The Knowledge of GOD - And The Key of Knowledge by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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Chapter 8


The Spirit of Knowledge

The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, The Spirit of counsel and might, The Spirit of KNOWLEDGE, and the fear of the Lord. Isaiah, Chapter 11, Verse 2.

The Spirit of Knowledge is a supernatural endowment of “knowledge’ which is bestowed upon individuals by the Holy Spirit. It is one of the Seven Spirits of God. The term “Spirit of Knowledge” is only mentioned one time in the Bible, however, the tenet of the Spirit of Knowledge is found many times in scripture.

The Seven Spirits of God in the Book of Revelation are referred to as the “Seven Lamps of Fire.” The lampstands represent the seven Churches. Jesus possesses the Seven Lamps of Fire, or the Seven Spirits of God. The “fire in the Lamps” also represents the Presence and Holiness of God. The Light the Fire produces represents “revelation knowledge and understanding.” We can always find knowledge, understanding and wisdom in the “presence” of God.

We also find the Seven Lamps of Fire coming together as one in the Book of Revelation known as the LAMPSTAND. In the Temple at Jerusalem the Lampstand was called the “menorah.” The “Lampstand” represents the presence of the Holy Spirit in the Church.” Thus, we see the Presence of the Seven Spirits of God burning brightly and eternally in the Church (God’s people).

According to Isaiah, Jesus did not judge by what He saw or what He heard. Isaiah said His loins were “girt with righteousness” and His “waist with faithfulness.” In other words, Jesus IS the personification of the righteousness of God and was always found faithful in the eyes of God. Jesus did not judge according to flesh, but according to the supernatural knowledge, wisdom and understanding He received from the Holy Spirit.

There are many places in the Bible where it is evident the scripture is talking about the “Spirit of Knowledge.” Jesus was endowed with the Spirit of Knowledge. He was FILLED with ALL the fullness of the Godhead which includes “supernatural knowledge, wisdom and understanding.” Christ IS the Light of the World. His Light burns brightly in Believers to illuminate THEM with godly knowledge, wisdom and understanding.

All supernatural knowledge, wisdom and understanding are embodied in the person of Christ. Supernatural knowledge is also known as “revealed knowledge.” Supernatural knowledge, along with supernatural understanding, are imparted to Believers by the Spirits of Wisdom and Revelation. (Ephesians, 1:7). Knowledge without wisdom and understanding will always be useless and of no affect.

When God imparts knowledge to individuals, He does it supernaturally. Solomon was not “endued” with knowledge to rule God’s people until He asked God for it. Solomon was able to judge God’s people righteously because God gave him supernatural knowledge, understanding and wisdom by revelation.


Then the Lord spoke to Moses saying: “See I have called by name Bezaleel the son of Uri, the son of the tribe of Judah. And I have filled him with the Spirit of God, and in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and in the manner of all workmanship. Exodus, Chapter 31, Verses 1-2.

In the Bible “talents” were a medium of exchange. However, the scripture was not just speaking of money, but of any God given median of exchange which could make a difference in the lives of others. In Bible days, a talent usually, but not always, referred to a weight or unit of money. A talent could also pertain to anything which could be used as a medium of exchange. The term is used today as natural gifts, skills or aptitudes which people possess.

According to the Bible God gave talents to all His servants. God given talents are used today as a medium of exchange for more than just monetary exchanges. Jesus came to give us “beauty for ashes,” the “garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness,” and the “oil of joy for mourning.” He came to make an exchange with us. When we place all our cares upon Christ, He sets us free from bondage and clothes us with joy and praise. Christ gives us His “inner beauty” in exchange for our ashes. He exchanges HIS talents for our problems and cares as we cast all our cares upon Him.

Anointed praise and worship will break the yoke of bondage and set people free from the spirit of heaviness (our burdens). The Holy Spirit will anoint us with the oil of joy as we sing praises unto God. The beauty of His holiness washes away the sin that so easily besets us when we sincerely repent of our sins. The Holy Spirit is FILLED with all the “talents” needed to set the captives free and make men and women Holy in the eyes of God when we look to Calvary.

The Lord FILLS people with supernatural talents along with knowledge, wisdom and understanding so they can perform their God given callings and mandates here on Earth. In Bezabeels case, he was given supernatural knowledge to help design and embellish the Temple with “artful workmanship.” We call this an anointing. Bezabeels God given gifts and talents are mentioned in two different books in the Bible.

When we become FILLED with the Spirit of Knowledge, we become “anointed” to perform our God given mandate. We will be able to “break the yoke of bondage” through the POWER of the Holy Spirit for those who are bound by Satan. God gives His people supernatural knowledge, gifts and talents to edify the Church. I would rather speak under the anointing of God to one person than to thousands without the anointing. The anointing is the only thing which breaks the yoke of bondage in the lives of individuals.

The Lord gives certain talents and abilities to all His people. Whether someone has been called to preach, to teach, to administrate, to sing, to write, to pray, to design, or to build, it takes the anointing of the Holy Spirit” to make a difference.


Every man is brutish in knowledge: every founder is confounded by the graven image: for his molten image is falsehood, and there is no breath in them. They are vanity and the work of errors: in the time of their visitation they shall perish. Jeremiah, Chapter 10, Verses 14- 15.

The word in the above scripture which was translated from the Hebrew word “brutish” means “consumed as if by fire.” The Children of Israel had fallen away from God and began worshipping the pagan gods of their neighbors. They acquired gold and silver from their pagan neighbors and formed for themselves gods of gold and silver to worship. They spent a lot of their time and financial resources making false gods which they created and formed by their own hands to worship. Unlike Bezabeel, the founders (metal workers) were more interested in using their talents to create their own gods to worship.

The deaf and dumb gods they created represented the spiritual darkness in their hearts. They were more interested in worshipping false gods formed by the works of their own hands than they were in Jehovah, the Living God. They were using the talents God had given them foolishly and irresponsibly. The graven images which they created were examples of their self-seeking, self-righteous and self-promoting motives and attitudes.

The Children of Israel were “consumed” and “obsessed” with creating “gods” of their own choice, just as many are doing today. They created gods which promoted themselves rather than the true God. Pride in our own abilities and accomplishments will always lead to idol worship which in turn leads to damnation and destruction.

People who are “consumed” with THEIR talents and the gods they and others create and worship are destined for destruction. They will be consumed by the fires of judgment and condemnation. Many people worship gods of gold, silver and mammon today. They may not place them on a pedestal and physically fall on their knees to worship them, but they do so in their hearts.

True worship always comes from a pure heart and is not meant to be a public display. As Christians, we may worship corporately, but our worship is not intended for public display only but to honor the true God, Jehovah in our hearts.

It is apparent the majority of the Israelites DID NOT possess the “fear of God” in Jeremiah’s day. If they had possessed the fear of God, they would have been worshipping the true God. Instead, they worshipped the gods they had created with their own hands and in the chambers of their hearts. The “fear of the Lord” is the beginning of knowledge AND wisdom. The fear of the Lord is the foundation which knowledge and wisdom rest upon. Without the fear of the Lord people will perish.

God created people to worship and fellowship with Him. Worship is an attitude of the heart. God created a throne in the heart of every individual where He was to reign and be worshipped as God. When God is not sitting on the throne within the hearts of individuals, they will create something else to worship. Most of the time it will be themselves which they worship. This is commonly called the “pride of life.”

Lucifer, who had the most awesome “pipes of praise” in Heaven, was not satisfied with the anointing and talent God had given him. He became jealous and full of pride and wanted more than the God anointed “pipes” he possessed. He desired to set on the throne of God so he could be the one which all, Heaven worshipped. Lucifer became lifted up in pride and created a god in his heart which HE chose to worship-- himself. Now, he is destined to be “consumed with fire” throughout eternity. Brutish men will always be “weighed in the balance and found wanting” because they reject the “knowledge of God.”

The Spirit of Knowledge is given to the Church so the Church can grow and prosper in Christ. Supernatural knowledge will empower believers to understand things which the rest of the World will not be able to understand. The supernatural knowledge of God is imparted to those who earnestly and passionately seek the truth. When we possess the knowledge of the truth, the truth will set us free. If the Son (Truth) sets us free—we are free indeed. (John, 8:6)