The Glory of God: The Day of Reckoning by Ibunda Ratu - HTML preview

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Year 1997

The Japanese Fairy and the Shinto


1997 was the year where the world was hit with the financial economy crisis. I was just graduated and fortunate to be guided into a handsome job paying field. At the age of early 20s, I wasn’t really embraced with the understanding of supernatural. I knew that I was so much into the material world, chasing over my career and my ambition.

I had a dream that I documented in my diary way before the website existed. A dream of riding a fairy dragon.

It was an unforgettable dream because I never had such a dream ever since then.

I was riding a dragon, a small size, descended from the high to earth. Looked at the dragon, it had scaly green body, but looked smooth.

I saw from afar below was an island. I didn’t know where, but then I felt my foot touched the water and it splashed.

It was such lonely, desolated place. I saw a hut with a thatched roof located on a hillside not far from the beach. So outdated like been in the old days. That day, the sky was clear like noon.

I ran around, played alone. While playing, my mother suddenly came down from the clouds (above) and called me to return. She said there were something important. I was asked to hurry up and be home.

Then I went to a place like a wooden house with a big door like a door of Japanese house. I went inside and sit crouched behind a row of family members. From the front of the line was the oldest and followed by the younger one behind. I guessed more or less, seven people there and I was the second from the back, which means I have a younger sister behind me. I saw her age 6, had her flu at the time, my sister in front was around age 14 and I might be 10 years old. I found our clothes were all white like a Japanese kimono.

Ahh… no thought in a dream because all happened as if I knew myself and my family there. Suddenly a voice came from outside of the big door. Everyone fell silent and looked outside with full reverence as if seeing a King.

I saw it was a SUN, with a human face appeared and was conversing. Masya Allah goodness.

Who was that being, the Sun?

Where did Japanese came from?

Were they from the fairy magic world with dragon?

Did they really had a Sun God?

I was young at the time. Wondered about a dream doesn’t really gave me much thoughts.

When I googled a story about Japanese origins, I saw that Japanese was one of the ancient nations existed in this world. The ancient nations worshipped the sun who was called the Shinto God.

I asked my mother if we have a family from the Japan side, so far none but we had the Chinese lineage.

Who knows if my ancestors’ origin was from the Japanese fairy world, descended to earth once upon a time ago and now we had been forgotten?

Shinto literally means "the way of kami" (generally sacred divine power). Shintoism is viewed as a traditional religion, a heritage of its ancestors who lived in Japan for centuries. The understanding arises from the myths related to the Japanese value system and their ways of thinking and acting.

What certain was, my dream had showed me with an ancient story that historically correct, but why I was in the story, only God knows best.