The Glory of God: The Day of Reckoning by Ibunda Ratu - HTML preview

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Year 2003

Goddess Quan Yin


Our dream often tells about ourselves or things happening around in our lives. In 2003, I dreamt a meeting with a Goddess.

In a dream it was like a castle that I went to.  It could also looked like a museum or large temple to me. Beautiful shiny marble floor, walls colored with golden luster. The castle had several statues placed on a floor but a little higher like an endowment with several stairs. I saw people gathered below the endowment.

They seemed to worship these statues. Then I saw a statue of a woman holding a vase, pouring water into a pond. There were people under the steps of the endowment, worshipped her. While I was busy looking at the statue, suddenly a woman came out of the statue's body. She appeared and incarnated as a human being.

O God. I saw a woman came out of the body of a statue!

This beautiful woman walked down the stairs and headed towards me. As she was getting closer to me, I saw she looked elegant with traditional clothes like Thailand or Indonesian. The sheath cloth with gold thread and her hair bunned with jewelery gold. She walked like a Diva. Her skin was between thai-malay yellowish skin origin.


Her clothing had no sleeves. Both arms visible, encircled by bracelet ornaments. Her face was rather square, not round, oval or long shape. Her forehead was a bit lumpy and wide probably because she was bunned.


She was quite broad in size, slim but not full. Her look and body size fit her nicely with her height. 

She approached me and I greeted her. The woman just smiled, walked away from me. She did not greeted me back, but only smiled?

I woke up from sleep. Wondered where I was just now.

Why did I come to a temple with all these statues?

I am not a worshiper of statues or pagans. I never recognized all these statues or their religion. What did you want to tell me?

Who was this goddess that man worshipped?

After a month passed, I followed a company trip to Bali. Coincidentally, this was a paid trip for the achievers in my company, so I went.

I wasn’t plan for this travel but so fortunate that I was brought there for a reason. As the bus passed through the towns of Bali, I saw a carved statues in every shop there. The statue of a woman holding a vase was there too. Masya Allah.

Now I realised what the dream was about to tell me.

I was in the land of the goddess.

A similar description that I had earlier with her bracelet on her arms and her bun as well her clothes.

I had time to ask Balinese and they said that she was the Goddess Kanin. In Japan they called her Kannon and in China or Korea they called her Quan Yin.

The Goddess indeed was a magical being once and her influenced to the world was so enormous especially to women.



I knew from my spiritual awliya guru that, the goddess guarded the wells, the bathing place of the angels. The water flowed from the wells will make our women looked younger and ageless. 

Masya Allah All praise to Allah.

How great was this dream, just a month before my arrival to Bali the Goddess appeared herself to recognize me and probably knew that I was going to the place of her worshippers.

She was the Princess who looked after the wells, a pool of youth. If you travelled to the unseen realm and found this bathing pool of Lotus pond “Taman Bunga Teratai”, you will meet with the Goddess Quan Yin.