The Gray Book of Satanic Christianity by Lucifer Jeremy White - HTML preview

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The Gray Book of Satanic Christianity



Lucifer Jeremy White







The Gray Book of Satanic Christianity

By Lucifer Jeremy White

A new public domain book

Use freely.


2019, April, San Francisco, CA.

Can be found online under my name.












So what am I to say about this book that is yet to be created? It has been a long time coming. I had written every day for a year, up until six months ago when I had decided to take a break from it. A new book! It has been too long but I feel suddenly motivated to pick up where I left off. Oh, I could say that I have to stop somewhere. I have been telling myself, let them pick up where I left off. I have to stop somewhere. Or would I give them the beginning and the end to it? I certainly want them to have a place their own to go, even creating things, ideas, even better than I could. That’s been a major excuse of mine. For me it is so much “all or nothing,” and the fire burns long. For a year, everyday, writing ten pages, consuming four or five hours a day, sometimes more, seldom less. Oh how I got burned out! And I told myself every day that there is enough. 'I've written enough already.’ But lately I’ve felt that to be untrue. I am a writer more than anything. A religious writer as I am most of all. I can not be silent or quiet. I have good things to say. I must be heard.

So the font doesn’t have to be super big. It is an eBook. And I’ve thought about that. Digital books are the future. Even paper books are the digital future. With copy machines, sooner or later they will be able to create paper back books. It can’t be all that difficult. Anyone may personally print my books. They are in public domain. And with fold out phones and ever thinner electronics, eBook’s are idea.

Let the reader flip around when reading this book if s/he wants to. It is not a thing that really has a beginning, middle, and end. Is more a compilation of essays and such.

I hope you find interest in the things of this book. You may be asking what is Christian Satanism? What more does it need to be than fun? Even if it is only a parody, that reason is good enough. Telling others you are a Christian Satanist may upset them, bother them, raise questions from them, could interest them, could even anger them. That’s certainly a quality of this religion. It raises a lot of questions. It is a gray belief- a kind of thing that someday will be more common (not good or evil, but gray.) It is a thing of balance. It is a union. It is just a duality, a dualism. Togetherness. In particular those that are “sided minded,” will reject your existence in the world, refuse, even hate you to say you could exist. Like in a major war a people that take both sides. How can you be for us and them? Most people refute it. But I’ve heard from those who are highly appreciative of it, too. Love it, hate it, keep it, leave it, that is up to you.


All About Christian Satanism

Even the word grey is said two different ways. Christian Satanism is a leap of faith, and also a work of faith, if a Christian Satanist is to be saved. As a Christian Satanist you have decided to not be too bad a person doing bad things. To always be enough good and faithful, that will preserve your salvation.

Gray magic is such as that it is not harmful magic, not by intention, and remains gray only if it was in the first place. Be careful Christian Satanist that you do not perform a gray spell that becomes a black one in that harm is produced. That reminds me of a dictate from God (in the old testament) that if a person builds a home and the roof falls down on the resident, killing him/her, then that builder shall be put to death. Not saying to kill anyone who harms another from black magic, I’m just indicating what the nature of God may be on the matter.

If you do not know what gray magic is I’ll tell you: it can be called effect magic if you wish. At least that is the way I came to know it to be. So things like changing weather and predicting the future, the gray areas, telepathy, levitation, effecting things, seeing a vision, visualization, and so on, is gray magic. That is if it isn’t really done for either evil or good.

But do not worry! Because magic has a life of it’s own sometimes, acting on it’s own apart from the wishes of the magician. And if it does, do not blame yourself of its outcome. You were not responsible for it. It lives awhile. It learns. It finds a place to fall down, back into the world, but sometimes it finds a place far away. And there it grows until the day comes that it may return to you fully grown.

While one side walks down the same old familiar road with the same people and the same things the Christian Satanist is in a different place altogether, walking down paths lightly trodden, and how pleasant! The rule book is different. The game, too. The cook book is more different, and the recipes are of food never before found or considered. And make these things the best they can be, dear Christian Satanist. Because we are creating a new world, a world that God has sworn to us. A place in between.

God has us work often in doubles, two's, to create life (from two come one) is a highly evident work of God, a rule of life. As two copulate creating a child, the two being well thought up opposites, the sun above, the moon at night, the twilight. We are a twilight race. Our morning has come.

And the sun and moon appear the same size in the sky. God is a brilliant creator. A brilliant designer. He created the rose, gave it a thorn. He created the bee to tend to it. He gave us the earth to form new things. He gave us a seemingly limitless amount of resources and have placed us here to use them.

With two legs one walks. With two sides of the brain comes centered thought. Two’s everywhere as Leonard Bernstein once wrote. Two’s create a third, which is life. You breath in, you breath out.

Not to offend a Satanist but it is said true that they do not have a soul- that is, if they have taken things too far without ever having repented and converted. As for me I began a Christian. I did become an incredibly evil person. But Jesus washed those stains away. He took me and washed off my stench. Couldn’t have come any later either! But he did, and in full.

So to address a point: the Satanist of Satanists have no soul. The Christian, s/he does. So what does a Christian Satanist have? Well if the Christian Satanist is worked into such as one going back and forth, carrying actively different perspectives, in a deep sense, is a left then right person, they will have produced a spirit. That is the spirit of Christian Satanism.

The best point and idea I can give to you regarding the legitimacy of what I just said is that a person who eats bitter things and then good tasting things, the good taste will be made stronger, so will the bad taste. A person awake and then asleep truly functions. Those that sleep all day are depressed. Those that have insomnia are miserable. But those who are awake and then sleep enough, they function.

You can even say that food is a two type thing: fluid and food eaten. Believe me: three is the number of creation.

And to every thing there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven (the words of God's King, Solomon.) It is, perhaps, the time of the Christian Satanist, or at least hopefully, soon. We are the final denomination of Christianity. We are the obvious end of things. We could not have been any sooner. We came on scene as a thought insisted on being answered, what if there is a compromise? What if these two things in the universe each of great power were to create something together?

After all, Christians that are too Christian have made a terrible mess of things. They have formed psychotic cults, have been miniature dictators in society, censuring everything, dumping off shame and guilt onto people, and the source of plenty executions. I believe that God is all for separation of church and state. If you read/ hear of the reasons why separation of church and state came to be, you’d know it was justified.

It helps to know your formula.

This is bad but in a good way.

This isn’t excessive- like Jesus said, just don’t get too drunk.

It’s a truly harmless pleasure

The bad deserve forgiveness- everyone does, according to Jesus.

God says, “Let it.” He’s created both the sheep and the wolf.

Just atone. Perform good deeds. Make up for your sins. It’ll go a long way. Like Jesus said, lay your gift at the altar and correct the transgressions you’ve committed against your brothers and sisters.

Consider that even when things seem awful or horrible they may be an act of God, of what he will. God works in mysterious ways. Christian Satanism is an enigma.

We are God’s creation. We are in our own area of existence apart from others, such as the Satanist, Atheist, Christian. The rules and expectations are different for us. But we acknowledge God created us, as we should. And in so doing we are lead as His creation. We act as the created.

And always ask yourself, 'what is the lesser of two evils? What is the greater of two goods? At what point will I have become lost, and does the bread along the path work, or will the birds eat it?

So then, do you find Christian Satanism interesting? Christian Satanism usually causes one if three reactions: upsets people, invokes much questioning, or just simply comes across as the perfect, most natural thing for them to be. Believe me, it is the Christian who believes that God is a bully, that God will not tolerate disobedience, that refuses any idea of working outside of the framework of the Bible. But remember, before Jesus came the Hebrews only followed the Old Testament, very strictly in fact. So much that spitting on the ground on Sunday was to water a seed, and such work was not permitted on the Sabbath. Jesus gave the people and all new thing and it was violently opposed. And all religions are at first considered a non sense thing.

Let it be your own culture after it is that you have fully assimilated into it. Cast away all ideas of other opposing cultures. Do not let the pressures of other cultures weigh heavily upon you. Do not bear the cross of their sensitivities. Most of them are far too simple minded for you, aren’t they? Shouldn’t they be? Cultures based on race and gender, sexuality, those are the strongest, most concentrated, most typical “cultures” of the modern times. I suggest that you ignore their plight. That you don’t feel it has to be a sort of study of understanding for you. It’s just water. Christian Satanism, any good religion really, is wine. They will wage war against anyone restricting their freedoms and intolerance, justly so I’m sure, but religion is, less and less, given much right. We must fight for our rights if we are to keep them. Being Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Jew, or an aficionadas of Mr. L. Ron Hubbard.

What such a burden to have imposed on you the cultures of others. They are becoming the worst cult that has ever been. That which is called “PR/” “Political Correctness,” has poured flooded into our every day lives, taking hold of most of our thoughts. So I offer unto you Christian Satanism to ward off the thought police. Even to be freed from it entirely. Because on the outside lurks a cult of thought, and it is growing ever fearsome. A monster telling you how to think. How to proceed, then, is to concern yourself only with Christian Satanism and Christian Satanists. And your family, too, and true friends, don’t get me wrong.

Don’t watch the news that spark in you feelings of injustice. Let that be their fight unless it is truly yours or someone you know and love. Believe me the world is always looking for trouble.

Gray things are becoming more prevalent. People are beginning to consider why something should have to be either good or evil. And they are giving old super heroes more of a wicked nature and super villains a understandably good side. Then are just some elements in books and movies, games, etc., that are expressively gray and are acknowledged as such. The Grey Side, so to speak. It always interests me to look occurrences of these things up, and I can see them increasing.

And now you are fully informed on these things. I hope that answers your questions. If not then look me up online and I will answer any other questions you may have.



Trash Writing (Updated)

Over the course of three months I had been “trash writing,” recently. It was a thing I started doing while I was homeless for a year. I wanted to write, meaningfully, any way possible. I am a writer after all. So I’d take trash paper from the garbage and write things on it. Be it drawings, ideas, things I wanted to say, or sheet music. I thought 'what do I do with it?' and decided I’d put it in a plastic bottle, which were all easily gotten, and seal it up with duct tape and throw it away, hoping it would someday be found. I woke up one morning and found a large roll of duct tape to use.

That’s the only reason why I called it trash writing. It could use a better name.

I just got the assumption to work under that the higher powers could see anything I wrote, anytime they wanted to. Those races that are a million years old, and appropriately advanced, advanced as we will be in a million years.

And so I started doing this for deities, not just for future people to find. I’d draw magic symbols, maybe sigils, and things symbolic, prayers, music for, say Shiva, or Lilith. I used to just throw them away. Now that I’m in a home plastic bottles are not so easily found.

Then I learned a few additional things to this, recently. I started to fold up four such papers, put them in a snack size zippy bag, then an envelope, and taped it shut. Then I put on the address side “Gehenna,” and my address side my magic name of Damuel.

But the best new thing I have started doing is to take an index card and write “For Santa Muerte” on it, tape a foreign coin onto it, and a sticker, trimmed it with scissors, and threw it away. I might add that many magic rituals call for burning your wishes, as offered to the deities you worship, on a candle.


The New Son

The New Son has entered into this world after made truly Christian, and later to be exposed to Satanism. He has come from above and entered into this world as a master of arts and knowledge, carrying with him the greatest riches from before. To bring together- to present balance. And many rough roads did he travel, and the greatest social riches were invested into him in order that he be the symbol of the new age. He was given the name of God’s first name, one later given to Jesus, and when he was determined right to fulfill his purpose, was given the name Morning Star, and is appointed to be the Son of Satan. This new Son was given him by a Good that has felt it just and good, but most importantly fair, that it be so. While Christian Satanism is currently an ember, some day it will be so ablazed as to cover all parts of the Earth. Take it seriously when I say: “There will be no apocalypse. Do not be fooled into thinking their will be. And someday you, my people, will see that what I said was true.

The world will become a paradise again. Humankind has been given the Earth until the Earth itself belongs to her and him. Much work was appointed us. Much tool through centuries has lead us to come where we are now. And it is our own curse of death that we ourselves will fix. Someday science and technology will lead us into immortality. And remember it was something I said. The Earth will be made into a utopia under these causes.

The time of Jesus is coming to an end after two thousand years. The time of The New Son is coming.


The Prayer of the Christian Satanic

May all things be just and fair. May I be given mercy to be what it is I have chosen to be. Consider me not wrong or unlikable. Remember me as a child, an innocent person who does not deserve to grow into a person harmed. Rather lift for me a sword and let me be. Give us proven the best of things. Relinquish those bonds that prevent our increase. Master in us all the great arts. Present to us all the blessings of the Earth and make it ours. Do not lay upon us a heavy hand. We have not agreed always, but we always have room for witnessing your glory. Father in heaven rebuke those that hate us and prevent us from growing. In all things said let them be said best by all. And in bringing all things together always keep us in mind.

-So noted in memory.

Hales-Nema. Amen.


What counts as a real paradise

Sure science and technology can do great, great wonders. But as for other things, people seem hopeless. Such as the plainness, the ordinary, repetitive, and bland. We have a lot of great stuff. Phones, TV, basic art, things collected in droves. But things like digital picture frames are just fads. Something’s aren’t ever considered. Things that would just make things more fun. Bit it is always as so: this is where the bed goes. This is where the TV goes- without variation. Some people sleep in a ventilated coffin. Not because they are weird. Not because they are so e vampire goth. Bit because of how secure and private it feels. How much darker it is inside. Not many though deviate from the norm. Tree houses are very cool, but you never see them.

I guess that I’d just suggest that different ways be considered. There are many, many ways for things to be but when it comes to people, they just do the same things over and over again.

So that covers the aesthetics and uniqueness of things.

But as for science and technology creating a utopia I have a list of the things we need most but are yet to have. What would those be? Here is a list of them. And anyone who effectively creates any of them will become very rich indeed.

A much better battery. Free or at least much freer energy. A force shield. A new highly useful circuit board part. Wireless electricity. A replicator. Anti Gravity. Androids and AI.

That’s the winning list!

We need also to focus more on helping the homeless, lowering the crime rate, and help those who are suffering. I mean how far we’ve come with cell phones. 55 inch TV. A hell of a powerful video game system. Bit what about the homeless? Couldn’t we do anything for them? Rapidly produced food, 3D printed shelters, AI cameras, construction drones, couldn’t we get these going a little quicker?

It’s been said simply that AI and cybernetics will take away the jobs we have. Well, slaves weren’t really paid those few hundred years ago and much further into the past. Android and robotic “slaves,” as well as machinery and all else, would expand our resources to the point that they’d be very (very very) abundant and they could do all of the work for us. We’d then be left with our own personal work whatever we choose to be doing. I’m sure the human hand, the human touch, will always be appreciated.

We are getting there. Maybe they’ll have to implement Universal Basic Income someday. Maybe a fountain of youth formula will be devised. And it all doesn’t just add up. It multiplies up!

Maybe The Devil knew what he was doing all along. And maybe God can see that the direction we are taking is suitable and idea. And as for me I pray often that Science and Technology develop to the point that we have come back into paradise, after so many centuries living under The Curse.


Christian Satanic Art

Christian Satanic art could become a great new area of art. Because it is that it is a new area of it, as of yet untouched. I’m talking about grey art, art that evokes images of good combined with evil. To present the Satanic in a godly way, and visa versa.

Symbols too, not just elaborate drawings, though both of those could be coupled together. It is very simple, actually. Any symbol that connects the good and evil, the righteous and the iniquitous are Christian Satanic symbols and drawings.

A few examples are white and black combined, or the color gray by itself. An upright cross, pentagram, and downward ones. A upward triangle with a downward one, like the star of David, or less connected than that. A yin yang is very powerfully and accurately Christian Satanic, as are clever variations.

Bat wings, angel wings. Horns, a halo. Two paths coming into one. Ideas for Christian Satanic art are abundant.


More Formulas For Christian Satanism

Having a wider perspective. Considering any possible good in the worst of things. Even if all you can find is a trickle of it. To be able to identify sparse amount of good in what is evil, as well as anything rotten in what is good, in minute amounts, is to be aptly Christian Satanic. To see well both sides in the matter knowing that sometimes things simply aren’t fair. That a person doesn’t always need what appears to be a good and right reason. That person may be seeing things differently. It is sometimes hard to be personal enough to understand their motives, sometimes.


Looking for the silver lining in things and boosting it up. Being flexible. If you are not strong enough on one side or the other, you will know it by your strength faltering. Make room for others if you want to keep them. Give to one it’s time. It may contribute well to your future. Other formulas of Christian Satanism are: the act of pretending. Such a thing is harmless. Believing is half way there. Visualization helps in so doing. To just let yourself believe momentarily may feed your hunger, hunger which may otherwise be poorly acted upon. To look for the balance. To “trim it to fit,” to add to one side and subtract from another. To find true harmony. To find the right life for each inside you. And to never entirely forsake one side or the other. And look for actual truth. The truth isn’t always apparent. You may be utterly convinced of one thing only to find out it was false all along.


For a Season Be

Be what you will. Side with whomever you will. Maybe even for a long period. But do not give your life unconditionally. Do not give yourself to another permanently. It would take a toll on your destiny. And it may hurt to cut ties. But be forever forward in your approach. When all has been gotten from another/ when all has been given, and you are of no more use together, then make your separate ways. But remember them, always, those of whom your bond is the strongest. And meeting them again someday, if at all, let it be a blessing from God. And on that day know lthat God has returned them to you.

God has taught me this lesson, very clearly. He has taught me to make strong bonds, but to separate from them, those in my life that I’ve been closest to. And when I resisted and tried to hang on, He removed me from them very strongly. In a sort of way like a terrible scene, sometimes. He brought them to me so I could tell them goodbye. And I knew on that day we would not see each other again. He gave me a good goodbye, sometimes, but the more I clung to them, the worst it was made for me and them.

That’s what God does for those His own. He moves the child away from the parent. He splits apart with the sword brother and sister, friends and companions.

I have seen so much if it to accept it, to expect it, to be prepared for it, and to await it. I have lost all. But that’s okay! I am a person meant for people. I have come to make the new people of my God, but not remain with them personally for too long. I put a wedge between me and them. All that I would have to say is said. They have no real use for me personally.

But those I’ve known in my lifetime, out of them are a few that meant a great deal to me. But I am not a man of attachments. I am a speaker, a teacher, one who guides. I have put forth The Great Message. I make others like unto my own. I celebrate them. I put them on a pedestal. I guide them into excellence. Through them my work continues. And I come in the name of celebration and enlightenment.


The Guy That Started Handing Out Money

True story. There was a man living with Christian monk like people. A large amount of Christian Faithfull’s in one home- 20 people, give or take. This guy had a larger income than the rest, in fact by a wide margin. Being the Christian that he was, he handed out money. At first he just gave a fairly large chunk of money to one of his friends- his best friend there. But then he began handing out money to a second and third person there. While most of the “monks” were eating bread, basically, another guy was having pizza. No one really knew why at first. “Doesn’t he have the same weekly amount of money as we do?” They said to each other. The guy with all this money bought very little for himself, as Christian as he was. After a couple of months if this the guy was giving to five or so people. Not much really. But the ones getting money from him came to expect it.

They started talking to him in private whenever they could. If he was with others as it usually was in that large house then they’d whisper to him. One, then the other. They wanted more every time. They wanted just a little more, and a little more the next time, and it started to become a “first come first serve” situation. So they contended with each other, they made arguments, they insisted on getting the most from him.

Needless to say the outcome in this was bad- very bad! They became very dependent, paranoid, and restless over it. They fought each other. And their envy was their un doing.

But a wise person would have seen it coming. Knowing beforehand the end of such a matter was dire, the smarter person would have made preparations to just be cut off- to cut him or herself off from it, and find the surety of safety that comes from personal separation from it all.

As for the poor fellow he just decided that his income did nothing but harm. He couldn’t bear the pressure anymore and quit his position that provided so much income. It was money he never learned to just spend on himself. The guy was just too giving. For awhile he was pressured to go back to work- by those that were taking from him. But to no avail.

There’s the saying that is a particularly foreboding one: “Give someone an inch, and they’ll take a mile.” And how about this one? A friend in need is a friend indeed! Only he became their burden.

All I Know About Music

You might think that a higher power that listens to our music would find it too simplistic a form of communication to enjoy. They have a higher intelligence after all. But in fact that is not so. They enjoy our music much more than we do. If you’ve ever heard music while half asleep you may understand how absorbing it is. Where the music gives euphoria in its beauty. That, or by hearing it under sleep deprivation.

There is more to it than that, though. Higher powers sensitively perceive its evil nature. Modern music, rock, rap, pop, etc., when it first came, gave the same feelings. Such as that’s hardcore. But we have over a long period of time become unaware of it. It’s just a common thing for us now. For higher powers music can seem very, very strange. And maybe someone in, say, an Islamic country, one that strictly prohibits such music, and so they are not exposed, would consider it evil sounds.

Their really is an infinite variety of music, like Leonard Bernstein said.

My trick to great writing is to emphasize the triad tones of the scale. That is the tonic, the third, or minor third for the minor keys, and the fifth. To repeat them more, etc., More duration. When that is done, nothing you write will be atonal, and you can then write very liberally.

Another idea of mine is to write 15 or so different melodies, each maybe two, maybe three measures long and to have them played in any order. Making new combinations. Giving one sheet of music thousands of possible performances and letting the performers quit when they want to. There could even be a melody that indicates they want to quit. And some melodies can have types of descriptions to change directions or cue someone in.

Then there is The Dark Form of music I created. Maybe some day I’ll make The Gray Form, or if you like, you can yourself. This form of music has very quick repetitive rhythm, one musical instrument that plays melody, and chords that shift from consonance to dissonance. It works better that the dissonance increases throughout the music.

Hell someday soon notation software will be all good and well enough for performance as a acceptance as real enough. Some modern movies actually use them. And you can find it online in many places,

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