The Great Storm by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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Chapter 7



For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Matthew 24:7.


Exodus Chapter 9, Verses 3,4,6,8,9, 10 and 11, says: Behold the hand of the Lord is upon the cattle that is in the field, upon the horses, upon the asses, upon the camels, upon the oxen, and upon the sheep: there shall be grievous murrain. And the Lord shall sever between the cattle of Israel and the cattle of Egypt: and there shall nothing die of all the children of Israel’s. And the Lord did that thing on the morrow, and all the cattle of Egypt died: but of all the cattle of the children of Israel died not one. And the Lord said unto Moses and unto Aaron, take to you handfuls of ashes of the furnace, and let Moses sprinkle it toward heaven in the sight of Pharaoh. And it shall become small dust in all the land of Egypt, and shall be a boil breaking forth with bains upon man and beast, throughout all the land of Egypt. And they took ashes of the furnace, and stood before Pharaoh; and Moses sprinkles it up toward heaven, and it became a boil breaking forth with bains upon man and beast. For now I will stretch out my hand, that I might smite thee and thy people with pestilence; and thou shalt be cut off from the earth.

At first the plague of pestilence that came upon the Egyptian livestock only killed the cattle. The cattle symbolized the strength of their economy. Like the Philistines, the Egyptians worshiped the “bull” as their god of economic prosperity and blessing. This would  have been a great blow to their economic stability. To the Egyptians it would also have meant the god who brought them prosperity was angry with them. However, it was just the beginning of more disasters and more economic problems to come. There would be more plagues that would destroy their crops, make them sick, and kill the firstborn in every household in the land of Egypt with the exception of the Hebrew salves. To make matters worse, when the Hebrews did leave Egypt they took much of the Egyptian’s wealth with them.

The attack upon, and the immediate collapse of the World Trade Center was just the beginning of, and a type and shadow of, coming economic instability in the United States. The World Trade Center represented the wealth of the nations of this world and the coming economic collapse it will experience. Economic prosperity is the first thing to lose its influence and affluence in the time of great tribulation. This does not mean men will not still seek the pleasure of its company, but the influence of material wealth will be greatly diminished for mankind during the tribulation. Materialism’s influence or power over men’s souls will begin to lessen because men will be more concerned with day to day survival. Money markets and stocks and bonds are not worth much during chaotic times when most people are trying to scratch out a living from day to day. However, gold and silver will be a precious commodity until “commodities” become the only earthly riches.

It is not that men will not desire earthly riches, but the economies of this world will be so badly shaken that many will turn to crime just to feed their families. People who never dreamed they would be lacking the basic needs, facing starvation, sickness, and disease will find themselves becoming outlaws. Many will turn to pillaging, plundering, lawlessness, and wanton cruelty toward their fellow man. People will do anything and everything they can to survive, and survival will be the thing that will be of utmost concern to them. Self-preservation will be the order of the day for those who do not trust in God.

Banks will fail at an alarming rate. The stock market (bull market) will never again be seen as the fortress of today’s economic power. The suicide rate will soar because people trusted in the “bull” rather than the “Lamb.” Many will end their own lives because of the calamities and devastation they see coming upon the Earth. Many will die by their own hand because they think death will deliver them from their ever increasing dilemmas. Men’s hearts will fail them because fear will grip their hearts as they see famine, disease, war, and natural disasters invading their lives. Suicide will be a common thing to witness as the Earth trembles, shakes, moans and groans.

The world has always experienced trouble, but never to the extent that they will encounter during the great storm. It is the greatest test that the spirit of mankind has ever, or will ever endure. Things will get so bad in many areas all over the world people will think all Hell has been loosed on Earth. They will be correct. The devastation which Hurricane Katrina left in the Gulf States area was just a “forecast” of many other things to come in the future.




In the spring of 1993 the Eastern part of the United States experienced a storm that was called “The Storm of the Century.” There was a movie made about an event that happened during that storm. The movie was called “The Perfect Storm.” In 1993 two large storm systems merged to form what meteorologists called a “super storm.” That storm brought much devastation to many areas of the country. Over three feet of snow fell in East Tennessee where my wife and I lived at that time. Many people were stranded for days in some areas of the country because emergency vehicles were unable to move. It was a storm that had been predicted, but no one believed it would be as severe as it became.

The storm system that is coming will include a combination of many “great storms” in the natural, as well as battles in the realm of the spirit. It will not just be “weather systems” combining together to wreak death, devastation and destruction. Famine, war, pestilence, anarchy, and lawlessness will all combine together with the storms to plague all without Christ with the threat of death, misery, fear, sorrow, helplessness, and hopelessness. Christians will also be affected adversely by many of the “storms.” However those who trust in the true God will be delivered in the “midst” of the storms.

Part of the Great Storm the world is going to experience will also be caused by “two” great storm systems which will be “loosed” upon the earth. Revelation, Chapter 6, Verse 8 says: And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth to kill with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the Earth. Death and Hell are loosed together to kill one fourth of the world’s population. This part of the tribulation should not be confused with another in which a third part of men are killed by fire and brimstone. (Revelation Chapter 9, Verses 17-19).

As long as we are lifting up holy hands and hearts to God, He will always be there to help, deliver, and comfort supplying every need we may have. We are not among those who will fall into perdition, but we are those who have inherited His grace, mercy, deliverance and salvation. As long as the nation of Israel trusted in the delivering power of God, I AM has never failed to be whatever I AM promised to be to His people. God will help those who seek Him, but those who reject His council will find that their final “resting place” will not be a resting place at all, but a place of eternal death and destruction.

When Israel built alters to worship the gods of their neighbors, they too were turned over to the desires of the demonic despots they were serving. The true God does not dwell in icons made of gold, silver and wood, but in the hearts of true believers. When men worship and serve the gods of this world, they are actually worshiping and serving their sworn enemies. They inherit the same devilish characteristics their gods possess the same way a Christian inherits the heavenly characteristics of Christ. Ungodly desires, motives, attitudes, and self-righteousness are all hereditary characteristics passed down from the satanic demigods of darkness.

2 Timothy 3:1-5, says: This know also that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men will be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy. Without natural affection, truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good. Traitors, heady high minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God. Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof, from such turn away.

Men deceive themselves when they think their “form of godliness” is acceptable in the eyes of God. God never accepts or condones “form” when it comes to righteousness and truth. A form of godliness leaves people without the power to walk in the Spirit. Natural men will always be somewhat “religious” in nature, but he only “possesses” a form of godliness because his nature is corruptible. Man’s “form” of religion always corrupts his character and

espouses self-righteousness in his heart. The character and nature of the carnal man is flawed so the way he interprets godliness or even the scripture can and will be flawed. God’s Word is misunderstood and misinterpreted by many “religious zealots” who cannot fit into their own mold of what they perceive to be righteousness. Many change, pervert, and manipulate the Word of God to promote their own agendas and lifestyles.

The programs and agendas of the “semi-godly” lack the power and substance true godliness embodies. Men can and will only prevail through the dark times if and when the substance and characteristics of true godliness have been established within their hearts. On the other hand, if man through his own initiative or his own power, tries to weather the “perilous storm” that is coming, he will be found without hope. The “supernatural storm” that is coming can only be survived by using the supernatural means that God has provided through faith in Christ.

During the plague of pestilence the cattle of the Hebrews were saved, but many of the cattle of the Egyptians died. God made a distinction between His people (the church) and their cattle (Egypt’s economy), and the Egyptians (the world) and their cattle (economic stability).

After the plague of pestilence came upon the cattle, the Lord poured out “plagues” of pestilence upon the Egyptians. Those plagues were sent by God as a result of their rebellion and Pharaoh’s refusal to let the people of God leave the land of their captivity. The plague of pestilence was poured out upon the Egyptians as punishment for their sins against God and His chosen people.

Sin is like an infectious disease that can and does destroy the souls of men and women. Many “plagues of pestilence” will cause the death of people during the “Great Storm” because rebellious men and women will persist in promoting “unnatural affection” and other sinful lifestyles.

Because people have rejected the council of God, He must pass judgment on the lawless whose sins have corrupted and permeated the earth. As it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the last days. Whatsoever a man sows, he will also reap. Judgment and condemnation will be visited upon all those who do not repent of their sins.

The persecution of the Church will also bring great judgment upon the children of disobedience. God will not just stand by and watch as the “apple” of His eye is being persecuted without retribution upon the evil doers during the storm.

Revelation 6:5-6 says: And when He had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse: and he that sat upon him had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, a measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny, and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.

One of the four horsemen of the “Apocalypse” administers the curse of economic crisis  and  disasters.  The voice that is speaking in the midst of the four beasts tells the four horseman “to not interfere with the oil and wine.” The Holy Spirit has always been likened to a “fine oil” and the Blood of Jesus as wine in the scripture. The Holy Spirit is not only a comforter, a healer, a deliverer, but also our provider.

Just as God made a difference between Israel and Egypt during the “Exodus,” He also makes a difference between spiritual Israel, the Church, and spiritual Egypt, the world. Yes, God does make the sun shine on the just and the unjust. Yet, during the time of trouble He will make a difference between those who are called by His name and those who are not called by His name. For those who call out to God in the midst of their trials and afflictions, He will make Himself available and will come bearing provision.

The pestilence that came upon the people and livestock of Egypt were types and shadows of the diseases that will come upon the world and their livestock in the last days. Those diseases will be a punishment for the “Sodom” like condition of the hearts of men and their persecution of the Church. These judgments will both directly and indirectly impact the economies and stock markets around the world. We will be looking at this aspect of judgment in more detail later in the book.

In the last few years we have seen a plague of mad cow disease and hoof and mouth disease arising in Europe and in other parts of the world. Many countries have refused to buy beef from England and this has caused serious economic problems for them. Some experts have used the term “devastating” to describe the impact this disease has had upon the beef (bull) market in Europe. This is just a minor incident affecting these economies compared to what will happen to global economies during the Great Storm.

When suppliers are unable to sell their goods on domestic or foreign markets, it hurts their economy. When domestic or foreign buyers cannot buy goods on the market it also harms their economy. When the process of supply and demand is hindered, it can, and will, ruin economies around the world. When the consumer cannot buy and/or sell, their ability in order to provide for themselves and their families is hindered. When we factor all these problems together the results can and will be devastating to nations around the world and will lead to starvation, chaos, and death.

When economies fail, many people will do anything they can to survive. If people do not have what they need to survive or cannot get it legally, they will take what they can find by force. Many people who were once considered to be of respectable character will turn to lawlessness in order to provide for themselves and/or their families. We must also remember that when the Great Storm comes there will also be a greater influx of demonic activity in the realm of the spirit that will spill over into the natural realm during the war in the “heavenlies.” That activity will produce even greater fear, frustration, and rage among already chaotic and lawless  individuals,  nations,  and  groups of people. Men and women will be manipulated by the powers of darkness in an unprecedented manner and in unprecedented numbers.

As Christians the Blood of Jesus has been applied to our hearts. His Blood sets us apart from the rest of the world and the wrath that is to come. The Blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin and frees us from all things that pollute the heart. The pureness of His blood admonishes and motivates us to live a life free of sin as it enables us to resist the evil that is in the world. When God sees His children He sees the Blood of Jesus, and not the sin which once alienated them from Him.

It is the life that is in the Blood of Jesus that distinguishes His children from the children of wrath. The innocent Blood of Christ calls out from the heart of the redeemed for justice, justification, and equity, and finds favor with Christ where all things that are pure and holy exist.

That Blood on the doorposts of our hearts reveals the story of a people who are set apart. In Christ we have been set aside through the power of His Blood to become a Holy Nation. The destroyer will come in the final days to render judgment upon the children of wrath.

When the Death Angel sees the sacrificial blood of Christ on the doorposts of believer’s hearts, he will know that whoever lives inside that house has been justified and he will “pass over him.” The Blood or life of Christ not only guards the “entranceway” of that house, but it is also masterfully embossed upon the walls of that heart’s inner sanctuary.




Several years ago I read an advertisement on the Internet regarding a church that had recently formed. The ad said “we are Church experiment.” In other words, they were saying they were just “experimenting with church.” I sent them an email and told them we should never “experiment” with anything we do for God. Either we are listening to the Holy Spirit in what we do, or we are doing what we think God may want us to do. There is no faith in experimenting with what we think God wants us to do. If we are not being led the Holy Spirit, we are not walking by faith and whatever we do will not produce fruit that will remain throughout eternity.

The body of Christ does not have to live in spiritual poverty anymore. They do not have to be a part of the failing experiments, uncaring manipulating ministers, and Church authorities have invented. It is time for the body of Christ to shake off the chains that have held the Bride in bondage. It is time to “Loose the Bride” so she may be free to worship the Father in “spirit and in truth.” It is time for the doctrines of men, the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches to be eliminated from the Church. It is time to end “the experiment” with the unholy, ungodly, perverse doctrines of men that keep the “whole body” impure. There is no true life in the experiments which have left the body of Christ lacking in truth and Christ-like character.

There are many God fearing, God loving ministers in the world who really care for their congregations. Many  are doing an excellent job feeding their congregations a proper and balanced diet of the Word. Yet, there are many who the Lord will rebuke saying: “Depart from Me I never knew you.” We serve a God who is merciful and just, but we also serve a God who is severe and just. He is a God of love, however He is also a God of justice and severity. We must know the God we serve, not only in His love and mercy, but also in the justice He renders to the unholy and the unjust.

Christ is coming back for a Church that is alive, not a Church that is like the “walking dead.” The time for experimenting with the word of God to see what works and what does not is past. There is no time for experimenting--only experiencing. The Bible tells us if we know the truth, the truth will set us free. The Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth if we will follow Him. We come to know Christ who is the truth by seeking Him with our whole heart. We need to be seeking Him and not just a whim. When we find Christ in His fullness, we will be enthralled by His love and His grace. When we find Christ in all His glory and majesty, we will know Him “face to face” and we will receive all His blessings from” grace to grace.”

Many times I have experienced and received the mercy and grace of God when I did not deserve them. His grace becomes much more glorious to us when we do not deserve it. Without Christ, our “spirituality” becomes impoverished; but by the sacrifice of His Blood at Calvary, we can and will overcome every obstacle the enemy places before us.

Therefore let us gather together unto Him a Church that is alive; a Church that is without spot or wrinkle by praying that we all be made complete and one together in Him. It is not in the Church that we become one, but in Him. Therefore, let Christ do a perfect work in each of us so there will be no division among us when the time of testing or “maturing” comes. That time will usher in His return in order for Him to return and rapture His Church.

The nations of the Earth will be plagued with spiritual sores, boils and pestilence both naturally and spiritually. We, as believers, will be spared if and when we have overcome the world and become filled with His fullness.