The Common Book of Witchcraft and Wicca by The Ancestors - HTML preview

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 by Abby Willowroot

There are lots of folks that will tell you need fancy magical tools, you do not. Everything you need to really practice magic is already within you, except, maybe a bit of knowledge, and that can be learned. If you want to set up an Altar with some magical tools it can be a fun and easy experience, as long as you use your imagination and creativity.

Magical Tools are fun and can help you to focus your energy for magical work. You can buy magical tools from stores, websites, and thrift stores, you can make magical tools from the things around you, a branch makes a fine magic wand, especially if you carve or decorate it yourself.

An Athame (magical knife) can be any knife that seems right to you, it can be as simple as a kitchen knife or letter opener. Many books advocate a double edged knife, but it isn't necessary. My own magical knife is an old kitchen knife from a thrift store, I bought it because it's wood handle was worn from years of use, and the energy was really wonderful, I have used it faithfully for many years and it only cost $1.49.

Altar items can be mainly found objects from Nature, shells, stones, dried grasses, wood pieces you carve. A Goddess or God representation can be a statue, or a symbolic item that feels like a God or Goddess. Many people use a feminine and masculine feeling rock, others use bundles of twigs bound together with embroidery floss or cord. Ancient pagans, shaman and witches made all their own ritual objects and magical tools. A pentacle for your Altar can be drawn on paper, carved in wood, painted or embroidered on cloth, made of recycled materials, or bought, all of these will work equally well for you.

A Chalice can be made of pottery, glass, metal, or wood, it's power is in it's consecration by you, not in its materials. Pagan shops online and off offer these quite reasonably, and thrift stores have a wide variety of good choices for a chalice, your kitchen cabinets may also have something that would work well as a Chalice. A bell can be as simple as a jingle bell from Christmas, or an old push bell from a thrift store, or a bell with a handle. Bowls for salt and water are easy, any tiny bowls will work well, you can decorate them with paint and symbols if you like.

Candlesticks are easy, thrift stores have tons of them and they are very inexpensive. Candles can also be purchased locally at many stores, including dollar stores. Incense can be used for smudging and should be put on a surface that won't get hot when it burns down for cones, and a simple wood incense holder works great for sticks, or stick incense can be put in a small bucket of sand.

Your Altar can be a simple wood board, stool, small table, shelf, or wood tray. Your Altar Cloth can be any piece of fabric that feels good to you, it can be new fabric, or a piece cut from an old, favorite, much loved, piece of clothing.

As a fun exercise in creativity and Green consciousness, why not try making a Recycled Altar? make it entirely recycled objects. If you are in a Coven or group, see if others want to make a Recycled Altar too. This Altar will help to make you more mindful of your choices and the Earth's needs.

 I hope this has helped you to understand that the Magic is inside of You, not in the objects that you choose to use in your magical practices. True understanding of ritual, magick and spiritual practices takes time and practice. Everyday you use your skills and grow i knowledge brings you closer to connecting with your most magical and powerful self.

Go forth, Be Magical, and Enjoy!!!