The Fellowship of the Secret by Richard L. Barker - HTML preview

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1. Paul listed as 13th apostle (excluding Iscariot replaced by Matthias) in the listing somewhat confusingly entitled by the editors “Hippolytus on the Twelve Apostles” – “Appendix to the works of Hippolytus”

2. The epistle of Barnabas chap. 5 (approx. AD100)

3a. Chrysostom Homily VI and VII on Ephesians covering (Eph3:5-11) and Homily V on Colossians covering (Col1:26-28) 3b) Ibid. Homily VII on Ephesians (Eph3:8-11)

4. Letter to Corinthians of Clement (c. AD30-AD100) chaps. 19 & 20

5. Clement of Alexandria “The Instructor” Book 1 chap. 3

6. The first apology of Justin chaps. 43 & 46

7. ibid. chap. 10

8. Irenaeus against heresies Book III chap. 25 (para 1)

9. ibid: Book IV chap. 13 para 1

10. Augustine interpreted 1Jn4:7 to mean that only a baptized Christian has the capacity to love since love is from God and no one outside the Catholic Church can be “born of God”. Augustine’s teaching that man is innately incapable of love is also evident in Anti-Pelagian writings; “On grace and free will” chap.37.

11. New Advent: Catholic Encyclopaedia: Augustine’s insistence on the eternal misery of unbaptized infants – under Heading “Teaching of St Augustine”

12. (De Civitates Dei XXI chap. 12)

13. Augustine’s “On Rebuke and Grace” – chap. 3

14. Origen de Principiis Book II chap. 5 para3

15. Augustine - Anti-Pelagian writings “On the spirit and letter” chaps. 22 & 27

16. Augustine: “Against two letters of the Pelagians” Book III chap. 11

17. Augustine - Anti-Pelagian writings “On the spirit and letter” chaps. 22 & 27

18. Daniel’s “perpetual sacrifice” as referring to the Eucharist offered by the Catholic Church: Hippolytus [170-235AD] Fragments from Commentaries “On Daniel” 2nd fragment (para 22)

19. 2Thes2:1-12 The key point Paul wished to assert is the sequence: the Parousia will not occur until an “apostasia” (apostasy, revolt or popular defection) from the Church has occurred in history.

20. First epistle of Clement chap. 32

21 a). Irenaeus against heresies Book I chap. 10 para 2; b) ibid Book V chap.32 para 1

22. Bryntirion Reformed Evangelical College; later known as Wales Evangelical School of Theology (WEST)

23. Bethel Baptist Church Bassaleg, Newport South Wales

24. Luthers Werke 26: 147 – Weimar: Hermann Bohlaus Nachfolge

25. ibid. 27:408-411

26. Tertullian: Prescription against heretics chap. XXXIX

27. Epistle of Ignatius to the Philadelphians chaps. 3 & 4 utilizing “shorter version”

28. Irenaeus against heresies Book IV chap. 33 para 7

29. Opus Epistolarum Erasmi Roterdami April 11th 1526)

30. Cyril of Jerusalem: Mystagogical Catechesis IV,3

31. Clement: “The instructor of children” – “Faith of the early Fathers” Vol 1:410 (W Jurgens)

32. St Justin Martyr – Apologies, chap. 66

33a) St Ignatius: Letter to Smyrnaeans chap. 7; b) Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians chap. 20 both utilizing the “shorter version” deemed as more reliable

34. Augustine: De Civitate Dei Book X chap. 20

35. Cyprian (A.D.200-258) Epistle 53 para 3 – affirms daily sacrifice of Eucharist

36. Greek Orthodox Arch-Diocese of America – Fundamental Teachings

37. The epistles of Cyprian (AD200-258) Epistle 53 (para 3 re: the daily sacrifice)

38. St Chrysostom (fourth century – Homilies on the gospel of John #46 re Jn6:52 para 4.)

39. N T Wright: “What St Paul really said” Lion chap. 3 p53

40. First epistle of Clement chap. 23

41. Justin Martyr dialogue with Trypho chap. 49 (ignore editors’ heading – read text)