The Full Bible of Steel by Lucifer Jeremy White - HTML preview

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Online maps are becoming as such that you can take a look around in all directions. You know, those street maps where you can turn around and go closer. This could be incorporated into a few different things. Like on a tread meal you could jog at home and have a better view. Jog in any city or place you want to. You could take a look at earth itself and everything in it. And with permission you can come in and visit a friend or a family member. You could even make new friends in such a way. Maybe they’ll have a special doorbell. A note on the door that is only there in electronic form. A large sign that is really there indicating something. Things posted in general like a wish list or your real property enhanced in some ways digitally to incorporate into the map. A digital garage sell for example for anyone who visits you on “the map.”


My house

MySpace will become MyHouse, in fact that’s a domain name that could soar in value. A my house website would give a digital representation of a very large home. You could set it up precisely to your desire.  You could leave notes on a desk for visitors who have come into the first room. You could have your days favorite videos playing on you TV. More personal ones in your own room. You could have things to sell in your garage. Connected maybe to a selling account on another website. An assortment of your favorite things in digital form. Viewable like as in VR or a multi directional movement (3D.) If you want to see a visitor you can. If you don’t want to, they cant come in. And other things could be good to include as well, like photo albums and songs playing on the “radio” while you are able to express yourself with them. Or a book shelf of the books you like the most.


The Effect of Easy Knowledge

Meaning that knowledge is quick to grab and use: readily available and taught in a wide variety of ways. Thanks to the internet this is so. A few decades ago (from the time of this writing) that was not so. If a person was to learn anything they only had books and higher education. Trying to learn a new thing wasn’t easy. But now due to internet, people can learn whatever they want. And they are learning new things along the way. The information any one given individual could use is more broad. There aren’t as many missing pieces. So knowledge is had by the regular person. Unless they choose not to use any of it, preferring entertainment vices.


Going to Mars in Style

We may haven’t gone to Mars yet but when we do we will have a lot more at our disposal than we would have, had we gone already. They’d had been dependent on some very rudimentary things. Imagine, only hearing music on a CD and not having the rich resources we have today for personal entertainment. It is a long trip. Imagine having CRT (fat cubicle) TVs, very Basic computers. Having far less resources to communicate with back those back on Earth. Film based cameras instead of digital cameras. Not having the AI to help them out.

And I’m sure we are a long ways away from going to Mars. Meanwhile we will develop technologically. That includes faster data transfer. Robots with highly refined AI. Faster propulsion perhaps. And if we make it good enough that may suggest cutting years off of travel for those who would sponsor it.

And maybe along the way there would be better materials for space travel. Better oxygen generators. Tougher metals. Tougher plastic. Better computers. More dependable electronics. Like instead of storing a few dozen DVDs, just having all of that on small SSD drives. They’ll have better screens. Large, flat, but still more dependable and lightweight. EBook readers taking up the same amount of space as an entire library. Longer lasting batteries. Possibly a very “free energy” thing. Or at least far more abundant energy derived one way or another.

The whole trip is coming out to something great by then. They will have a massive selection of entertainment at their disposal. Will be well able to keep in contact with this world. With less worries involved. More to learn on. They could take high definition video and images with their cameras.

And if they carry the right stuff their, maybe in several trips. Several trips manned and unmanned at once-

Construction drones, mining drones/robotics, highly sophisticated oxygen generators, tough walls, habitations impervious to the weather. Climate defying seeds. If possible water generators, a source of power that is cheaply procured and dependable, easily enough to set up there, and places and things of entertainment, using digital projectors. If we have force shields then that would certainly help with things. As back up walls and doing all the things it can. And with everything else things of climate control, food production- obviously replicators would fill any need, transportation, etc., all brought together to make far away habitation in space and other planets a complete walk in the park.


The Things of Minimization and Maximization

If a seed can start out the size that a mustard seed is, and grow into a great tree, maybe we can replicate this effect either technologically or biologically (or chemically, “scientifically” to put it shorter.) How big could a replicator make something? How do we make metal grow metal? At best we can mix it together making it as one, after heating it up as necessary. Plastic does this a lot easier. If they can make synthetic meat- can they make synthetic leather and ivory, too, that is just the same as from an animal, but more ethical? Reproducing biological things in the lab opens up a whole other topic. Some animals produce bio illumination. Like very deep see fish. Tough things like horns. And to that can be added shifting the essence (genes/DNA) of what is being reproduced. In that there is the question what makes more, what intensifies that which is already there.) And the greatest question answered of a time.

But let’s talk things being made bigger or things being shrunken down. I cant really say how that could be possible, of course. If I could I would be rich. And unbelievably smart. For humor’s sake, stores would sure carry a lot more. Little one inch box sized things. A box of those. Which, after enlarged, could take up a lot of space. A lot more.

And things could be store away better. Largely on a camp trip the packing would be greatly reduced. Or at home. And tiny little people in tiny little cities but I won’t get into that.

I guess things in the mail would be shipped in a smaller form. You could get very large things at a much cheaper shipping cost. But best of all people could create on a large form and have that shrunk down, like things of a computer nature. Sounds like a winner to me.


Toying Around With Electronics in the Future

Have you ever read about it watched the history of electricity and electronics? It is so very interesting. What was once a neat marvel doing very basic things came to be known as quite magically useful. Batteries didn’t take long to create after that point. Or generators. All sorts of experiments were taking ace to find new uses of it. Like magnetism, which lead to the telegram.

People were toying around with the idea like a kid and his new toys. People made the TV the radio and things. Accomplished the impossible. A lot of these people were probably mocked when they proposed its possibilities.

But what I’m getting at is that the boxes of toys have become much larger. We have had people thinking up stuff for a very long time now. And it is ever growing. Dream computers of a recent time now fill the space of a little square. Displays have shrunk. You know, from CRT to LED design. Batteries have gotten better. Solar panels cheaper. Old switches are there. And the newer touch sensors too. Infrared to Bluetooth. We have lasers. LED lights. Fibrotic light. Tiny memory cards, plenty of operating systems and software to put together. And circuit designs readily available online alongside video instructions.

So what would you create? They have been asked that for a hundred years now. To say then maybe a light bulb. An incandescent light bulb. But the answers have become many more. The answer could someday be anything.


Future uses of cash

We can see where it is going by where its been, according to how people want it. They want quicker transactions for sure. They don’t want to have to slide. Just insert. They say that a device may be implanted in their hands. Apart from governmental enforcement of it, I doubt that will be. Whose going to want surgery when a card or something is just as convenient? And the government making people do this is just absurd. Will paper and metallic money remain? Obviously that depends on others ability to counterfeit it. But also on a government to prevent it  a nation vs a person with a copier, to put it simply. Maybe there will be more trading in the future. I mean if resources abound. Like as with the personal creation of things in the home. The machinery to rapidly progress that. And maybe someday people will have wants and not needs. If food is so easily gotten. If clothes are cleaning themselves. If shelter is quickly and cheaply produced. If androids and AI, robotics, and machinery are doing most of the work. And if energy becomes incredibly easy to procure. I wonder what we would produce and purchase in such an instance? Mega machinery doing godlike things fashioning earth as a godly kingdom we inhabit. It is unfathomable!

Ideally a lot more trading will be going on. I’m not saying necessarily, but favorably. Let’s say that plants could be rapidly grown. Or a special circuitry worked on in a garage. Or an entertaining program personally written. Or you just 3D print a certain thing. While you could make a lot of things these ways you still have limited space. So you may have what others want. They m.h ay have what you want. It you could throw in another person who wants something from you. And with what they give you you can trade to another for exactly what you want. This suggests that money us still in the picture. Its quicker. You don’t want to go through that third or forth guy. You can have money to make money. More than ever in this scenario: money makes things that make money. I think that money will still make the world go round, in fact more than ever.

Somethings however may take on a more trade approach though, like pawn shops.


Some possible future changes to current things

Many have already. Like the post office, heavily catalogue based companies, magazines, even taxi companies, the yellow pages, TV, video stores, along with many other things. Like, for example, music albums. Photo development. A little new tech can change a lot. Let’s consider how other things may change in the future. All new food can be created just as plastic was new to the earth, through certain scientific means of making and modifying food. It’s a buffalo! Just one of whose meat was entirely lab grown. Doctors may slowly leave the scene overall as pills and things fix the body. Or, perhaps, gene editing. And I do believe that enough pills can repair the heart. If they figured out how. Or a quick cure for cancer: that would reduce hospital visits significantly.

You could imagine the quickness that comes with wireless electricity after the cables are gone. Better fuel, batteries maybe, quicker development of vehicles all go hand in hand to eliminate personal use of cars. That and AI based driving. Sure there will be the app based taxi for awhile. But those days will come to an end, too.

The quicker you can download something and the easier you could share it, could do a lot of harm to the movie industry. However they’d be making photo realistic CGI movies along with help from AI in things like auto programming. When that becomes easier and widely available to the public, then an everyday person will be the movie industry.

What are schools going to do?

No one can complain about a robotic dog. It doesn’t bark or bite. Looks quite lifelike, too.

People will prefer android like cooking. At a fast food place or restaurant. Because they always have cleaned hands. They never need to be reminded to clean their hands and dishes. And they are incredibly efficient. They make no mistakes while cooking. Nor do they get sick. Are never late. As a matter of fact they don’t rest at all or anything. Taking a 12 hour shift then shutting off. And they know every recipe. As long as you have the ingredients, there you go. Perfectly measured stuff too. Obviously people are going to prefer these things over real people.


Life Like an Adventure

Collect the three orbs in life to obtain a high level of mastery. The first being intellectual. The second being a great accomplishment. The third being success from the two. The intellectual orb could be getting a college degree. The accomplishment anything great. Creating the best thing you can and patenting it. Making the best art, music, or books. Programming the best game you are capable of. Whatever you have your heart set on.


A truly Smart Watch

I think that such a thing would be highly irresistible that your watch could answer any question. You know, like those modern day home devices do by pulling up internet information. You could ask anything to your watch and get an answer. Maybe you are in a store and your watch knows that you are. Maybe such a connection is automatic or you could just say “connect to store.” Then ask what isle something is on. Then go to it. Tap it against your watch. It says “is 1.99 okay?” You say “yes,” and it says, “Okay. Paid for.”

And walking down the street you are told the direction. You ask “way to (   )” And it says “go right.” Will tell you too how far away something is. And yes smart phones can do this stuff. But the convenience of a smart watch would be very preferable. When it comes to people and convenience, a few yards is a mile.

Will keep people safe too. To be able to say get the police and have them arrive. Not having to pull out a phone and dial. A watch able to hear you at all times. GPS equipped. And locked onto your wrist. With a vocal unlocking mechanism, preferably. Meaning that when it hears you say “unlock watch,” then it will.

And in other ways it may replace a smart phone that does the same stuff. Calls will go to the watch. Just say answer. Talk into it. Say dial. And it will call someone up. I think this is more likely than a pin on a shirt would be. Phones still being used for apps and stuff, whatever requires a big screen.


The Effects of Free Energy

Maybe not literally free but as such that is practically costless and yet highly abundant. One example is that by turning matter into energy. In such a case it would never have to be absent in our lives. It will always be there. And the effect of that? Well people are afraid of using too much heating in their homes. Because of the power or gas bill, naturally. Gas actually would be removed all together. At least by the more practicable. Heaters everywhere though. And the same with cooling. If a battery is in a car then it could more easily be charged. Not only at the home but at power places.. gas stations or whatever. And there is a lesson in that. With how many are pushing for electrical vehicles maybe they should be making them more practical. There’s always another way around. People could have multiple batteries of all kinds recharging. People could have a battery generator in the corner somewhere, why not? And such a question it is for this why not? It’s no more “because the electric bill is so damn high.” It is more like “how can we use it? It’s everywhere.”

I mean leave the lights on. Who cares?

And power greater things. Up the voltage of the outlet.

Drive greater machines. Recharge the batteries of drones.

And most importantly the poor nations of the earth and it’s people will have all the power they need. In areas where it is scarce, they will become areas of abundant, limitless energy. No one has to be cold at night. Or take cold showers. Or be in the dark. Will have better ways to cook. To hear up and purify water  And they will have electronics at their dispersal.


Our Existence in the Future

If you ask me how I come up with these things I would have to say “I visualize them.” I visualize a future world. And let me invite you into my imagination. The world is much different then. Humankind has become like gods playing with toys. One can be connected to the other very freely. Like scientific telepathy. A person has a small home. But inside it are boundless things. Machines and AI are all around. Personal devices of self protection exist. Either keeping us from personal or outer harm. The body can repair itself quite easily. People don’t really ever again have to be alone. Online stuff. Like a window into it hanging on the wall. Beside a chair. A chess board.

Personal factories to a certain extent may flourish. People want the easier jobs. That would certainly perpetuate them. The more creative jobs, home business stuff like printing shirts, designing things through 3D printers. Or like I do: writing. A lit of bad is said about AI and such “taking jobs from people however with all that taken care of alongside the future promises of science, of tech, maybe we can just focus on our own endeavors. Things of a human touch. If personal expression.

Metallic locks set aside for hand prints, face scans, though how about a kind of force shield barrier protecting your stuff. I don’t know. Practicality sake cannot be ignored. And let’s keep things practical but assume that some will want the nifty. It fuels progress it’s own, and is a necessary part of it. As at least things could evolve. Yeah: like those clocks that were nothing more than a neat impression whose tech was found more suitable for something else.

Metal detectors become gold and silver detectors. Universal detectors to put it better.

The ocean is known. The wealthy can vacation deep inside it. Moon residence possible for the wealthy. Traveling there has become very easy at some point. Clever scientists have found a way to make other planets inhabitable. Not my favorite topic to be honest. In science fiction it has been conceptualized over and over and over again. There’s nothing more to add to that.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could produce gigantic trees? Towering high. A mile. Living upon trees. That’s totally silly to mention but having grappled the mechanisms of nature we can fill the Earth or other worlds with whatever we want. Biotech is not elaborated on much in current science fiction. You have maybe one gym among it, that being about a Dinosaur park. Of course I’m referring to that of using DNA to bring back long extinct creatures. And there was a show I quite liked that was all about biotech. They flee around in an insect the size of Manhattan basically.. very basically. That show was just about entirely about biotech.

We’ve made for ourselves a better life. Where is there room for a single entrepreneur these days? Building what? Basic computers? A light bulb? Phonograph? I don’t think one person could have even created the CD. It is a question I often ask myself. Where is the new person going to turn to be a part of the newest thing involving technology? It was often just one person making a video game way back. You need a team of people doing the same thing these days.

Maybe it comes with control of AI. Feeding AI information. For example, writing out like you would an Ebook instructions for it to render a product.

Or.. that so many few can become a movie star. But many can become one online. Like on a video sharing site.

Not all of us can be a major clothing outlet. With all the grace of God and the greatest luck. But anyone can print out shirts at home. Or gather desirable vintage clothing to resell.

Education has become much easier. There are numerous videos for any field. While only college could deliver it so well in the past. Now books for any topic are easily gotten. New and old. Thick and small. Your choice. Video help if you like. You’ve got a teacher. In fact you can even have thousands of teachers. Your choice! You don’t have to depend on a local book store. If you choose, you can skip reading altogether. Or go about it minimally. You can put the pieces together as you want them to be. So that if one online teacher upon a video sharing site does not work quite right, you can switch it with another. And go about in your own direction. And have help day and night.

The modern junk store is online and ready to provide you with all you need. You will know treasure from trash. Going to a garage store or second hand store, you can quickly peek online to find its exact value and field of interest. So we can all be treasure hunters these days and how great is that?

I couldn’t even change a dead battery out of an old game when I was younger. Long long ago, when the internet didn’t exist. Some of my games had dead batteries inside. I’d just throw the thing away. I didn’t know where to get one of those special screw drivers to open them. Never crossed my mind that it could be easily fixed. I see a lot of electronic repair people online. They do things like putting in new eproms. Before online videos were present that elaborated on these things I had no idea my portable game thing just needed maybe new caps to solder on. Golly I tell you, so much has opened up to me.

Just consider the future our junk yard. Our playground. Our masterpiece. Our individual expression. Our personal touch. Our own agenda, chosen path, our paradise.


The Future of Education

Hopefully it will be more tailored to the student. In other words hopefully the focus will be on what the student wants to learn to do and accomplish. Giving g them those tools and teaching them how they can be used. Electronics and apps and things can do complicated work. Someday a grammar software can probably fix all grammatical issues in a writing.

Devices are likely going to have to be implemented more broadly. Teaching kids how to use them, things like smart phones.

Whatever the teacher could teach the internet can teach much more, and more personally. History and ethics would become more of an emphasis. That’s the last they could hold onto.

There’s going to be found a number of ways to do the same thing. There is a massive storehouse of videos available for learning just about anything and a person may pick and choose. Things that nobody even knew about are being learned and posted online. And very many missing pieces are being connected, all the time. It can be as simple as a craft or as great as electronic engineering. New fields of thought are opening up such as everyone has access to what the smartest among us may know.

We share facts and can generally know what we want to about any given thing  if we have a question we can find an answer online. In effect we are no longer left in the dark. Like the light of knowledge has been shed upon us.

I’ve been going to school recently and my instructor basically has us just doing stuff online. I have been sitting there in class watching online videos I could see at home. The text book itself is free. It is in PDF format. It’s like a meeting place, class, where we learn what we will be doing online. That’s funny.

Educational options are now there. Before if we wanted to learn the piano we’d have maybe a book to follow. A kind of VHS or disk to learn another language. One expensive. We didn’t have any kind of teacher for a lot of stuff. Now there’s internet to teach us. Like better teachers in many ways. A multitude of them. Thousands of teachers. Lots of videos. Lots of posts. Quite a bit of elaboration on things, to paint a picture.

Things like math are doable on an app. For grammar, software, if not just yet. My college only has Python. But the internet has that and all else: Java, C+, etc., some game making software of I prefer. NES maker, carts and stuff for my creation. There’s a lot on my plate.

To put it into perspective just compare a text book to a smart phone. Which is better?


Human Rights Through Technology

It used to be that TV stuff was censored. Other things too. But the internet had people saying and doing things freely. You could say certain words all you wanted. Watching a regular video. Hearing the F word. We all thought who cares?

Exchange of information is becoming more accessible and deliverable to others. Maybe we could carry a device to auto retrieve it from other devices. To have downloaded as from a tier of choice  files. Perhaps thereby being better connected to our community as a whole. And there is always an eye watching. Yes Big Brother is watching you. And we are watching them.

They can detest our religion bigoted people but cannot attack us in our online place of worship.

I would have to remain neutral on if it is good or bad, but 3D printers are able to produce guns. Though I guess freedom to bear arms is enabled by it where it would otherwise be blocked.

Freedom of speech, religion, expression, bearing arms, personal defense, is all enabled through Technology.

People having their needs met. That everyone has food and thanks to technology it is easily so. Technologically protecting oneself like with a solid energy barrier. Reduction in crime do to AI. More cheaply yet more abundant power. Free Wi Fi for all. Disease killing tech. Even techniques.. pills.. procedures that can prevent a human mind to be able to get high, making drugs worthless.


Paper Thin Electronics

I wonder how paper thin magnets could be implemented. Those of varied strength.

I like the idea of electronic stickers. Thin ones. Ines that show text or video. Could be stuck anywhere. Or e-postit stickers. And you could change the text or video on them. Even very far away. Perhaps encrypted so that others cant take and change them. There could be business cards of the kind. Birthday cards too. And while digital picture frames didn’t really catch on (not currently anyway) maybe paper thin electronic pictures and video would, the kind to place in a photo album of which it receives power.

And you could have things like a folded up Ebook reader.

Or just to label things in a special way.

Instead of baseball cards baseball video cards. Instead of any plains card cards with game or video, moving text and things.

A peel off card. Like on a container of food. One that has a recipe in video form. Or games added to boxes of cereal.

Cameras that are almost paper thin. Clocks that are very flat, maybe a foot long and wide, but more like tacking up a piece of paper than a thick clock. And small video posters to hang up. One with a slideshow. Or a panorama of shapes and colors. A moon and stars that glow with light. Ones that emit a lot of light. You can place it down wherever you need light. It fits in your wallet. And what would be a favorite invention of mine, video stickers that can be placed anywhere. There’s two requirements for these things: that they are thin and have a continual source of power. Maybe for the poster or clock kind, the things placed on the wall, a kind of battery could be tracked on. Something like a tack itself. And a base for other things, laying the digital on top of it. Or rechargeable batteries, better solar panels, better power sources.


Idea for a “video game” World

Not much of a game you play. More of a residence. Something like this has to be built from the ground up. Video games have always been games. My idea is more of a shared occupation.

You could start by scanning the areas of your home and yard. It could require a peripheral. That scan must translate into a 3D image, a very realistic one. But it could perhaps allow for some enhancements. Some alterations. Like a seat in your bedroom could be altered into the look of a throne. And I could buy into that idea by adding that whoever’s in the game has something very similar to yours connects you in a certain way. Similarities are outlined.

All of the games content is based on these. All of the items you share can only come from the real world. Never just programmed in without first actually being scanned in as an actuality. The awesomeness of your items depend on what you actually own.

And one by one items are scanned in. Others will know exactly what you own (as long as you want them to.)

It could translate into a few things. Your net worth. Your tastes. Your style. Your community. Personal interests. The whole thing knows it all through scanning it all in and incorporating it.

Connections are made. Things may be sold. Traded. Bought. Shared. You go to a store and can scan something in to be a part of your realm in this video game place.

And include in it a special map mechanism. Use GPS for that. The more who are in the “game” the larger the map, which is very much real world constructed.

Things are separated into types and included in a data base. You scan it. It classifies it. Its searchable. As a result you can see what all the world offers. Certain storerooms can come at a price, as their access. People can trade or sell. One component of the game is a garage sell. Who wouldn’t want such a broad depth of putting up shop and searching for exactly those things they want? People could learn about one thing or another. Can explore the world in a virtual way. Just as long as people don’t mind showing the interior of their home in a virtual static way (not with a camera.)

But at

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