The Greatest Achievement in Life by R.D. Krumpos - HTML preview

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Divine Reality is infinitely here and eternally now, not within the spatial or temporal constraints of earthly realities. No words can ever describe ultimate Reality, yet a single word might suffice: One. Some people call it omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent; some mystics speak of the One* underlying the many, the Real within all and beyond any of the apparent real. It is what is here and now.


The personal, yet transcendent, divine which we worship is also immanent in all existence. The word Godhead, used by Christians in English, is al-Haqq in Islam, Brahman in Hinduism, Dharmakaya or Nirvana in Buddhism, and Ein Sof in the Kabbalah of Judaism. These are some words for the essence of the divine One, which both penetrates and exceeds everything. Mystics unite with eternal Reality which is; mysticism speculates on why, how or what it is.

Pure Reality surpasses both our experience and knowledge. Few people truly realize the unity of the undifferentiated One. Among dualities of mundane existence, we credit positive attributes to the divine, but that assumes there are also negatives or opposites. True Reality has none of the imperfections and dichotomies which affect humans in apparent realities. It is the absolute nature of being.

Humans are able to see, hear, touch, smell, and/or taste only a bit of worldly realities at any given time. Our mind, through reasoning, learning, remembering, and imagining can extend far beyond the reach of our senses, but it too is limited mostly to the small part of Earth which we experience directly or through the vision of others. Our concept of this Universe is severely restricted. Astronomy is primarily mathematical projections of what little we can see and measure with telescopes, spectroscopes and other instruments.

Each person knows just one of every 10,000 things of this world. The entire mundane knowledge of all humans would understand only a minute portion of the unfathomable One. People believe this life’s experiences are reality. All human experiences pale before the consummate Reality of the boundless One. The greatest of all our human hopes, dreams and aspirations are exceeded upon complete awareness of oneness with the ultimate ground of existence.

Time and space are relative. Earth is 4.5 billion years old and its size dwarfs any human body. Relatively, one human lifetime is just a speck and one mortal space is infinitesimal. People began to write only 5,500 years ago. This Universe is 13.7 billion years old and has at least 100 billion galaxies. Relatively, all recorded history is simply a moment and planet Earth is small. Divine Reality exists within and is beyond this Universe, unrelated to either time or space.

Soul is not limited to this life alone. “Is my soul eternal? Will it live next to the almighty One in heaven? Will my soul bond with the beloved One in peerless Reality?” That is your ego speaking. You want to retain your individuality while attaining supremacy to it. Clinging to your ego and individuality blocks you from your goal. Replace love of self with love of the divine, knowing “me” with knowing the true One in you, self-serving by selfless service.

The soul in each person also unites it with the spirit in all beings: animate or inanimate. To say that we humans are superior to birds, trees, rivers, or mountains is not to be aware of the divine essence in Nature which always surround us. To say that Earth is superior to all other planets, or that