The Common Book of Witchcraft and Wicca by The Ancestors - HTML preview

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 Let us begin by clearing and releasing all excess energy. Find a comfortable position and release all of the tensions and anxieties of your day – let them flow out of you, like water flowing down through your arms, down through your legs, down and out through your hands and feet, returning to the universe to be reused in other in ways. Now, let us begin!


 Imagine with me a strong yellow white light sweeping counterclockwise through this sacred space. A strong and cleansing light that sweeps out all negativity – imagine any negative or unfocused energy being carried away by this light. Behold – we do cleanse and purify this sacred space that nothing harmful may remain here and good alone may abide!


 Imagine with me a strong blue white light sweeping clockwise through this sacred space. A strong and vibrant light that raises the vibration of all it comes in contact with. Imagine the vibration of the sacred space rising, becoming more spiritually charged. Behold, we do Bless and Charge this sacred space, directing its energy to the highest and strongest good!


 Turn with me now to the Eastern Quadrant. Here all things begin! Imagine with me a column of white light arising in the direction of the East, as we invoke the Eastern Guardian!


We call to You, Golden Guardian of the East!

Adorned with Amber and Citrine and Topaz!

Power of Air and Imagination

Join us now and Bless us with Inspiration

As we go forward in this rite!

Beloved One! – We bid you Welcome!


 Hail and Welcome!


 Turn with me now to the Southern Quadrant. Here all things unfold! Imagine with me a column of white light arising in the direction of the South, as we invoke the Southern Guardian!


We call to You, Scarlet Guardian of the South!

Adorned with Carnelian and Garnet and Ruby!

Power of Fire and Manifestation

Join us now and Bless us with Passion

As we go forward in this rite!

Beloved One! – We bid you Welcome!


 Hail and Welcome!


 Turn with me now to the Western Quadrant. Here all things are experienced! Imagine with me a column of white light arising in the direction of the West, as we invoke the Western Guardian!


We call to You, Azure Guardian of the West!

Adorned with Turquoise and Lapis Lazuli and Sapphire!

Power of Water and Reaction

Join us now and Bless us with Compassion

As we go forward in this rite!

Beloved One! – We bid you Welcome!


 Hail and Welcome!


 Turn with me now to the Northern Quadrant. Here all things are reconciled! Imagine with me a column of white light arising in the direction of the North, as we invoke the Northern Guardian!


We call to You, Vernal Guardian of the North!

Adorned with Peridot and Malachite and Emerald!

Power of Earth and Integration

Join us now and Bless us with Wisdom

As we go forward in this rite!

Beloved One! – We bid you Welcome!



 Hail and Welcome!


 I am the Golden One of the East! I am the Air!


 I am the Red One of the South! I am the Fire!


 I am the Red One of the West! I am the Water!


 I am the Green One of the North! I am the Earth!


We are the circle – who form the Circle

We are All – and All is One

We are a river – that flows forever

We dance the dance – that's never done!



 Behold! The four powers dance and by their dance a circle is formed! A circle of art to focus and to contain the powers we shall raise herein!


 Imagine now a circle of light surrounding you – circles of light surrounding us all – clear, bright white light forming a wall around us, moving upwards and downwards, over and under and all around us, a ball of light around each of us, around all of us – many balls of light and one ball of light, many circles and one circle – May our circle now be cast!


 The circle is cast!


 The circle is cast!


 The circle is cast!


 The circle is cast!


 The circle is cast!


 We invoke you O Goddess, Spider Mother Who wove the web of creation! The stars light Your way as You traverse eternity! Ancient and Eternal One, Queen of Witches all! Inspire us with love, even as You love all creation! Inspire us with wisdom, even as You wisely balance all existence! Guide and Aid us, O Mother! With love and with respect we bid you Hail and Welcome!


 Hail and Welcome!


 We invoke you O God, Lord of the Four Quarters of Being! You are the Rainbow Lord of the Seven Planes, the Vehicle of Existence! Ancient and Eternal One, Lord of Magic! Inspire us with courage, as You had the courage to fall into matter! Inspire us with joy, even as you delight in all existence! Guide us and Aid us, O Father! With love and with respect we bid you Hail and Welcome!


 Hail and Welcome!


 We invoke You, O Ancestors, Beloved Ones in Spirit! You set the example and prepared the way! Ancient and Eternal Ones, Who have gone before! Inspire us with strength that we may continue the great work, even as You began it! Inspire us with persistence, that we may continue to tread the path You laid! Guide us and Aid us, O Father! With love and with respect we bid you Hail and Welcome!


 Hail and Welcome!


 We will now open the Crystal Web.


 Let us find a comfortable position. Imagine with me the sleeping crystals in the Web. All over the world, hundreds, thousands of crystals buried in the Earth or otherwise linked into the Web, all sleeping in their cubes of white light. Cubes of light which slowly spin clockwise around the crystals they encase.

Let us call into ourselves the energies of the universe. Imagine the energy of the universe coming into you – a beautiful, clear white light coming down into you through the crown of your head. A beautiful, clear white light, full of strength and joy and love; The light of Spirit; The Light of Being; The Light from which all things are made. Let that beautiful, clear white light enter you and fill you. Let it go into every part of your body. Let it suffuse you. Let it move within you. Be one with the Light. Feel its power. Feel its strength. Feel its love.

Now imagine that light most strongly in your Heart Chakra. Feel the light growing stronger and brighter in your heart – stronger and brighter, brighter and stronger! See it shining out from your heart like a white sun within you!


 Now, from your heart send out a beam of white light to your Crystal Access Point. See that beam of light go out to your Access Point, no matter how close or far your Access Point may be – see the beam of light from your heart connect to the Access Point. See the light flow from your heart through the beam and into the cube of light surrounding your crystal. See the cube of light begin to glow with the white light from your heart – see the cube grow brighter, see it spin faster! Send more and more light into the cube! See it spin faster and faster! See the cube transform into a tetrahedron – a triangle of light spinning clockwise around your Access Crystal! The Access Point is now open!

Continue to send light from your heart into your Access Point. And in that light let us set our intent: it is our intent in this to aid and strengthen the Spirit of the Earth and all those who live upon the Earth, to send positive and healing energy to aid them to their highest good and best outcomes whatever these may be, to aid their highest selves in manifesting their highest purposes!


 Divine Mother Goddess, Divine Father God, Beloved Ancestors, we pray that you will help us to send this energy in love and trust to aid and strengthen the Spirit of Earth. We pray that the Earth may have the healing it needs; that the changes which are unfolding shall take the most positive and peaceful form possible; if it be in accordance with the free will and highest purpose of all! Beloved Ones, may it be so!


 Now see the light spread out from your crystal, traveling along the lines of the Web to join with other crystals – see the light spreading through the whole of the Web, illuminating it across the globe – continue to send light from your heart into your Access Point, and from your Access Point throughout the Web! And may the Guardians of the Web anchor and direct this energy for the highest good of the Earth and all her people! By our will – So Mote It Be!


 So Mote It Be!


 Now let the image fade from your mind – it will continue forward without our further attention.


 Let us now give thanks!


 Beloved Ones in Spirit! You Who have gone before! We thank You for Your presence here this night! Ancient and Eternal Ones, Who have prepared the way for us! – we know that you are always with us, for we dwell in one another’s hearts! Beloved Ancestors, may the Blessing Be upon you now and always! So Mote It Be!


 Rainbow Lord of the Seven Planes! Vehicle of Existence! We thank You for Your presence here this night! Ancient and Eternal One, Lord of Magic – we know that you are always with us, for we dwell in one another’s hearts! Beloved Father God, may the Blessing Be upon you now and always! So Mote It Be!


 Spider Mother! Weaver of the web of creation! We thank You for Your presence here this night! Ancient and Eternal One, Queen of Witches all   – we know that you are always with us, for we dwell in one another’s hearts! Beloved Mother Goddess, may the Blessing Be upon you now and always! So Mote It Be!


 Now turn with me to the Northern Quadrant. See again the column of white light we erected there when we called the Quarter. As we give thanks, imagine that pillar of light sinking back down into the earth.


 Vernal One, Green and Glorious One one North, we thank you for your presence and your aid this night and at all times! Beloved Ones of the North, may the Blessing Be upon you now and always! So Mote It Be!


 Now turn with me to the Western Quadrant. See again the column of white light we erected there when we called the Quarter. As we give thanks, imagine that pillar of light sinking back down into the earth.


 Azure One, Blue and Beautiful One of the West, we thank you for your presence and your aid this night and at all times! Beloved Ones of the West, may the Blessing Be upon you now and always! So Mote It Be!


 Now turn with me to the Southern Quadrant. See again the column of white light we erected there when we called the Quarter. As we give thanks, imagine that pillar of light sinking back down into the earth.


 Scarlet One, Red and Radiant One of the South, we thank you for your presence and your aid this night and at all times! Beloved Ones of the South, may the Blessing Be upon you now and always! So Mote It Be!


 Now turn with me to the Eastern Quadrant. See again the column of white light we erected there when we called the Quarter. As we give thanks, imagine that pillar of light sinking back down into the earth.


 Golden One, Yellow and illustrious One of the East, we thank you for your presence and your aid this night and at all times! Beloved Ones of the East, may the Blessing Be upon you now and always! So Mote It Be!


 Imagine now again that circle of light we created when we began this ritual – a circle of clear bright white light all around us, and above us, and below us. See that circle as clearly and as brightly as you can. And now, allow that image to dissipate as we release the energy of the Circle  -see it fade and grow smaller and fall away.


As above -so below!

As the Universe – So the soul!

As without – so within!

May the Circle now be open!



 The circle is open!


 The circle is open!


 The circle is open!


 The circle is open!


 The circle is open!


 Let us come back to ourselves now. Settling back into our bodies. Back into the here and now. On the count of three we are we began. One. Two. Three. Now let us take a moment to clear and release all excess energy.