The Books of Daniel & Revelation Unveiled by Liliane Binnyuy - HTML preview

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Apostle John was on the Island of Patmos on account for witnessing to the word of God. While on exile, he saw visions about future events concerning the church and the world. These visions are recorded in the “Book of Revelations”, the last book of the Bible.

The visions in the book of Revelations are not written in a timely pattern. It is not written as a continuous story starting from chapter one to the end. Insight from the Holy Spirit is needed to put the visions or chapters together to find its timeline.

The book of Revelation can be divided into three sections:

1. Revelations 1-3 (explained in chapter 4 of this book)

2. Rev. 4- 11 & Rev 12-19 (the visions about church and the world till the second return of Christ and the millennial reign).

3. Rev. 20-22 (Events after the millennial reign).

In this writing, the visions in the book of Revelation is explained in a chronological timeline.

The book of Revelation is continuity to the book of Daniel. Below is a highlight of the visions on a timeline:

1) The devil descends to the earth during the time of the birth of Christ. The Lord Jesus defeats the devil on the cross and ascends into heaven. The devil is defeated in heaven. He pours the anger of his defeat on the church

2) The Lord opens the seven seals

3) Perilous times befall the earth. The devil makes war on the saints. Various disasters befall the earth.

4) Immediately after the trouble times, the Lord Jesus returns, rewards the saints, punishes the wicked and establishes his reign.

5) After 1000years of the Lord’s reign, the devil in attempting a second war, is hurled to the lake of fire. The last judgement takes place. Some are resurrected while others are killed in the lake of fire. The new heaven and new earth comes forth from God.