The Heavenly Light by Donna Solitario - HTML preview

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The Precious Gift of Life


Live and love life for it is a gift

Don’t be afraid to act like a kid

Put on those dancing shoes

Cry and grieve when you need to

Then get back into the groove

For were only here for a short while

Walk down the street with a big smile

At everyone that you meet

We can all sing to a divine beat

Try to accept others as they are

God made us all shinning stars

Climb the highest mountain

Drink from life’s fountain

Of faith, hope love and truth

Were all beautiful and God loves me and you

Sing your favorite songs

Take the time to bring on the charm

You’re as special as could be

Follow Gods will and you fulfill your dreams

Refuse to listen to negativity

Let us take up the cross and fall to our knees

Have hope in our hearts and believe