The Decline of the Church (And Other Stuff Church People Don't Want to Talk About) by Kelvin Bueckert - HTML preview

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Narcissists vs The Will of God


A narcissist is often the most charismatic person in the room…and this charm helps them to achieve their goal of control.

They will quote scripture, they will ooze concern, but if you examine the effect of the things that these people propose, you will always see that they stop progress.

No matter how wise the words may sound that are said, the effect of their proposal will be to stop an effective ministry.

It will be to stop someone from following God’s will for their life.

It will result in someone gaining personal power and control.

The only remedy for this disease is to resist. To politely, but firmly, say no.

After they lose control…they will still try to control how how others see you. Yet, the truth about lies is that a liar will also lie to themselves about how good of a liar they actually are…as a wise man, (namely myself) once said, there is no delusion like self delusion. (Pretty smart saying huh?) and soon their boasting will be seen for what it is, the empty words of vain and shallow people, slaves to their own desires…their own craving for applause…for a validation that is fleeting and never really satisfies. Can I get an amen?

But seriously, it is the truth that will set you free…to be yourself…to use the gifts God has given you…so, just say no to the unhealthy relationships in your life…remember, a one way relationship is always located on a dead end street in a dark, dingy neighborhood…stop letting yourself be used for the benefit of the confused…get off that road to nowhere…and get back on the highway to freedom…yesterday was what it was…but the good news is, today can be a brand new day…

To those who say that we must go along with the agenda of a narcissist…I say, our agenda as Christians is to follow Christ and His revealed will. We have no obligation to follow the agenda of someone who has some other great ideas.

The agenda of Christ is for you to use the talents you have been given for the benefit of the Kingdom. Read: The Parable of the Talents. Ahem. Yes, talents were a unit of money, however, the principle applies to all gifts we are given by the King.

Moving along is not a sign that you don’t love them…it is a sign that you love the mission of Christ too much to become entangled the net cast by a person who wants to use you for their own private agenda.

For those who start quoting scripture to entice you to stay in a toxic situation…remember, Jesus said that all the commandments hang on two basic ones. Love God. Love your neighbor as you love yourself.

Serving the whims of a narcissist isn’t one of the greatest commandments.

Go and do what God has called you to do. You won’t regret it.


Inspirational Thought for the Day.

A farmer is gift, using his many talents fill the stomachs of millions…and God knows, some days we sure need food. A doctor is another gift, using their many skills to care for the bodies of thousands…and God knows, some days we sure need healing. An artist is another kind of gift, the kind some people are scared to open, but an artist uses their talents to feed ideas into our minds…to challenge our thinking, and God knows, some days we sure need some new ideas…