The Books of Daniel & Revelation Unveiled by Liliane Binnyuy - HTML preview

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1-The dragon and the birth of Christ

2-The defeat of the dragon on the cross and in heaven.

3-The first seal: the white horse killing through wild beasts

4-The second seal: The red horse killing through sword

5-The third seal: The black horse killing by famine

6-The fourth seal: The grey horse killing by plagues

7-The Leopard (The Roman Empire) and the Ram (The Holy Roman Empire and the Ottoman Empire) working for the dragon

8-The death of the saints (30- 1700AD)

9-The fifth seal: the dead saints (though alive) cry to God to avenge their death. But God tells them to wait for the other martyrs.

10-The first five trumpets. Before the trumpets sound, God’s servants are marked.

The first trumpet- WW1 in 1915

The second trumpet-WW2 in 1945

The third trumpet-Russian Chernobyl disaster in 1985

The fourth trumpet-light of the sun is darkened in early 90s

The fifth trumpet- may be the gulf war in 1991

11-The Sixth trumpet- We are awaiting this trumpet. The events include;

--One third of mankind to be killed by war

--The small open scroll and the seven thunder claps

--The two witnesses and the last beast

12-The sixth Seal: The sign of God’s wrath (the red moon, the dark sun, and the fallen stars) is showed to the earth.

13-The Seventh trumpet:

--Judgement of the righteous, the rapture and the first resurrection. Millions of saints are seen in heaven including the 144000. They had come out of the great tribulation.

--The seven bowls of God’s anger

--The wedding supper

--The war of Armageddon

--The reward of the saints and the beginning of the millennial reign

19-Final Events after the millennial reign:

--The attempted second battle of Armageddon and the defeat of the dragon

--The old earth and old heaven vanishes away

--The judgement of the dead, the second resurrection and second death

--The new earth and new heaven

--The New Jerusalem