The Great Storm by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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Many books have been written about prophetic end time events. Many Bible Scholars claim to have heard from God concerning events that will take place before and during the tribulation period. Many disagree with each other’s interpretation of those chaotic events. They all claim to possess the truth about the mysteries and symbols that the scripture holds; but not many of them agree with each other. The many different interpretations can leave a student of Bible Prophecy confused to say the least. If we are going to understand the “mysteries” of the prophetic, they must be revealed by those who understand and operate in prophetic ministry.

Although many writers may be sincere in their attempts to interpret prophecy, they misrepresent God when they propagate their own “opinions” or the opinions of others. Anybody can write a book or preach a message using books or messages which individuals have already preached or written. The scripture was not given to man to privately interpret any way he desires. If there are any differing opinions and interpretations about the same scriptures, we must realize something is wrong in somebody’s understanding and interpretation of truth.

Some of the future events described in the Book of Revelation are events that will actually take place the way they have been written while other events mentioned are symbolic in nature. We must know the mind and heart of God to discern between literal events and “symbolism” that may represent certain events, people, places and things.

To understand prophetic events we must get our understanding and interpretations from God, not the opinions and interpretations of man. First we must look at the message that God is trying to convey to us. Why was it written? What does it concern? What was God’s plan and purpose for revealing what He did? How can we understand what God is trying to tell us unless He is “revealing” the scripture to us by His Spirit? What is the prophetic significance of the events, and what do they mean, and how will they affect the Church?

Revealed knowledge is available to the whole Church, but it must come through proper channels to the believer. Hearsay can become another form of “heresy.” Just because somebody in authority in the Church said something does not make what he or she said true. When we operate outside of the realm of authority that God has placed within us, we can and will miss the “mark” big time. A person cannot successfully operate in the office of a prophet if he or she is not called to that office just as one cannot operate successfully as a pastor if they are not called to that office.

“God gave some, apostles, and some prophets, and some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers”. (Ephesians 4:11). Are we all pastors? Are we all evangelists or prophets? Are we all apostles or teachers? No, He has placed us all in the Church with different callings and gifts.

Today Jesus wants to reveal Himself and His word to the Church as He IS, not just the way the Church perceives Him to be. If everybody will do their part to fulfill their calling in true biblical fashion, the Church will prosper. Until then division and schisms will prevail, and the Church will remain subject in some areas to the schemes and diversions of the enemy.

The whole Bible is about Christ revealing Himself literally and prophetically to mankind from the beginning to the end. In Genesis God reveals Himself as  “the Alpha.”  In Revelation He reveals Himself as “the Omega.” The rest of the Bible is all in-between information, from Him and about Him. His Word is the record He sent to mankind which gives testimony of who He is, what He has done, and what He is going to do in the future. Through Christ all things were created, and in Him all things exist. He made that clear when He told John He was the “BEGINNING and the END.”

In the beginning God spoke, and creation was formed by His Word. When He spoke the things that “were not” instantly appeared. When God speaks He creates circumstance and substance. He never creates or does anything without a plan or pattern. The plan or pattern that He creates can also be called circumstance because that which He creates also contains a plan of  circumstance. That plan of circumstance we can define as the prophetic. The prophetic can and does take many forms and can be used in many different ways, but it always leads to truth.

The main purpose of the prophetic is to accentuate the mysterious plan and purpose of God through past, present and future events. God foreordained before the foundation of the earth that He would have a Church without “spot or wrinkle.” His whole purpose for creation was to plan, build, and bring forth a remnant of believers who would love and serve Him throughout eternity. The Bible reveals to us the past, present and future of God’s plans.

Just as God revealed Himself as I am to Israel and Egypt during the events that took place in the Book of Exodus, God is going to reveal Himself to His people and to the world before the final Exodus of the Church.

Many people are confused with the symbolism found in the Book of Revelation and have a hard time understanding it. When we study and compare the plagues in Exodus with the plagues in Revelation, we realize the book is not really that hard to understand.

In the book of Exodus the plagues poured out upon Egypt were types and shadows of things and events that would happen in the last days. Jesus reveals Himself as the beginning and the end in the Book of Revelation just as He revealed Himself to the Hebrews as I Am in the land of Egypt. Jesus pronounced a blessing upon those who read and understand the Book of Revelation. If we want to be blessed we must “read, understand, and follow.”

Much of the contents in this book was written and published in 2006. However, because of the many dreams and visions I have had since then, I have rewritten much of the book adding new revelation and have given the book a new name.