The Common Book of Witchcraft and Wicca by The Ancestors - HTML preview

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 Let us begin by clearing and releasing all excess energy. Find a comfortable position and release all of the tensions and anxieties of your day – let them flow out of you, like water flowing down through your arms, down through your legs, down and out through your hands and feet, returning to the universe to be reused in other in ways. Now, let us begin!


 Imagine with me a strong yellow white light sweeping counterclockwise through this sacred space. A strong and cleansing light that sweeps out all negativity – imagine any negative or unfocused energy being carried away by this light. Behold – we do cleanse and purify this sacred space that nothing harmful may remain here and good alone may abide!


 Imagine with me a strong blue white light sweeping clockwise through this sacred space. A strong and vibrant light that raises the vibration of all it comes in contact with. Imagine the vibration of the sacred space rising, becoming more spiritually charged. Behold, we do Bless and Charge this sacred space, directing its energy to the highest and strongest good!


 Now – Let us turn to the direction of the East. Imagine with me a column of white light arising in the direction of the East, as we invoke the Quarter!


Hail unto you, O Guardians of the Watchtowers of the East!

Powers of Air and Inspiration! 

With Love and with respect I call you forth!

With Love and with respect I call you forth!

May we stand together in the Gate of the East!

May the Red Lady of the East Rejoice!

May the Golden Lord of the East open the way!

We bid you Hail and Welcome!


 Now – Let us turn to the direction of the South. Imagine with me a column of white light arising in the direction of the South, as we invoke the Quarter!


Hail unto you, O Guardians of the Watchtowers of the South!

Powers of Fire and Manifestation!

With Love and with respect I call you forth!

May we stand together in the Gate of the South!

May the White Lady of the South Rejoice!

May the Red Lord of the South open the way!

We bid you Hail and Welcome!


 Now – Let us turn to the direction of the West. Imagine with me a column of white light arising in the direction of the West, as we invoke the Quarter!


Hail unto you, O Guardians of the Watchtowers of the West!

Powers of Water and of Emotion!

With Love and with respect I call you forth!

May we stand together in the Gate of the West!

May the Grey Lady of the West Rejoice!

May the Blue Lord of the West open the way!

We bid you Hail and Welcome!


 Now – Let us turn to the direction of the North. Imagine with me a column of white light arising in the direction of the North, as we invoke the Quarter!


Hail unto you, O Guardians of the Watchtowers of the North!

Powers of Earth and Integration!

With Love and with respect I call you forth!

With Love and with respect I call you forth!

May we stand together in the Gate of the North!

May the Black Lady of the North Rejoice!

May the Green Lord of the North open the way!

We bid you Hail and Welcome!


 I am Air! I arise!


 I am Fire! I arise!


 I am Water! I arise!


 I am Earth! I arise!


Air! Fire! Water! Earth! Arise and Rejoice!

Air! Fire! Water! Earth! Arise and Rejoice!

Air! Fire! Water! Earth! Arise and Rejoice!


 Arise and Rejoice! The four powers dance and by their dance a circle is formed!

 A circle of art to focus and to contain the powers we shall raise herein!


 Imagine now a circle of light surrounding you – circles of light surrounding us all – clear, bright white light forming a wall around us, moving upwards and downwards, over and under and all around us, a ball of light around each of us, around all of us – many balls of light and one ball of light, many circles and one circle c May our circle now be cast!


 The circle is cast!


 The circle is cast!


 The circle is cast!


 The circle is cast!


 The circle is cast!


 We invoke you O Goddess, in your name of Ostara – Lady of the Spring! Mistress of the Dawn! Your many colors herald the return of the Sun and you share them generously with the many flowers that shall emerge with Spring. Mistress of the Rainbow, and of all arts and forms of creation and self-expression – we bid you Hail and Welcome!


 We invoke you O God, in your name of Mabon! Maponos, son of Modren! Gentle Lord of the Rising Sun, of Spring and New Beginnings! Lord of Love and Beauty, Passion and Creativity! Your Fire, reborn, only just begins to burn in this Holy Season, Yet we welcome the flame! We bid you Hail and Welcome!


 O Ancestors, Beloved Ones who have gone before – we invoke you and invite you to be with us this night! You who have prepared the way – walk with us and led us forward! Join with us in our circle tonight, the living and the spirits together – hand in hand! One Circle! One Family! One People! Beloved Ones, we bid you Hail and Welcome!


 And behold -we come together tonight to celebrate in love the twin feasts of Ostara and Mabon! The time of equal day and night, when all is in balance and perfect alignment. So too are the two Sabbats in perfect alignment. In the Northern Hemisphere we gather to celebrate Ostara! In the Southern Hemisphere we gather to celebrate Mabon! One Sabbat celebrates Spring, the other Autumn, but each is an equinox. Thus they beautifully illustrate the unity of opposites which is at the center of existence.

 Tonight we shall call upon the Goddess Ostara and the God Mabon, and ask their blessing upon us!


 Close your eyes and find a comfortable position. Imagine yourself watching the dawn. Be aware of your surroundings and remember them, for they represent your inner state at this time. The Sun is rising and a woman comes up next to you. This is Ostara, Goddess of the dawn. Have no preconceptions of what the Goddess looks like, but allow her to take whatever form is best for you at this moment.


 I am Ostara, Lady of the East, Goddess of the Dawn and New Beginnings, Mistress of creativity and inspiration. With my coming the day awakes. All things begin with inspiration, just as the day begins with the dawn. What things do you desire to open in your life as you go forward? What do you desire the light of dawn to awaken for you?

I give you now a gift – a seed. Receive this seed from me. See the seed as clearly and strongly as you can. Is it a large seed? A small seed? Whatever its nature it is the perfect seed for you at this moment. See the seed glowing with beautiful golden white light. The light shines out in all directions, bright and clear and beautiful. Place the seed into your heart. Allow the light from the seed to expand throughout your chest, out into your arms and legs, until it fills you completely. This is the light of the dawn, the light of new beginnings and inspiration. Allow the light to move through you, opening all potential. And at the center of your chest where the seed is, see the seed begin to sprout and grow. Does it grow quickly? Slowly? Is the growth more prominent on one side than the other? Do you recognize the plant and if so, does it have meaning for you? As you go forward from this place the seed shall continue to grow within you, unlocking new potentials and opening new paths in your life.


 Now let the image of Ostara fade. See the sun climb higher in the sky, until it is directly overhead, and then begins to decline. Imagine yourself standing in a field at harvest time. There are workers in the field bringing in the harvest. Do the plants look healthy? Does the harvest look plentiful? The field represents the results of your own actions, so take note of and remember its condition. One of the harvest workers comes up to you. This is Mabon, lord of the harvest. Have no preconceptions of what the God looks like, but allow him to take whatever form is best for you at this moment.


 I am Mabon son of Modren, lord of the harvests that feed and sustain the people, lord of justice and honor. lord of equal night and day. I live in the plants and lay down my own life that all may eat. Thus I make my sacrifice as we all in turn must do, that life may go forward. All actions have a consequence. Some lead to a rich harvest. Others lead to famine. Consider your own actions and whether they have led you to the place you wish to be.

I offer you a gift. This gift may take any form -– have no preconceptions about what it might be but allow it to take whatever form is best for you at this moment. Accept the gift from me. See the gift as clearly as you can. What is it? Is it large? Is it small? Does it seem familiar? Is the gift anything you recognize? This gift represents the harvest of your good acts -the good things you have done that now return to you through the miracle of the harvest. It will bring you luck and success in your undertakings. See the gift shining bright with blue white light. The blue white light shines out in all directions, strong and clear and beautiful. Place the gift into your heart. See the blue white light from the gift expanding to fill your heart. Allow the blue white light from the gift to expand throughout your chest, out into your arms and legs, until it fills you completely. This is the light of harvest, of creation and manifestation. Allow the light to move through you, helping bring your hopes and dreams to fruition and manifestation.


 Let the golden white light of Ostara and the blue white light of Mabon move within you. Thing about the new things you wish to create in your life as the year goes forward. Think about your actions in the last year and their results. Think about the things you wish to manifest through your actions as you go forward. Feel the energy of Ostara and the energy of Mabon suffusing you in every part. Now – feel the light of inspiration and the light of manifestation come into perfect balance within you!

Divine Mother Goddess, Divine Father God, Beloved Ancestors, help us to come into perfect balance in this moment! Open the way for us and help us to enjoy the reward of the good we do!


 Now, let us give thanks!


 Beloved Ancestors, you who have gone before, we thank you for your presence and your aid this night and at all times – for we know that you are always with us! Beloved Ones, may the Blessing Be upon you now and always! So Mote It Be!


 Beloved God, in your name of Mabon son of Modron, we thank you for your presence and your aid this night and at all times! We know that you are always with us, for we dwell in one another’s hearts! Beloved Father God, may the Blessing Be upon you now and always! So Mote It Be!


 Beloved Goddess, in your name of Ostara, we thank you for your presence and your aid this night and at all times! We know that you are always with us, for we dwell in one another’s hearts! Beloved Mother Goddess, may the Blessing Be upon you now and always! So Mote It Be!


 Now turn with me to the North. See again the column of white light we erected there when we called the Quarter. As we give thanks, imagine that pillar of light sinking back down into the earth.


 Beloved Ones of the North, Powers of Earth and Integration, we thank you for your presence and your aid this night and at all times! Black Lady of the North, Green Lord of the North, may the Blessing Be upon you now and always! So Mote It Be!


 Now turn with me to the West. See again the column of white light we erected there when we called the Quarter. As we give thanks, imagine that pillar of light sinking back down into the earth.


 Beloved Ones of the West, Powers of Water and of Emotion, we thank you for your presence and your aid this night and at all times! Grey Lady of the West, Blue Lord of the West, may the Blessing Be upon you now and always! So Mote It Be!


 Now turn with me to the South. See again the column of white light we erected there when we called the Quarter. As we give thanks, imagine that pillar of light sinking back down into the earth.


 Beloved Ones of the South, Powers of Fire and Manifestation, we thank you for your presence and your aid this night and at all times! White Lady of the South, Red Lord the South, may the Blessing Be upon you now and always! So Mote It Be!


 Now turn with me to the East. See again the column of white light we erected there when we called the Quarter. As we give thanks, imagine that pillar of light sinking back down into the earth.


 Beloved Ones of the East, Powers of Air and Inspiration, we thank you for your presence and your aid this night and at all times! Red Lady of the East , Golden Lord of the East, may the Blessing Be upon you now and always! So Mote It Be!


 Imagine now again that circle of light we created when we began this ritual – a circle of clear bright white light all around us, and above us, and below us. See that circle as clearly and as brightly as you can. And now, allow that image to dissipate as we release the energy of the Circle  – see it fade and grow smaller and fall away.


 As above -so below!


 As the Universe – So the soul!


 As without – so within!


 May the Circle now be open!


 May the circle now be open!


 Let us come back to ourselves now. Settling back into our bodies. Back into the here and now. On the count of three we are we began. One. Two. Three. Now let us take a moment to clear and release all excess energy.