The Great Storm by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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Chapter 10



The Bible tells us in Isaiah 60:2-3 “For behold, the darkness shall cove the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and His glory shall be seen upon thee. And the Gentiles shall come to thy Light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising.

Natural darkness is prophetic of the spiritual darkness which dwells in and rules within the souls of men without Christ. The darkness that rules and reigns in the hearts of unbelievers will always be reflected in their carnal desires, motives, and attitudes. In the last days the “gross darkness” which rules and reigns in the hearts of men will become more and more apparent as their evil works becomes more intense and prevalent. The Bible tells us that in the last days “lawlessness will abound.” Chaos will engulf the earth in every area of society.

In Exodus, 10:21 it says Then the Lord said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand toward Heaven, that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt, darkness which may be felt.” Darkness which can be felt is encompassed with “fear.” The Egyptians were “afraid” to move from the spot they were in when the Plague of Darkness came upon them.

The Plague of Darkness in Egypt was an example of a time of great darkness that will fall upon the hearts and souls of men during the Great Storm. The “darkness” in Egypt was not just a darkness that prohibited the Egyptians from seeing, but it also affected their ability to move about. In the land of Goshen, however, there was light, and the Plague of Darkness did not affect the Children of Israel. Prophetically the “darkness” plague was a plague that affected the heart of every person where the “light” did not shine. Along with the darkness was a “great sense” of fear that permeated the hearts and minds of the Egyptians.

The scripture tells us that “men love darkness rather than light.” The “Kingdom of Darkness” is ruled by Satan and the Princes of Darkness. The Kingdom of Light, of course, is ruled by God. Men who love darkness will continue to live in darkness because they hate the Light--Jesus. For many, darkness is something carnal men have grown accustomed to and do not “understand” the concept of “spiritual light.” Other people enjoy living in darkness and could not imagine living any other way.

Many people who are “entombed” in chains of darkness reject the light because they are carnally minded. If they truly understood the “truth” they would not hesitate to seek the wisdom and understanding which truth embodies. There are many who reject the truth because it does not “fit their lifestyles.” There is no need to change the status quo as long as the status quo seems to be working well for them.

In the beginning darkness ruled the face of the deep. That darkness represented the “darkness which permeates this present world. The Rulers of Darkness are intent on remaining on the thrones of their nefarious kingdoms; the hearts and minds of sinners. Those who dwell in darkness do not possess the ability to “see” that the Kingdom of Light exists. Just as the Egyptians could not rise from their “prison of darkness,” men without Christ cannot rise from their “dark dungeon.” They do not have the ability to see the Light which God sent into the world--His Son Jesus.

It is interesting to note that the Egyptians could even feel the darkness. Just as we can feel the presence of God which is endued with Light and Life, they could feel and were “entombed” in darkness. The Kingdom of Darkness  is ruled by Satan and the Princes of Darkness. The heart of the unbeliever actually dwells in a “spiritual cloud” of darkness. The cloud of darkness inhibits one’s ability to  see the Light. Men love darkness because they possess the nature of the “Beast” which promotes and sustains the pride of life, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes within their hearts.

Spiritual darkness leaves one lacking in spiritual understanding and wisdom. Men do not understand the truth because they cannot see through the spiritual darkness which rules and reigns in their hearts. They do not have the capacity to believe in Christ, the “True Light,” because the “Law of Faith” does not reside within them.

Faith gives one the ability to see and understand “spiritual truths.” Darkness is void of spiritual understanding. Light produces spiritual understanding which is based on “truth.” The substance of faith which produces Light (understanding) must enter into the heart of the unbeliever before he can understand and believe the truth.

Spiritual darkness always produces fear, anxiety, unbelief, and spiritual death, to name a few. Darkness that is felt bears a “heavy weight” of fear. Darkness that is felt will leave one with a sense of despair because it envelops the heart and soul with a sense of terror, fear, anxiety, and dread.

The darkness that was felt in Egypt was a “dark cloud that rested upon Pharaoh and the entire nation of Egypt.” The Egyptians “felt” and “feared” the darkness because the darkness was like a “thick cloud” surrounding them. The “fear of the unknown” can be a terrifying emotion.

A blind person can find his way around an apartment, a house or even different parts of the city because he has learned where certain objects in his environment are located. He can visualize in his mind where certain things are or supposed to be because he has learned by experience by the use of his other four senses. The absence of sight is a hindrance to the blind but does not prevent them from moving around in an environment they are accustomed to.

On the other hand, someone who does not possess the same skills a blind person possesses regarding the dark would find themselves at a big disadvantage. Plagued with “blindness” and the fact the darkness was so thick it could be felt, the Egyptians were afraid to move from the place which they were sitting, standing, or laying. The darkness completely paralyzed them while surrounding them like a sinister “fog of fear.”




I once lived near the foot of Chilhowee Mountain located in the Great Smokey Mountain National Park in Tennessee. Many times I would drive up on the mountain at night to pray. I would park my car in a parking lot across the road from a trail head that led to a fire tower on top of the mountain. The trail was approximately one half mile long.

The first half of the trail was paved and meandered up the mountain with several twists and curves. Some of the curves on the trail turned at ninety degree angles in places. The second half of the trail was a gravel road used by the Park Service. That road went up the mountain from another direction. Where the pavement on the trail ended, you had to make a sharp left turn to continue up the mountain on the gravel road. I would always carry a flashlight with me at night when walking up to the fire tower because many large trees overshadowed the trail. I could not see to walk the trail without a flashlight after dark.

There has always been something special to me about praying on top of a mountain. Moses, Elijah, Joshua and many other men of God went to the mountains to pray, worship and receive direction, and revelation from the Lord. Jesus himself spent much time in prayer on mountains in and around the areas in which He lived and traveled in Israel.

I always feel an awesome presence of God when I am praying on top of a mountain. I used to think it was because I was praying a few thousand feet closer to Heaven. Later I realized it was not the “high place” I was praying from that made the difference. I now understand the prophetic significance of praying in “high places.” It is related to the time and effort it takes to climb to the summit of a mountain to pray. Altars in Israel were usually built in “high places.”

One evening after praying on top of the mountain I turned my flashlight on and hiked down a quarter of a mile to where the trail was  paved.  The next part of the trail  took several twists and turns before coming to the trail head at the bottom. I had experienced an awesome presence of the Lord that night as I prayed on top of the mountain. I stopped to look at the second phase of the trail for a few seconds as I usually did. The thought came to me “Why not see if you can walk the rest of the way without the flash light.” I decided to turn my flashlight off and try to walk the one quarter mile back to the trail head without the light. I had spent some quality time in the presence of the “Light” that night so why would I “need natural” light to help me see my way down the mountain, I thought?

I turned the flashlight off and it was so dark I could not see my hand in front of my face. Everything was totally dark. I decided to try to walk down the trail without the light anyway. I took the first step, and just kept walking. Step by step I hiked down the trail that twisted and turned several times until I reached the trail head below. I  emerged out from under the trees and could finally see my car in the parking across the road.

Not one time did my feet wander off the pavement, even though I could not see the trail or anything in front of me. As I stated earlier, the trail twisted and turned at several different places on the mountain. There was no  light that guided me down the dark trail. I did not slow down to feel the sides of the pavement to make sure I would not miss “the mark” my feet were searching for.

I felt the presence of the Lord with me every step I took. Each step I took, without realizing it at the time, was directed by the Lord. I could not have hiked back down the mountian without the Spirit of the Lord guiding each step I took. What I experienced was beyond the realm of human capability or understanding. When we step over into the realm of the supernatural, nothing is impossible with God.

When I arrived at the trail head I started rejoicing at what had just transpired. I had received a great blessing from the whole incredible incident. I did not realize at the time that God had just taught me something that would stay with me the rest of my life. As a matter of fact, it was not until about two years after the incident that I realized just what the Lord was trying to show me at the time. Until then I had not shared this experience with anyone.

A couple of times after that night I tried to duplicate the experience, thinking maybe it may have been just a fluke. When I would turn the light off and try to walk down the trail I could not because it was too dark for me to see. I began to realize what I had experienced before was truly a miraculous work of God, even though I had not understood the prophetic message the Lord was revealing to me at the time.

While thinking about the experience about two years later, the Lord showed me what He was trying to teach me that night. We do not always have to see the pathway that leads to the end of the trail. We do not always have to know which step to take next in life as long as we trust the Lord to guide each step we take. This world is filled with darkness, and we cannot always see what the future holds or the steps we may need to take in our journey here on earth. If I would have looked at the darkness and decided to step forward on my own accord, I would have failed. In the natural I could not have hiked down the mountain without some form of “light,” so I would have been apprehensive about taking the first step.

By faith we trust that God will lead us into “all things” He desires for our lives though we may not be able to see what lies ahead us. I think we can all agree that “all things” He desires for His children are good. By faith we are able to take step after step because He desires to lead us into the fulfillment of all His promises, even though the pathway to those promises may not be a desirable one to walk. In Christ every step we take can be a miracle when we are trusting in Him.

Even though the erratic twists and turns of this life may seem impossible to maneuver, we can trust that God will be there to take each step with us and show us when and where to move. In Christ we live, and move, and have our being. Even when we are confronted with the challenges of an unsure, unknown, and unseen future, Christ is there to comfort and guide us each step we take. He is an ever present help in the time of need, especially when we see dark times approaching. Jesus is the Light that shines in darkness to guide us through the darkest night.

In darkness, especially darkness that is felt, natural man only moves in the areas he has experienced and can relate to. The carnal senses of fear, anxiety, and dread inhabit the heart and soul of those who walk in spiritual darkness. Darkness is the habitation of the lost and fearful who cannot see, or refuses to see, the Light of Christ. His Light shines in dark places, but only those who “seek” the Light can or will “understand.”

God gives us faith to see through the “gross darkness which permeates this world.” Faith helps us to see, to believe, and to understand the truth that dwells in Christ. That truth sets us free from the bondage of sin that permeates the Kingdom of Darkness and rules this present world.

When a person is born again, they are “born of Light.” They understand and perceive that Christ is the Truth, the Life, and the Way. The Holy Spirit waters the seed of TRUTH that is planted in their heart and nurtures it so the seed can produce fruit after its own kind, from seed to seed, from glory to glory. Christ is the true Light that has come into the world which is filled with spiritual darkness to shine in the hearts of men and women who by faith believe in Him. We are God’s children born of the seed of Light--Christ. In Christ there is no darkness, only Light  and Life. His desire for us is that we become the Children of Light, a city sitting on a hill to give Light to those who dwell in spiritual darkness.

The world rejects the Word of the Lord because they dwell in darkness. The world is content with living in the billowing darkness of sin and depravity. Many who dwell in darkness hate the “Light.”

The God who reveals Himself as Light and Life did not reveal Himself to the Egyptians because they did not call upon Him, nor would they have done so. They served their own gods that “satisfied them” and supplied all their spiritual and physical needs, or so they thought. Their devotion and worship was directed to the satanic gods that was deceiving them and bringing many calamities into their lives. They were gods they themselves had made of gold, silver, wood and stone. Now they were having an  encounter with the true God who was bringing judgment upon them because of their failure to obey His command to “Let my people go.”

One of the most prominent gods Egyptians worshipped was the sun god Ra who gave them all the” light” they thought they needed. They did not serve the  God of the Hebrews who actually was Light. Not light in the same sense they knew, but Light that could bring understanding and freedom from the darkness of sin and the false gods they worshiped. They gave Ra much of  the credit for their economic, spiritual, and physical well being. They did not realize the god Ra was actually one of the Princes of Darkness in whom there was “no light—only darkness.”

Revelation 16:10-11, tells us: “And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain, and blasphemed the God of Heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds.”

During the Great Storm “supernatural darkness” will be “poured out” on the Beast and his Kingdom, as it was on the Kingdom of Pharaoh. (Read also Revelation Chapter 17:8 and 20:2-3). During the time of great tribulation, great darkness will engulf the Kingdom of Darkness and all who dwell upon the Earth that are not the Children of Light. This will include all people and nations who have and will reject the true Light which is found only in Christ Jesus.

Those who love darkness rather than Light will be encompassed by the “gross darkness” that will engulf occupy the entire earth. For the world, the tribulation is a time of supernatural darkness which will be more powerful than the darkness which permeated the face of the deep “in the beginning.” (Genesis 1:2). On the other hand, for the Church it will be a time of unprecedented Light and spiritual understanding which will carry God’s elect through the dark times the rest of the world is experiencing.

In the Kingdom of Darkness people’s lives will be turned totally upside down and inside out. Darkness will prevail in their lives because they preferred darkness over Light. The wicked will continue to be wicked, and none of them will understand why the “Creation” is in travail. Many will curse God, but their woes will only become more agonizing and intense. Those that know the true God, who is Light, will know and understand what is going on in the world around them. The Bride will be tried, purified, and made white. (Daniel,12:10).

Isaiah 60:2 says “For behold, darkness will cover the whole earth, and deep darkness the peoples; but the Lord will rise upon thee, (the church) and His glory (Light) shall be seen upon thee.” As a supernatural darkness envelops the nations of the world, a supernatural Light will envelop and purify God’s people. I want to reiterate that there will be people saved during this period in history, but many will still reject the life and light which is offered them in Christ.

God’s Light will forever shine in His people by virtue of His Son. The plague of darkness will not have any effect on those who continue to trust and walk in the Light. That Light will shine through the darkness for all who know and continually seek that Light. Only the Light of the  world can light a pathway “through” the world when “gross darkness” engulfs the earth.

As Christians, we know in whom we believe, and we know that God is capable of keeping us safe through times of great sorrow and “terrible tribulation.” His Life is the Light that will guide us through the dark times and the trials during the Great Storm.

When gross darkness encompasses the entire earth, the Light of Christ will become lighter and brighter in the Church. Even during times of persecution, His light can and will guide us through the twists and turns as we climb the Lord’s majestic mountain during the great tribulation that lies ominously ahead of us. Every step we take can and will be fruitful and prosperous if we trust in Christ. Each step we take can be a miracle because Jesus will be there to guide us through the times of great darkness one step at a time.