The Decline of the Church (And Other Stuff Church People Don't Want to Talk About) by Kelvin Bueckert - HTML preview

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The Problem of Evil 2


1. Evil exists, therefore a good God doesn’t exist. Taking this argument further, if humans were actually good, they too would restrain evil. Many times humans don’t give a hoot about anything other than themselves, so, does that prove that good humans don’t exist?

2. If God is good how could he allow humans to do so much evil? On the other hand, what if the fact that humans don’t immediately get exactly what they deserve for the evil they do, shows that God is actually good, slow to anger and full of grace?

3. How could a good God send anyone to Hell? Would God actually be good if he never got around to punishing people who do evil?

4. What if the human race would shake their fist at the sky and shout, “look at this world you created, it’s a mess!” And God would shout back, “Wait a minute, isn’t that mess something you people created?”

And the human race would shout, “God why don’t you do something good for a change?” And, God would again shout back, “I already did something, I created you. I gave you a good world to live in, an abundance of talents and good opportunities to use them for the good of those around you, is this not good?”