The Common Book of Witchcraft and Wicca by The Ancestors - HTML preview

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She arose from the darkness

She arose from the night

She arose without form

She arose without sight

She arose at the first

She remains till the last

She arose, mighty Goddess

She arose!


She divided from the darkness

The Lord Who was the light

He arose from the Goddess

As the day rises from night

He appeared in fire and glory

He appeared in fire in might

He arose, mighty God

He arose!


She was as His mother

And He was as Her son

They were brother and sister

She was Moon, He was Sun

She was night, He was morning

As the dawn brought forth the light

They arose in the beginning

They arose!


Light revealed what dark concealed

What was unknown now became known

What was formless now took form

What had been unseen was shown

The world we are familiar with

Unfolded from them both

In seven planes that arose

That arose!

The lord of light fled from the darkness

For He knew that He was free

The dark mother sought the light out

For She created it to see

Light fled into every corner

She pursued in every space

Light and shadow showed the world that aroseThat arose!


'To Rise You Must Fall' she learned

For if you want the light

You must too complete the journey

You must travel through the night

Only then can you achieve it

The Union which You seek

And the Great Work arose

It arose!


To reunite Spirit and Matter

Was not an easy task

'Twas a path of many lifetimes

'Twas a great deal to ask

A hundred billion Sparks of Life

She sent from Herself to Him

And our Souls they arose

They arose!


The One became the Nine

And the Nine became us all

Living many lifetimes

In many ports of call


Learning all the lessons

That the world of light can teach

In the pattern of existence that arose

That arose!


From the smallest to the largest

From sub-molecules to suns

All arise from the great Goddess

And to Her all return

As we struggle through the seven planes

Back to the place where we were born

We continually arise

We arise!


Now the blade is in the chalice

And the sun shines at midnight

And the light is one with darkness

And the day is one with night

For all things come together

In the heart of the wise

And the children of the Goddess now arise

We now arise!