The Bossy Church Lady's Take On The End Times by Sandra Purdue - HTML preview

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Chapter 7…And It Only Get’s Worse From Here

Now that we’re approaching the mid-point in the tribulation—which is three and a half years, only half of the seven longest, most horrendous years ever where maybe three or four people will still be alive in the end because everyone else has been killed—we come to Revelation 13 where John saw a beast coming out of the sea. Prophetically speaking, the sea refers to people.

Notice that the beast in chapter 13 has seven heads and ten crowns? Quick! Go back and re-read Daniel 7:20 and Revelation 12:3. We’re still talking about the antichrist and his kingdom, by the way. ;)

Yes, I know you already knew that… but just in case, I thought I’d mention it.
Daniel 7 verse 7 tells us about a fourth kingdom, which will ultimately be ruled by the beast that came out of the sea, or the antichrist. Similar to the Roman Empire, this kingdom will come upon the scene and literally take over the entire world. When that happens, the world will be divided up into ten smaller segments or kingdoms ruled by ten kings or presidents.
I’ll be nice this time and tell you what Daniel 7:8 says, "I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things." The little horn in this verse tells us that the antichrist will be a man who will come from a small country who will become leader of these ten segments or kingdoms. Based upon what we already know about him, he’ll gain power by using his supreme diplomatic skills and by promising peace. This is also the same person who will "confirm the covenant" with many for one week and then renege on the deal halfway through. (Daniel 9:27)
However, because verse eight above says that three of the horns were plucked up by the roots, after the antichrist comes into power, he will knock down three of the kings or kingdoms. Most likely, he will go after the three kings because they oppose either him or his ideas. Either way, these three kings will be completely crushed, never rise again, and the kingdoms will come under the dictatorship of the beast. John confirms this in Revelation 13:1 where he says that he saw a beast with seven heads and ten crowns.
Side note:Because so many people think that Antiochus Epiphanies already fulfilled the prophecy in Daniel 9:27in the year 168 BC, it’s worth mentioning. Antiochus indeed occupied Jerusalem, entered the Holy of Holies within the Temple and desecrated it with filthy animals all before he erected a statue of Jupiter Olympius and dedicated the Jewish temple to that false god, he still never confirmed a seven year treaty with the nation of Israel. Therefore, Antiochus Epiphanies has not fulfilled the prophecy in Daniel 9.
I have to say too that I highly doubt that Antiochus Epiphanies was resurrected after a massive head wound killed him. Further, I have a hard time buying the fact that the entire world saw him resurrected and then followed him, but I could be wrong, mind you.
Which brings us to Revelation 13:2-3 where it says that Satan himself will give this beast power and great authority. After someone, I don’t know who, kills the antichrist via a hard knock on the noggin or some such thing, he will rise again. Since we know that the antichrist loves to mimic Jesus, he will probably arise again on the third day.
Talk about some freaky stuff. After someone bludgeons him to death by bashing in his skull or maybe even slicing his head clean off, this world leader, will probably sit up in his coffin.
Similar to what Dr. Frankenstein said when his creation came to life, people all over the world will be rejoicing because Mr. Wonderful, the man of their dreams, will once again be alive.
“It’s aliiiiive! It’s aliiiiive!” Frankenstein shouted when his monster sat up.
Only it won’t be him; he’ll be indwelt by Satan himself. Oh yeah baby, only now, the antichrist will be out for blood. Remember in the last chapter when we talked about the antichrist being ticked because he’s been booted out of heaven? This will coincide with the antichrist being killed and resurrected.
Due to the fact that the master of trickery and deceit will come back to life, the world will follow after him. They’ll be so convinced that he’s Christ Jesus Himself that they’ll gleefully take to the streets to kill all who oppose him.
On top of that, Satan, er uh, I mean the antichrist, I mean the world leader… whoever he will be, will desecrate the recently rebuilt temple of the Jews and set himself up as God in the Holy of Holies. I don’t know about you, but I’m imagining a few human sacrifices or something just as sick.
Around that time, another beast, A.K.A the false prophet, which will be a religious leader, will appear. Not only will the devil’s sidekick perform miracles and wonders—including making fire rain down from the heavens—for the entire world to see, but he’ll commission a statue or two that resembles the antichrist. The nifty thing about the images is that they’ll be able to speak and kill whoever won’t worship them.
Sounds like a fun party huh?
Doesn’t matter though. Remember that strong delusion mentioned in second Thessalonians 2:6-12? You got it: since it’s still in effect, everyone in the world, who will refuse to repent, will mindlessly worship the statues of the antichrist. If they can’t hide good enough, then the rest of humanity, who will refuse to worship the antichrist and his images, will be killed, plain and simple.
Now here comes the mark of the beast. Many people wonder if their social security number, ID implants and whatnot are the mark of the beast. Let me assure you, they are not.
The people who are here during the tribulation willknowthat it’s the mark of their leader. On top of that, they won’t be able to buy or sell without that mark and anyone who doesn’t get the mark will be beheaded.
At this point, we’re still free to refuse ID implants and such without being killed… at least I think.
When the mark of the beast is introduced, everyone will be forced to take that mark or die by beheading. Yet I don’t think that will be happening at first: I can just see people lining up for miles to get their mark so they can prove to their (false) messiah how devoted they are. Upon receiving the mark either on their right hand or on their forehead, they’ll unwittingly give their soul to the devil. Once they do this, there’s no turning back. It isn’t like someone can get a divorce from the devil citing irreconcilable differences when he or she changes his or her mind. No. Once he or she pledges his or her soul to Satan by getting his mark, they’re his for eternity. If you’re curious, read Revelation 14:9-11 to get a preview of the punishment for taking that mark.
Not too pretty eh?
A little later, when the government catches up to the people who won’t take the mark, they’ll behead them. That’s right! They’ll slice their noggin’s clean off! At the very least, whomever refuses that mark will most likely starve to death because he or she won’t even be able to buy or sell without it. The only comfort than be taken from all of this is that believers will go to heaven when they die.
Revelation 13:18 is anotherhotlydebated verse in the Bible. In studying the subject of the dreaded three numbers of the beast, it is my understanding that some of the scholars out there can’t agree on what the three numbers really are. Some say it’s 616, others say it’s 888, still others swear the three numbers are something else entirely.
Throughout history, people everywhere have been pointing the finger at one famous person or another, swearing up and down that he or she is the antichrist. But since I have no idea whom God predestined to fill the role of the antichrist, I won’t even venture a guess. Personally, I wonder if the number 666 is in reference to theunholy trinity: Satan, the antichrist, and the false prophet, but again, since I really don’t know, I’m not going to say for sure.
Since we trust God to take care of us, let’s just leave the name or number of the dreaded antichrist up to Him, shall we?

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