pictures and when possible have given the source.

This work has been prepared specifically for the students of the Southeast Georgia Baptist Institute, sponsored by the Popular Head Missionary Baptist Church in Glennville, Georgia. It is being made available to others via my website Other materials can also be found there concerning End-Time Prophecy.

I could not include everything that I found in my research on this book. As with most Bible Subjects, there is an abundance of work that can be reviewed but not all of it would stand up to the test of God’s Word.

This is a revision of a previous work that was presented to the Antioch Missionary Baptist Church, Rumford, Maine, several years ago when I was the missionary pastor there. I included some material that at the time of this revision I have since lost the source. If anyone reading and studying this material knows the source for some of that material, please inform me and I will be more than happy to give credit where credit is due. I have not included a bibliography for the simple fact that I have referenced each work with each section or material used.

A simple reading will reveal the sources.

This work is free and my desire is that it never be sold. It was created for the purpose of helping the student analize the Book of Daniel. This is not my work but the work of those whose work that I have referenced. For that reason, this analysis should never be copywrited. It is for God’s glory and for it to help us to better understand the times in which we live.

My appreciation and thanks to all whose works have been used in this analysis.

To God be the glory!

Joseph F. Roberts, ThD, PhD


My View From The Right Publishing

Fernadina Beach, Florida

August, 2013


The Book of Daniel

Table of Contents



Table of Contents