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 by Stephanie Leon Neal

Sea Priestesses/Priests are individuals that utilize all bodies of water on this earth and beyond. We divine with water, interpret dream symbols and give spiritual council through shadow work. We are Shamans or World Walkers of the all the seas, healing through working with our shadow self. Journeying, astral travel and dream encoding are our primary investigative modes. To sum it up in three words, we are explorers. The Correllian Tradition offers Sea Priestess training as well as training in World Walking and Correll Shamanism.

 The following excerpt was taken from the Sea Priestess training


Divination, confirms that we are being dreamt by a dreamer, as we too dream our creations into existence. We are a dream that dreams day and night. We are “the purpose” of a dreamer that dreams us, which lives within “Its” dream. That’s right we were made on purpose, for a purpose. We were created as creators by a creator. How magnificent, how lovely, how powerful, that we are a loving, ever expanding dream. Within this dream, we are able to travel by many meridian types, the matrix, our, very core to find what we need to see for the so-called future. What does divination or dreams have to do with water? Divination, water and dreams are a clear looking glass to every “moment” which is found here, within this dream. One cannot study water or dreams very long, before seeing the so-called “future,” clearly and begin to utilize our “third eye.” Our inner sense becomes developed. As we look into our very own pool our eyes, there is no denying, our “future,” because there it is staring right back at us. Know individuals can see further, utilizing water and dreams as your magnifier. Goddess/God desires that you know everything you desire; nothing is held back, for those that want to avail themselves to divinations skills; knowing it is a holy skill that carries much responsibility and diplomacy. Wisdom is found in water dreams, as both lie in your hands.

Divination or Attuning Wisdom

Individuals desire to find out what will be, as if their future has been already written by another entity. Our futures are written daily by our hands. Desiring to know what will come, so they may use that information to walk in wisdom. There are differing schools of thought on pre  -destination that I do not wish to address. When people ask to have a reading, the main underlying reason, is, “Will everything be okay?” or “Will their family be okay?” Others want to have outside validation or confirmation, on what they have already done or have already decided to do, asking, “Is this the right decision or focus?”

Of course, some individuals want to know if they are going to meet someone special or if they are coming into money; both serious questions for the seeker. Everyone desires to know if everything will be okay, everyone needs wise counsel from the Living Springs of dreams and water. Wise spiritual counsel through divination and dreams are like a mother lovingly embracing her child and saying “I am here, with you always.”

Seeing What the Water Sees 

Water is always mentioned in almost every culture, when discussing dreams, divination, and prophecy, within most myths and traditions. Nostradamus (1503-1566), renowned as France’s greatest visionary, used water for divination. The following two quatrains are from his own hand, explaining how he would use water when seeing into the future:

“Gathered at night in study deep I sat,

Alone, upon the tripod stool of brass,

Exiguous flame came out of solitude,

Promise of magic that may be believed.


The rod in hand set in the midst of the Branches, 

He moistens with water both the fringe and the foot,

Fear and a voice make me quake in my sleeves; 

Splendor divine, the God is seated near.”

 One of Nostradamus’s prophecies, that have not been fulfilled yet, is the Hall of Records prophecy, which explains that wisdom shall be found in an “Urn.” In ancient times, it was the urn that would hold water and it was the urn that would be used as a measuring device. In the Vedas, we read that water holds wisdom. I.e. The Mesopotamia water god Ea, full of wisdom, dispenses counsel to the gods. The wisdom of water gods was the main function of their age. In the Hellenic world, the wisest were called “the old men of the sea.” In Rgveda 10.125 says: “My origin is in the waters, in the ocean.”

The Hall of Records Prophecy 

“They will come to discover the hidden topography of the land (at Giza). The urns holding wisdom within the monuments (the Pyramids) opened up, their contents will cause the understanding of holy philosophy to expand greatly, white exchanged for black, falsehoods exposed, new wisdom replacing the established tradition that no longer work. (VII.14)“

 I find it curious that this wisdom will be found in a water jug! How appropriate!

Another association to water wisdom and consciousness is the very ancient Manosaravar lake, which resides high in the gorgeous Tibetan mountains. A place where many believe this area is the very center of the world. Millions travel, every year, to this ancient lake to receive direction, wisdom and healing from the waters. Visiting the lake brings clarification to dreams, divination and deep enlightenment. The meaning of the word Manosravar is; “Lake of Consciousness and Enlightenment.” We live in a moving, living energy ocean of consciousness, that quickens everything.

Hermes’ Riddle, also supports the notion, that guidance is found in water. According to Shah and many other insightful writers, Hermes inscribed, on an emerald tablet, his riddle or “Key” that represents inner principles of alchemy, The Great Work. The following is Shah’s rendering of the Emerald Tablet:


Emerald Tablet 

“The truth certainly, truest, without untruth.

What is above is like what is below.

What is below is what is above.

The miracle of unity is to be attained.

Everything is formed from the contemplation of unity,

and all things come from unity, by means of adaptation.

Its parents are the Sun and the Moon.

It was borne by the wind and nurtured by the Earth.

Every wonder is from it, and its power is complete.

Throw it upon earth, and earth will separate from fire.

The impalpable separated from the palpable. Through

wisdom it rises slowly from the world to heaven.

Then it descends to the world, combining the power of

the upper and the lower.

Thus you shall have the illumination of the world, and

darkness will disappear.

This is the power of all strength- it overcomes that which

is delicate and penetrates through solids. This was the

means of the creation of the world.

And in the future wonderful developments will be made,

and this is the way.


I am Hermes the Threefold Sage, so named because I

hold the three elements of all the wisdom.”

I suggest you replace the word “ IT,” with the word “water” to Herme’s riddle. What other element has been attributed to everything in this riddle, but water, thus rises through wisdom!

Divination Suggestions 

All divination medians work essentially the same general way, as you would divine with a crystal ball. Go into alpha, consciousness in your own manner or deliberately enter into the sea of dreams, enter stillness then divine your tool or dream. The following list is just a small sample of water divination. It is also helpful to use your personified heart chakra for guidance, your Spirit Guides and power animals for guidance, in fact, that’s all you need! Yet do not depend of them, depend on your own past experiences, lessons and knowledge.

Divination Methods

 - Gaze into any body of water on the full moon. (There is always a full moon, somewhere in the universe)

 - Gaze into a large dark bowl of water. (Adding a drop of oil into water can be read also.)

- Listen to a lake, pond, well, spring or any body of water. Listen to what the water is communicating. When listening to water, don’t be hypnotized, stay focused and listen, to the answer to your question, the sounds of water heals also.) Meditation is not zoning out, it is zoning in, become more acutely aware of your surroundings.

- Waves vibrate with threefold harmony. Sound waves + our water filled cells + the universe’s energies, all work together, providing a pathway to health, guidance and wisdom.

- Feel the water, either with your entire body or just a hand or foot. Allow water wisdom to come through touch, through your skin. The water ancients and World Walkers listen or sense for wisdom, through our skin.

- Dolphin divination is always at your call, by simply “seeing” a dolphin, finish your thought by thinking what you are dreaming for your immediate future. In other words think dolphin, then enter one of your dreams, then finish your dream in a way that is satisfactory to your life.

- Water stirring: Stir water and think what you want to bring into your life while asking, “What is coming into my life.” Then wait for the answer. Some will ask and will not wait for the answer.

- Reading Waves, waves travel in threes, which are called a “wave train,” the last wave of the train is the most powerful, for reading and receiving wisdom.

 - Raising mist, sit quietly and see your hands over a quiet stream and watch for the streams of vapor rising from your hands. There is strong wisdom within this mist.

- Sea Salt has much wisdom locked in every grain, the Alchemists’ say “Whoever knows the salt, knows the secret of the ancient sages.” Salt is also a symbol of the soul.

- Us: yes we can be divined we are sea gifts of wisdom and divination too. Everything on our bodies reveals a story of our life, in both waking and sleeping dreams.

- Hold a shell close to your ear, in alpha, you will hear the ancient merfolk, tell you a story of old or they will tell your story. They always begin their muttering the same way, by saying, “Let us start a story, let us continue the dream.” Shells like some trees are recorders of time.

 - Studying “light” within the water is also an consciousness expander.

 Divination and dream work are not for building ego, but for quiet soul growth.

 Seth an incarnate ancient entity speaking through Jane Roberts reveals to us that when we see “It” we can see ourselves more clearly.

 Seth speaking:

"When I speak of All That Is, you must understand my position within It. All That Is knows no other. This does not mean there may not be more to know. It does not know whether or not other psychic gestalts like “It” may exist. It is not aware of them if they do exist. It is constantly searching. It knows that something else existed before Its own primary dilemma when It could not express Itself. It is conceivable, then, that It has evolved, in your terms, so long ago that It has forgotten It's origin, that It has developed from still another Primary which has -again, in your terms-long since gone It's way. So there are answers I cannot give you, for they are not known anywhere in the system in which we have our existence. We do know that within this system of our All That Is, creation continues and developments are never still. We can deduce that on still other layers of which we are unaware, the same is true." How does this quote relate to divination and dreams? Everything, because when we see the bigger picture, we begin to see “It,” and when we begin to see “It” on many levels, we see us. When we start seeing “It,” as not knowing everything and not perfect, then we begin to see how magnificent this plan really is! For some, divination and dreams will be the first time they truly begin to trust themselves. Trust your dreams, trust your divination, trusting yourself. Sounds like a simple precept, conversely for many individuals, have never spent one day trusting anyone, not themselves and most certainly not “It.” For some this is a huge leap of faith, because they were subliminally trained not to trust their own self! Where does one go, when one does not believe in their self?

Some May Say

 These are statements presented throughout the years.

- “I need proof, first, before I can believe I can hear through my skin!” Sea Priestess answer:

 “Okay, send that request out into the generous universe and you will receive your proof.”

- “What if, I think I am not ready to learn water wisdom?” Sea Priestess answer:

 “Then you are not...”

- “Why is studying a single Element so important?”

 Sea Priestess answer:

 “Everything can be studied as a single subject, I chose water, because “IT” has chosen me.”

- “I do not see why divination is important.”

 Sea Priestess answer:

 “The ability to interpret, comprehend and attune with the cosmic mind, is more than seeing if you are going to win the lottery or find that someone special. Divining dreams is a nature skill a spiritual development, to see other dimensions, uncovering old and new truths. Let the unlearning begin, so that all our false conceptions and preconception are washed away.”


 ~ Water activates everything.

~ Uncover hidden treasures that were buried long ago, with your help. You were so eager to please and assimilate, that you were willing to give away the best parts of you; giving up your power to Be what you were designed to do, from the beginning.

~ Dig in deep waters to regain your treasures; taking back what is rightfully yours. Reclaim your full emotions, so that you may fully operate your manifestation mechanism and may clearly see again.

~ Working with divination and dreams is digging for buried treasure that has your name on it. Why do you think so many hearts leap a little, when the words are just uttered, “Buried Treasure?” I believe that our DNA is deeply imprinted, collectively, we all know the truth; that there are buried treasures, and they all belong to us, treasures worth more than the money concept. Buried in the sands of time, and in the preverbal sea; they are living tools, yet know, if you are not going to use your tools/ gifts, then re-bury them, until you are ready to take on the responsibility and live in your own free will.

~ Beings that have an ego, with a capital E, will find it difficult to find their treasure, not that the universe is withholding a single gift, because “It” is not. Goddess/God is always with us, saying, “Here take all your gifts,” Big E beings, are just too busy working something out in this life time. Outside validation is important to them; they need to feel important. They are already important and loved and validated! Big E beings just need much love, until they see Goddess/God in our Eyes, looking back at them.

~ Do you know there is a treasure, indeed, a promise that lives within you? Are you ready to approach the Holy of Holies?

 Strong controlled emotion is the beginning of seeing that a tree is more than its color, shape and height that a bird is more than what we see with our physical eyes. We are beginning to experience our song, our love, our sixth sense. We are regaining what we have lost, long ago. We are returning to our Roots.

 ~ We already live in pure love we already stand together in Her wise bright light. We are already home; every one of us.