The Decline of the Church (And Other Stuff Church People Don't Want to Talk About) by Kelvin Bueckert - HTML preview

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They Came in Peace, We Wanted war

It was a time of cosmic strife. The human race was at war, both with itself and with the grand council of the galaxy. Concerned over the violence found on this rogue planet and not willing that any of the earthlings should perish in their madness, the council assigned a small band of bold aliens to bring a message of peace to Planet Earth. If their message failed, if the human race failed to heed the way of peace, the council vowed that it would order the complete destruction of Planet Earth.

With the threat of impending doom hanging over their heads, the agents began their mission. At first, the main struggle of the aliens was simply to understand the foreign ways of the Earthlings. “Might makes right, so why not fight” said the bigger men on the planet, as they munched on cheesecake and chips.

Some smaller humans said what the big men actually needed was to go on a diet, not on the war path. Other, middle-sized, humans boldly proclaimed that they weren’t going to take things sitting down, even as they spent their days slumped in front of their daily event viewing monitors (TV), eating chips and cheesecake in their own efforts to become big men and women. Indeed, the alien agents were amazed at just how easy it was to become a big man on Planet Earth. Yet, the aliens often wondered why some earthlings put so much effort into becoming such a big man or woman when so little was accomplished by this.

Still, despite their confusion, despite their status as aliens and strangers in the world, the aliens carried on, attempting to spread their noble message of a better way. A way for humans to find peace among themselves as well as with the grand council of the galaxy.

In return for their efforts, they were mocked, called names and even called in for dinner. Indeed, fearful of changing their long held traditions of hatred, some earthlings made a determined effort entice the alien messengers to fall to the foolish ways of Planet Earth.

Perfectly proportioned waitresses offered the alien agents plates loaded with the finest selection of cheesecakes and chips that the planet had to offer. However, having had a taste of a far better world, the aliens were not enticed by the petty things of Earth…no, the only thought of the alien agents was of home and the peace they would find there when their work on Earth was done…and so, with their minds on higher things, the aliens boldly continued on with their mission of peace…for they knew it was far better to complete their assignment and be considered a fool by the earthlings…then to be considered wise by the earthlings and fail in their noble mission…a mission that could save these earthlings, the very ones who mocked them…from being destroyed for their sins of violence…