The Heavenly Light by Donna Solitario - HTML preview

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God Bless the Addict


Addiction it does little good to ask why, but so much good to ask how?

Recovery can begin when the addict reaches out

One could pretty much be addicted to anything at all

A sure thing is that the addict and their loved one’s suffered

Let us pray that one day at a time they choose to recover

For addicts are sadly affected by mental, physical, emotional and spiritual pain

Toxic guilt, remorse, sickness and shame

It does little good to blame

From a disease that is overtaking them

With the loss of their dignity and self-esteem

Affecting lost souls and heartache for the entire family

Hoping to achieve some peace and serenity

Friends and co-workers are affected too

They need support to be renewed

Its important when the addict is ready for support to follow through

The addict needs a spiritual connection

For this powerful disease can lead to death and destruction

We need to come together to foster a new beginning

While they address their addictions

We need to show them all love

The greatest power of all