The Great Awakening


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Pages: 212

Published: 7 years ago

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Book Description HTML

This book is a message from the soul... I believe it was given to me, for you all to recieve. Together, maybe we can make this a better world where all can live in peace and harmony. Heaven knows the world needs a new message because the old ways no longer suffice in our favor. Past formulas are coming up short-handed and previous performances are lacking.We desire a change in direction and we are in dire need of new information which tells us all exactly who we really are, sons and daughters of the living God! We’ve been hoodwinked into thinking otherwise, and it’s time to lift the veil.

Reader Reviews
  • User image   Josh
    Angel of Grace
    26 Aug 2021
    Goosebumps! Must read this obra this is so inspirational. Ms. Solitario this is masterpiece I will continue reading all of your books. I will share this to my family and friends. Loving your poets from South East Asia ? This is a must and need to spread the love to the whole world. Godbless us always. Keep spreading the love of our God, Ms. Solitario. Your poetry books are amazing
  • User image   Donna Solitario
    15 Sep 2021
    Thank you very much Josh! God bless you!
  • User image   Kerri
    Angel of Grace
    03 May 2021
    You must read this book. Ms. Solitario speaks from the heart and through the lens of her personal experience as well as constantly helping others. Ms. Solitario is a phenomenal writer and very inspirational to others. She is passionate and understanding of the world around her including observations of those who struggle, espcecially throuth this pandemic. "Angel of Grace" is a must read. Her poems will lift your heart and soul.
  • User image   Anne
    To Renew Your Heart and Soul
    09 Feb 2021
    Hope Exists for you during The Pandemic!!!!! Need encouragement? Read This Survival Blessing of a book during these challenging times. Poems for all Seasons and life's moments so eloquently documented and brought to life by Ms. Solutario. Put this on your must E-book read list! Bravissimo! This is the hand of Love reaching out to all!?
  • User image   diane dodds
    14 Jan 2021
    Ms. Solitario's inspirational poems are very touching and spark religious chords that are within our souls. I really enjoyed her touching family poems and the concerns that we all have about COVID-19. I recommend this book to people that are religious and value their families.
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