The Great Storm by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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Mystery Babylon, the system, is actually an institution made up of several different geopolitical, economic, and religious systems. Instead of combining to bring order to the nations of the world, disorder and confusion are still found in Mystery Babylon. This is because the intentions of the “god of this system,” Satan, is continually at work deceiving, confusing, and corrupting the nations of this world.

The Babylonian System is an anti-type of the Kingdom of Heaven. The god of this world has taken steps to see that his “kingdom of confusion” resembles, at least in theory, the exact opposite of the Kingdom of Heaven.  Satan has substituted every doctrine and principle found in the Kingdom of God with his own perverted version of the truth. Through Satan’s uncanny ability to deceive, he is able to influence and/or control many worldwide governments as well as governmental leaders.  Satan’s  goal “in the beginning” was to be in control of a “one world system” with himself as lord of that system.

Before God confused the language of the people at the tower of Babel everyone spoke the same language. They were of one mind and unified in their task to build the tower that would reach to the heavens and would give them “immortality.” Being “of one mind” and one in purpose, they could even rule the entire world if they so desired.

There was nothing to restrain the people of Babel from doing anything they set their minds to do. There is nothing wrong with unity and working together as long as men are motivated by their love for God and one another. If they had not posed a threat to all mankind and the plan and purpose of God, He would not have stopped them from building the tower. The Bible says God “came down” and saw the perverse way in which they intended to worship, so He confounded, or “confused,” their language. God rewarded their spiritual perverseness (confusion) with more “confusion.”

After World War II most of the countries of this world gathered together to form the United Nations. Their proposed vision was to build an organization dedicated to building global unity, peace, and harmony. If all the  nations of the world could unite as one, their goal of global peace could be and would be realized, or so they thought.

The concept of “world peace” is an honorable one on the surface. However, the biggest problem is this “one world organization” does not promote or seek the God of Heaven, but their own ideologies and beliefs of how the world should be organized. In other words, they think they can run this world on their own without the help of the One who created it. The peace they seek can never be attained because they are not seeking the rule of the “Prince of Peace.”

In essence, when rejecting the God of Heaven and His counsel, man is promoting the doctrines of self-rule and self-dominion which are engendered by the Serpent. Confused people always distance themselves from the governing principles of the God of Heaven. When men reject the principles which govern the Kingdom of God, they are just as guilty of insurrection as the “god of rebellion” they serve.

The United Nations agreed to put together an army to police different parts of the world where political turmoil and instability become threats to world peace. They merge together some of their military and economic resources to try to keep the world a stable place for its inhabitants.

If the majority of the nations agree, they become one in their purpose concerning what action to take, not only in the political arenas of the world, but also the economic and social ones. The United Nations was formed to eventually become a “one world” governing body or a “one world government.” With their combined military and economic might, there is nothing that can stop them should they agree on a specific course of action. Like the people of Babel, together they have the economic and military power to do anything they “agree” on—if they can agree.

A few years ago I was watching a news program about the United Nations. Even though most of the  officials spoke different languages, they were able to understand what each person who was speaking was saying. They were all wearing headphones which were hooked up to a mainframe of computers. Those computers translated the words of the person speaking through the headphones of each listener in their own language. I remembered the tower of Babel and how all the people were of one language and gathered together for one purpose. On my computer I can now communicate with someone else in another country because my computer will translate what the other person is writing or has written into my language.

The United Nations have come together again as one. They have the potential to become united as a “a nation of nations” that can have a “One World Government” with the Anti-Christ as the Supreme Leader.

I have read that the real purpose of the United Nations is to produce a one world government, the redistribution of the world’s wealth, and a one world religious organization. The concept of this organization is not new, but it is one that is gaining more and more support, and will be instituted to a certain degree in the last days.

To God, what the “United Nations” is planning to do is an abomination. God stopped the world from becoming united together “without Him” “in the beginning,” and He will stop the world from doing it “in the end.” Unfortunately, there will be much turmoil, death, and destruction before Mystery Babylon is destroyed.

The seat of the potential “one world government” is domiciled in New York City. The Princes of Darkness and the “spiritual wickedness in high places” are the fomenters of all insurrection and rebellion on this earth. They are the instigators of all the rebellious acts that have taken place since the beginning of time. Satan and the Princes of Darkness will meet their demise in the last days. However, their demise will not come before they have deceived many into receiving the Mark of the Beast that will be instituted by the Anti-Christ. Satan’s system of  government  will become one with him when he gives his power to the Beast. The nations of the world will give their allegiance, power, and strength to the Beast who is the express image of Satan.




The wealth of the harlot was evident in the gold, pearls and precious stones she was adorned with. This speaks of her economic success and financial prowess. She is wealthy beyond compare, but what she does with her wealth is an abomination to the Lord. The harlot gained all her wealth from a system that is abominable and at the very least discriminatory in nature. The wealth of the world is mostly used to promote her promiscuous, sinful, and abhorrent ways embraced by the wealthy inhabitants of this world.

The system which the harlot uses to distribute her corrupt wealth, idolatry and spiritually promiscuous ways contaminates the very root of her existence. The love or desire for her wealth is the root of most of the evil that exists in the world today. Filthy lucre and the deceitfulness of riches have taken the place of Godly wisdom and faithfulness to God. The deceitfulness of riches is a  narcotic that has “drugged” and confused the hearts and minds of literally millions since the beginning of time.

The ungodly labor to get all they can in order to satisfy the lust of their eye, the lust of their flesh and the pride in their hearts. On the other hand, the godly “labor”  to give all they can to help others and to promote the Kingdom of God on the earth. The biggest problem for those who seek riches is that they will never be able to obtain enough wealth to satisfy their souls. Many in churches today have been enticed by the spirit of avarice idolatry, and lasciviousness. There must be a new impartation of godly wisdom and understanding in the Church regarding the adverse consequences of materialistic desires and values.

The world’s economic system is based in New York City. The United States is the richest, most powerful nation on earth. There is no other nation on earth that can match the economic, political and military power of the United States. Babylon also held this distinction in her day.

The “seat” of the world economic system is located on Wall Street in New York City. I have heard it said “when Wall Street speaks, the world listens.” The buying and selling of goods, products, and services in this worldly system is contrary to the way things are done in the Kingdom of Heaven.

As Christians everything we need has been paid for by the Blood of Christ at Calvary. That is not to say that Christians should not work for a living here on earth. It is our responsibility to fulfill all righteousness and do all that we do as we are doing it unto the Lord. We are called to reflect God’s grace to a lost and dying world. In Heaven earthly systems of “employment” do not exist. Although  we will all have occupations in Heaven, we will not be constrained by “hard work” in order to earn a living to pay the “mortgage on our mansion.”

To those who trust in riches James wrote, “Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth eaten. Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the “LAST DAYS.”  (James 5:2-3).

The economic system of Mystery Babylon was flawed from the beginning. Because men’s hearts are evil they continue to reject the principles which produce godly wealth with their own principles concerning the “unrighteousness mammon” that corrupts and destroys the soul. If some people do not have enough money to buy what they want or need, many will steal, embezzle, defraud, or even kill for it. This, of course, was the plan of the “god of this world” from the beginning.

Satan’s objective is to steal, kill and destroy. Chaos and confusion rules and reigns in the hearts and minds of those who dwell in the Kingdom of Darkness. Anything that draws men’s hearts away from God is acceptable and promoted in the Kingdom of Darkness. The Bible tells us the love of money is the root of “many kinds of evil.” Mystery Babylon captures the souls of men with the “deceptive delicacies” of her wealth that corrupts and damns the souls of men and women. Her “precious stones” lure  the nations into her “ominous trap” and intoxicate them with the wine of her fornicating ways.

In Mystery Babylon was found the blood of the saints and the martyrs of Jesus. Mystery Babylon is responsible for the death many of the saints and all of the martyrs of Christ. God’s spiritual and economic system has always been a threat to the Babylonian Harlot.

All who have given their lives for the sake of Christ have rejected Mystery Babylon to receive a “better resurrection.” All nations have drunk of the wine, of her fornication, and the “kings of the earth” have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich with the abundance of her delicacies. (Revelation, 18:3).

One of the most prominent gods of the ancient Babylonians was “Ishtar.” Ishtar was one of the many gods and godesses the Babylonians worshiped. Ishtar  was known as the goddess of freedom. The priests and priestesses in the temple of Ishtar prostituted their bodies to the worshipers that would come to the temple which was ironically named “The White House.”

The sacrificing of their bodies for money was an atonement for their sins and the sins of those who paid them the money. The True God did require a living sacrifice as an offering for sin, however it was by a method which promoted holiness--not sin.

Satan has always used counterfeit religions and antitypes, to promote his own false doctrines so his lust to be obeyed and worshiped can be fulfilled. In Babylon and Egypt those counterfeit religions would also become prophetic in nature of many future and end time events. Ishtar could be called the “Whore of Babylon.”

The Romans also worshiped many of the same gods the Babylonians and Egyptians worshipped. One of the most popular was the goddess “Libertas.” Libertas is the Latin word for “freedom.” The English word “liberty” is derived from the Latin word “libertas.” The idea of the Roman goddess Libertas was borrowed from the Babylonian goddess Ishtar. The “Statue of Liberty” is an image of Libertas.

The Statue of Liberty was made in France and presented to the United States as a symbol of our quest for “liberty.” When the statue was first made, the censure in her hand was made out of gold like the harlot of Mystery Babylon, but was later replaced with one made out of concrete.

The light or fire which burns in the censure of the Statue of Liberty (libertas) does not represent the light of God, but the light of Mystery Babylon. When President Grover Cleveland accepted the statue from France, he said in a dedication speech regarding the statue “We will not forget that liberty (libertas) here made her home. Nor shall her chosen ALTAR be neglected.”

According to the U. S. Government the following are just a few of the things the statue represents: The seven spikes on her crown represent the seven seas and the seven continents. The twenty five windows in the  crown represent natural minerals including gold, silver and many other precious stones. The Toga she wears represents Ancient Rome. The torch in her hand represents “enlightenment.”

When sailing into New York Harbor from the south where the Statue of Liberty stands in the waters (people) you can see a large tower. That tower sits on Long Island and has the name “Babylon” in big bold letters written on it. Long Island is where the City of Babylon, New York is found.

Babylon New York is the only city in the world that bears the name “Babylon.” The Metropolitan City of New York is the seat of Mystery Babylon, the city of harlots. New York City is called the “capitol of the world” because it is where the United Nations is domiciled. There is more about this “great city,” written in the next chapter.

Babylon, New York, has a population of around three hundred thousand people. Most of those residents are Jewish. Many are the descendants of the same Hebrew nation that was in bondage in Egypt. Their forefathers sojourned in the Wilderness of Sin just as the Jews in Babylon, New York do today—spiritually speaking. You could say they live in “Mystery Babylon” because they are in “Babylonian captivity” and “confused.”




The seven heads of the Beast represent seven mountains on which the woman sits. (Revelation 17:9). Many have thought the seven mountains to be the “seven hills” of Rome. Others think they may be the seven hills that the city of Jerusalem sits upon. However, neither of these interpretations are correct. The scripture specifically calls them mountains, not hills. The whore sat upon, many waters. The waters, according to Revelation 17:15, are peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues. Her seat  included all the nations of the world, not just one. The nations are not just countries, but people and governmental institutions that make up those nations. Some systems are different than others, but the coming system of the Beast will be different from all the other systems before it.

The Beast, of course, is Satan, the same Beast of the Field in the Garden of Eden. There is another Beast Satan gives his authority to in the last days called the anti-Christ. According to the Book of Revelation there will be a third Beast. That Beast is the False Prophet. The seven heads or mountains are all the nations of the world that fall within the Beast’s jurisdiction. Satan is the god of this world and for a short time he will control, many of the governments of this world. The seven mountains are the seven continents the nations of this world rest upon. A continent is merely a mountain that rises out of the sea.

As the scripture says, the ten horns are an organization of ten kings or leaders of nations that will give their authority and support to the beast under the Anti-Christ. They hate the “whore” and shall make her desolate and naked and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. (Revelation 17:16).

The ten kings are dissatisfied, to say the least, with the current geopolitical, religious, and economic systems of Mystery Babylon. Anti-Christ has a different plan for the worldly institutions and systems that have failed up to this point to bring about peace, harmony, and unity in the world.




One of the newest groups or institutions which is rising in popularity and political and economic power in the world today is called “Eurasia.” Eurasia is comprised of several influential leaders from the largest nations in Europe and Asia including Russia and China, who are also working together to “change” the current geopolitical, economic, and religious systems. They have no qualms about putting to death those who refuse adhere to the “new system” they are putting together. The elimination of all religious Jews, Christians, and Muslims is part of their “nefarious agenda.” They are opposed to what they call the three “Abrahamic Religions.”

Although Eurasia is against the religion of Islam, they will be united together with a few Islamic nations against their “common enemies.” The Eurasian collation is already planning the demise of the United States and her allies as well as an invasion of the United States. They will succeed in killing many Americans and their allies before they will ultimately turn their “aggressions” toward Israel.

Eurasia opposes the current geopolitical, religious, and economic systems as they exist in the world today just as the Anti-Christ will. The “heads” of Eurasia are  determined in one way or another to destroy those systems by whatever means they can. One of the biggest obstacles in Eurasia’s quest for worldwide domination is the United States and her allies.

Eurasia is not the “New World Order,” however it does promote a one world government. In Eurasia nations do not exist and everybody on earth exists as a family. The basic principles governing the ideals and philosophies of Eurasia are rooted and grounded in Marxism. Religion is not forbidden in Eurasia, however religion cannot not have any  influence  on  national  or world affairs. Like Islam, Eurasia is actually a religious system hidden under the guise of a worldwide economic/political system. Eurasia and the Kingdom of the Anti-Christ will clash at some point in time.

The ten kings agree with the Anti-Christ to destroy the current world systems as they now exist and put in place a new political, economic, and religious system of their own. It is to be a “one world system” in which they rule and reign with the help of and by the power and authority of the Beast. This new system will be disguised as a one world political/economic system where no one can buy or sell without the “Mark of the Beast.” This will also enable the Beast to target the people of God who “refuse” to take His mark. The Anti-Christ will persecute the Church and try to prohibit the gospel of Christ from being preached around the world.




Eurasia’s objectives are much like the objectives of the Anti-Christ. Although Eurasia claims to oppose religion in its current form, it is rooted and grounded in New Age doctrines and sensationalism.

The three main objectives of Eurasia are, “in their words:”

A universal organization to control all religions.

A universal currency and taxation organization.

A universal monitoring system for all individuals.

China has already begun instituting these objectives and the Church in China is today being “sorely” persecuted. Both Eurasia and the Anti-Christ are unified with their respective “organizations” in their quest to promote their “new agenda” for the nations of the world. They are unified in purpose, just as the builders of the tower of Babel were. The ten Kings commit their authority, political, economic, and military might to the Beast. (Revelation 17:13). The truth is the system they are really trying to establish is actually a religious one that has its roots in satanic and New Age occultism founded by the Princes of Darkness. Eurasia is no different although their formulas for worldwide domination differ from that of the Beast, their goals are the same. The only thing which can stop them from completely fulfilling their horrific nefarious plans is the intervention of the Lord during the Great Storm.

The Anti-Christ will arise out of the chaos that will engulf the entire Earth in the last days. He will come out of a European city that is part of the “ten nation confederation.” This does not mean he will be a citizen of the nation he emerges from, but he will be deeply involved in the politics of that nation. The Ant