The Decline of the Church (And Other Stuff Church People Don't Want to Talk About) by Kelvin Bueckert - HTML preview

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Tradition and the Church


I write plays and stories based on local history. I was researching for these the other day when I came across a quote by Jacob Friesen.

Jacob was one of the early pastors of what is now the Gladstone Christian Fellowship Church. Jacob saw that times were changing, people weren’t as rural based as they used to be and it was time for his little country church to change. However, people don’t like change, so it took him around ten years to get the Church moved out of the country and into my hometown of Gladstone.

Anyway, I thought his quote was interesting, especially considering his Conservative Mennonite background and the times he lived in. That’s why I’ve posted his words here for discussion and consideration.

Was Jacob right?

Do his words have any relevance today?

“Everything seems to be constantly changing, and the church is no exception. If the church is to be relevant and meet the challenges of our space age, as well as to give answers to the many perplexing problems that our young people are facing today, it dares not be content and remain with the status quo, but it must go out and meet the people where they are and what their needs may be, even if it means ridding ourselves of some long-held traditions and rituals that to a large extent, have become meaningless to the modern mind.” — Jacob Friesen.

What would this mean for us if we applied this statement?