The Great Storm by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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Over the years I have heard several prophetic words from credible men of God concerning nuclear war involving the United States. I heard from these sources that Russia, along with several Arab nations and others, will be attacking the United States with nuclear weapons. The attack will be a surprise attack, and the United States will be unable to respond in time and in kind. The attack will come at a time when the United States will be dealing with many severe economic, political, and social problems of our own.

When I first heard this prophetic message I did not want to believe it. For me, it was a very hard pill to swallow. I prayed for two years about it, asking the Lord to reveal the truth concerning this prophecy to me. Was it true or not? I wanted to know. I did not want to believe something like this could happen to the United States, nor did I think any country or alliance of countries could carry out such a brazen attack, especially without retaliation. On the other hand, most of these men of God were very well known and operated under a special prophetic anointing.

In my studies over the years I also found out this prophecy was nothing new. I found material dating back as far as two hundred years concerning this event written by some very credible and well known-men, including many well known men of God.

I want everyone to know I am not and have never been a doomsday preacher. I believe in a God of grace and mercy who loves mankind and has done everything He can to reach out to a lost and dying world. The Lord just started dealing with me concerning end time events in the mid-nineties. Although I had ministered under a prophetic anointing for years, I did not concern my ministry with end time events.

According to the prophecies Russia and her allies, will set up their missiles in Cuba, Mexico, and Central America and fire them at the United States. Russia will  also attack with missiles from nuclear submarines in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and with missiles they will fire over the North Pole from the Russian mainland.  The United States will be caught completely off guard and will capitulate in the midst of all the destruction. I know this scenario sounds incredibly unbelievable. I thought so myself for years.

After praying and asking the Lord for two years if these prophecies were true or not true, I finally got an answer. A few years ago my wife and I were attending a Benny Hinn conference in Birmingham, Alabama.  We went back to our hotel room one night and went to bed. About one o’clock in the morning I was shaken out of a deep sleep from a horrible dream I was having.

I can count on one hand the number of dreams the Lord has given me that has shaken me to the point that I could not get back to sleep. This dream was one of them. I dreamed about the United States being attacked with nuclear weapons. Out of all the prophetic dreams I have had, this one disturbed me the most.

In the dream the United States had just made military pacts with a few different nations. The Russians and her allies also aligned themselves with other nations making military pacts with them. The United States had aligned herself with some of her usual allies like England and Canada.

Not long after seeing the different countries aligning with one another, I began hearing the screeching and screaming of the missiles as they were passing overhead of me. They were flying over the United States and hitting cities on the east coast, west coast, and other parts in-between. The sound of the missiles was so loud and fierce it was almost deafening. In the dream I ran around trying to warn everybody about the missiles that were coming. I kept saying: “May day, may day the missiles are coming, the missiles are coming.”

The loud shrieking of the missiles became so loud and intense I was shaken out of my sleep. I got up out of bed to pray and wrote the dream down on a notepad I found in the Hotel Room. The dream was so real and graphic, and I was so badly shaken by the dream, I laid in bed most of the night thinking about what had just been revealed to me.

The term “may day” is a universal call of distress. When pilots of ships or planes are in trouble, they will get on their radios and use the term “may day” to alert anyone that can hear them of their impending doom. Many planes and ships have met with destruction while giving out the “may day” call for help because no one was close enough to help or because no one heard or responded to their message.

I was driving down the highway one day near Cleveland, Tennessee, praying again about “nuclear war,” when all of a sudden I had an open vision. In the vision I saw missiles coming out of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and from Cuba. Again the missiles were hitting cites along the coasts and inside different areas within the United States mainland.

Revelation, 18: 3-4 says For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies. And I heard another voice from heaven saying “Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins.”

The Lord will warn His people who dwell in the cities where the missiles will hit to leave those areas. Those who do not will be judged along with the people who remain in the cities with them. The Lord has been preparing places and cities of refuge that will help those people who will become displaced. Many Christians are preparing themselves for the hard times which are ahead, and this event will be something they will be expecting.

The Lord is calling ALL of His people to “come out of Babylon” all over the world. The world is going to be judged. The United States is not the only country that will suffer during the Great Storm. Christians all around the world must unite and become one in Christ so the plan and purpose for the Church can be fulfilled in the last days. “Coming out of Babylon” will be like a “Second Exodus.”

“How much she (Mystery Babylon) hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit as a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow. Therefore her plagues come in one day, death and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire; for strong is the Lord who judges her. And the kings of the earth, who have  committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning.” (Revelation, 18:7-9).

In the financial district in Downtown New York City sits a large bronze statue of a “bull.” The bull is called the symbol of “American financial optimism and prosperity.”  It is also called one of the most “iconic images” in New York City. Many call it the “symbol of the strength and power of the American people.” The “bull icon” is given the distinction of being the symbol of prosperity just as the “bull god” in Egypt, Babylon, and other countries in the Middle East during ancient times.

The “bull icon” also sits in downtown Manhattan facing “Broadway.” The Bible says that “BROAD is the WAY” that leads to destruction, and straight is the way that leads to Life. (Matthew 7:13). If we are going to “live eternally” we must walk the pathway which leads to eternal life. The deceitfulness of riches will always lead people down the” broad way” which leads to destruction.

So in the future we will end up having a “bull market” located in the capitol of the world that has been destroyed by the Russian bear (bear market) and her allies. Along with the demise of Wall Street, which will affect the entire world, will be the destruction of the United Nations, a loosely formed One World Government. This will leave  the anti-Christ and his alliance with “their” aspirations for a newly formed One World Alliance a free hand to do as he pleases. This attack upon world governments  and economic systems as we know them will be just what the Beast wanted. With the United States and her allies out of the picture, the Beast and Eurasia can turn his wrath toward Israel, and they will.

Much of the United States will be destroyed by the thermonuclear weapons the Russian confederation will unleash upon America. However, the United States will reemerge from the ashes and destruction, and the American people will become allied together against the nations that will invade our nation. Finally, America will be united together again in rebuilding our nation.

Many of God’s children will become martyrs during the Great Storm. Many who will perform miraculous signs and wonders will sacrifice their lives willingly for their Savior. Others will be spared martyrdom because  they have other works they must perform before the Lord returns. The works that Jesus did while here on Earth will be done in greater amounts as God “inhabits” His people with great “power and anointing.”

God’s power to us and through us is unlimited when we give our all to Him. When Christians allow God to do whatever He wishes to do in their lives, He will perform the mighty works He has always been capable of doing in our lives. When we become “living sacrifices” Christ will deny us nothing. A time of great change is coming to the Church and to the world. A change in the way things are done in the Church will be necessary. The status quo in the Church will no longer be accepted by the Lord.

Unless there is a change in attitudes and motives in the Church, Christians will not be unable to survive the onslaught the enemy is about to unleash upon them. As Christians, we must first die to self if we are going to live for Christ. In order to live for Christ, we must die to self. If a seed does not fall to the ground and die first it cannot bring forth fruit. (John 12:24). If we do not deny ourselves, and pick up our cross to follow after Christ, we cannot and will not bear any life-sustaining fruit. We must die to  self before we can truly live for Christ.

Today we are racing toward the end of the age, and the beginning of a new age. If we are going to be able to stand in the evil days that are approaching we must resist the devil and draw closer to God. The Church must stand together as one clothed and become “clothed” with the breastplate of His righteousness. We must carry in our hands the sword of His Spirit and wear upon our heads the Helmet of His Salvation. If we have not prepared ourselves for the” coming storm,” the enemy will prevail in our lives when he unleashes the onslaught of chaos and destruction that is coming.

A radical transition must and will take place in the body of Christ before all these events are fulfilled in order to prepare the Church for the Great Storm and the coming of the Bridegroom. A purging of desires, motives, and attitudes will give God’s people the faith, power, and strength they will need in order to survive in a world that will not.

There have been many books written on “how to draw nearer to God.” This would be a good time to read one of them. I suggest if you are not where you need to be in your relationship with Christ, you will seek Him with all your heart, soul, and mind. The best advice I can give anyone to help them through the Great Storm is to draw near to God. God has promised to draw near to all those who draw near to Him and seek Him with their whole heart. Jesus is the only One who will be able to help us escape the “devastating perils” that await all who enter the trials the Great Storm will bring.

The Bible tells us “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in Him I will trust. (Psalm 91:1-2).

The safest place from the Great Storm will be our “fortress” in the “secret place” of the Most High God. Our life is “hidden” in Christ Jesu,s and in Him we find peace and security in the time of trouble. The word “Almighty”  in the above scripture comes from the Hebrew word ‘Shadday” which means “all powerful.” Our God is the ALL POWERFULL GOD—the OMNIPOTENT GOD who is able to keep us safe and secure during times of famine, war, chaos, lawlessness, and destruction.

My sincere prayer for you is for you to become one with Christ as Christ is one with the Father if your relationship with Christ needs to be “renewed.” When we seek Him with ALL our heart we will find Him in ALL His grace, mercy, and love. (Jeremiah 29:13). When people humble themselves in prayer, repent of their sins, and seek His face, God will come into their midst with a great outpouring of revival, renewal, and restoration.