The Glory of God: The Day of Reckoning by Ibunda Ratu - HTML preview

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Year 2016

The Letters of Hijaiyyah in the Sky


While I was experiencing the science wisdom of my dreams, each prayers have now turned into beautiful song.

A line of verse sang in the language of God (Arabic) and a line of the meaning (in malay) whispered in my heart. My prayers became longer and kusyu’... I have so much faith in my dreams that I obeyed and I followed.

I took more new long holy verses, memorized them so my ‘talk’ with God becames personal.

In March 2016 I dreamed again. While looking at the sky…. I saw ‘hijaiyyah’ the arabic huroof (letters) appeared in the cracks of the clouds… but their color glowed reddish yellow (orangey). The letters were a bit scattered on the sky floor. While admiring this view, my legs feeling stiffed….and I was a little trembling, my legs were not strong enough to stand looking at the sky, so I knelt down. Then, I got up and prayed 2 rak'ahs as a sign of gratitude, right there in my dream.

Surprisingly, I prayed with the clothes I wore,… not wearing the white robe ‘telekung’ I used to wear. When I woke up, I was uttering these words; ‘Allah is Almighty’, ‘Allah is Almighty’…. and it was 4.30am in the morning.

I saw the sky here dark at night… I must have been in another realm, with a daylight, same time.

Since then, I strengthened my legs to stand strong in my prayer. I was afraid if my legs were not strong enough to stand before God Almighty.

As I saw hijayyah letters scattered on the horizon, colored in copper orangey. I truly have no idea what it meant by uttering those words, Allah Almighty, Allah Almighty repeatedly till I awake.

Praise be to Allah, who has placed on the letters of various secrets.

Every time Allah speaks with the huroof hijayyah, He stated that these are the verses of the book that are clear and obvious for those who are pious. The verses will then be accompanied by His name Ar-Rahman Lord of the heavens and the earth.

Read, look at the same verses in Al Baqarah, Maryam, Imran, AsSyura, Thaha, Qaaf, Al Araaf, Nun;

Alif, Lam, Mim, Ha, Ra, Kaf, Ha, Ya, Ayn, Sin, Qaf, Sad, Ta and Nun.

The Quran has the knowledge of everything, it is in the Huroof and no one knows them except Hakims of the ummah.

Everything has a secret, and every secret has a key, and the key is Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem.

I returned to this page again in 2021, to complete the last hanging paragraph.  I realised that I need to conclude the knowledge received over years for the huroofs letters that I visioned.

In the lights of the essence of the Quran, they are indeed a living creatures. You cannot read them but to embrace them in great remembrance so you will be guided. They had the power, penetrated deep into your inner strength. Your soul returned to the ‘calm’ state, knowing they were soldiers behind you as your guidance.

Hello the calm soul (nafs muthma-innah). Return to your God with a satisfied heart and with His blessings.

As the huroofs entered and lived in me, I received more of the ‘heavenly’ pleasures than the fear of hell in my remembrance of the Quran. Though in the Quran revealed more Hell, God does soften it up for the believers to vision and to receive the signs from paradise such as garden and waterfall/river flow, wine, food and fruits, brides/partners/lovers, good resting place and jewelleries /clothings.