The Greatest Achievement in Life by R.D. Krumpos - HTML preview

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“It is beyond me.” How many times have we said that when we cannot understand something, especially when another person acts in a way which appears to defy common sense? As self-conscious human beings, however, it is often difficult - if not impossible - to get beyond “me.” We usually seem captive to an ego which is with us in our every thought. It does not, however, have to rule our lives.

What are some techniques for discarding the ego and abandoning individuality? Be objective, not subjective. To control sentiments of “I,” weigh reactions to your words, others’ sensitivity to your thoughts and probable consequences of your actions. To heighten thinking beyond “me,” be cognizant of the reasons for your reasoning, goals of your learning, relevance of your memories, and real possibilities in your imagining. To enhance your senses beyond “my,” look not just see, listen not only hear, feel not solely touch, identify the scent not merely smell, and savor not taste alone. Go outside “self,” beyond me. The inherent significance of what is presently here is external.

A complementary method is to concentrate on the moment, not ruminate about the past. When you repeatedly recall anything, it is usually in relation to you. While concentrating, “you” is overlooked in considering “it.” Art is appreciated for its beauty and technique, not merely in its value to you. Music is enjoyed for its melody and performance, not solely as a reminder of your past. Food is relished for its flavor and preparation, not simply in appeasing hunger. Each object is admired for itself, not in regard to its usefulness to you. The intrinsic importance of what is present now is transpersonal.

Are you aware of how often you have reached “beyond me?” In an emergency, when another person is at risk, you react without any thoughts of your self. When your favorite team is on verge of victory, you think only of them, not me (unless you placed a bet). In love, your concentration is on the other person. Even your pet can command attention beyond self. Life is better outside the shell.

In much of this life, our greatest happiness, satisfactions and priorities are frequently beyond any thought of “me.” The list varies for each of us each day. Who says that we cannot discard our ego? Looking beyond me* is possible in all places, at all times. We all enjoy fine weather, are pleased by the delights of loved ones, take pride in accomplishments of our organization, and are fascinated by extraordinary events. Being beyond me can be very rewarding.

When we reflect on our troubles, unfulfilled desires and failures it is I, me and my of the ego bemoaning this life. When we compare our situation with the helpless and hopeless state of many other people, however, life seems better than we thought. Conversely, the pleasant glow of our achievements, our possessions, or completing a nice vacation can be dimmed when we consider the much greater lives of some other persons. We are not quite as wonderful as we had believed. In either case, we have then gotten beyond me.

“I am an individual”…and so you are. One human among the almost seven billion on Earth. One brown eyed among three billion. One of millions in your nation. One of many in any single category. A unique individual? Perhaps, if compared to any one other unique individual, but not among the world’s entire population. Our own individuality is an identity we cling