The Common Book of Witchcraft and Wicca by The Ancestors - HTML preview

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 by Abby Willowroot

Healthy communities grow organically like any other living thing. New additions fit in to existing spaces or flow easily out from the edges, ever expanding the whole. Steadily, like attracts like, and the community shifts slightly with the addition of each new individual, each new skill, and each new facet.

Earth-Spirit Faiths are growing and shifting and finding a voice. We are beginning to recognize ourselves as a Sacred People of many Tribes and beliefs. In our diversity we creating connections without homogenization; Religions without dogma or exclusion. Now, we are growing organically and quickly as we begin to create our own permanent places of worship.

Labyrinths and Earthworks are springing up on land, in parks, nestled in the hills, on beaches, and a hundred unexpected places. Grottoes, Groves, and even Temples have begun to appear. With each new space the fabric of the Earth-honoring Communities grows stronger, more diverse and more vibrant.

What is necessary to create a public worship space? It can be as simple as using the same place over and over again for open rituals, or renting the same land each year for festivals or gatherings. It can be making a Labyrinth in your yard available for others in your community to use for rituals. It can be gathering together at the ocean, river or lake for an open ritual, inviting anyone who is interested in celebrating the Goddess.

Sacred Worship Spaces appear when we reach out and include those we do not know yet in our Rituals and celebrations. When we share Sacred space with others who share different beliefs than our own. The Universe always fills a void. When we plan to gather and embrace all who seek to join us, the Universe is signaled that new places for meeting and worship are needed. The Universe then moves quickly to fill these needs. The more we celebrate our Spirits, the faster our network of public Sacred Spaces grows.

If we stay to ourselves and practice our spirituality only with those we already know, we cease to create new connections and Sacred Space in the world.

 Do you dream, of a Sacred Space? ... Begin to create it with the Universe.