The Knowledge of GOD - And The Key of Knowledge by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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Chapter 17


The Knowledge of Faith

And He gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors; and some, teachers; for the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: till we all come into the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. Ephesians, Chapter 4, Verses 11-13.

God placed the five-fold ministry in the Church to equip, edify and/or build up the saints for the work of the ministry. When we all come into the unity of the FAITH through the KNOWLEDGE of Christ, the BODY of Christ will become filled with His fullness. Christ will not be complete until His body has come “unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.” In other words, the body of Christ is not perfect (complete) without unity and the full knowledge of the Son in the Church.

As Christians, we are all individual members which make up His body. We become knit together in Christ as members of His body, through unity, faith and knowledge. We possess the fullness of Christ when we measure up to the standard of righteousness Christ portrays. When we ALL become transformed into the FULLNESS of Christ, the Church will be complete.

The word “faith” appears in the Old Testament only two times. The word “believe” appears in the Old Testament only nineteen times. The word “faithful” appears in the Old Testament many times. However, the word “faithful” in the Old Testament does not refer to people with faith, but to people who were steadfast, trustworthy and loyal. For many in the Old Testament, the concept of “faith” was elusive and difficult to grasp. Today many people in the Church continue to struggle with the “concept” of faith just as many of God’s people did in Old Testament times.

Without unity and faith, the Body of Christ is not complete. The word “unity is only found one time in the Old Testament. The concept of faith and unity together are never mentioned in the Old Testament. The concept of being unified together in faith can only come through the knowledge of Christ.

The words “faith” and “believe” are similar and somewhat interrelated. However, they do not always have the same meaning in the Bible. Many Bible translations do not always differentiate clearly between the two, and many of them use the two words interchangeably.

Many people BELIEVE in God, or that there is a God, but they do not have much, if any, faith IN God. In other words, they believe God exists, but they do not have the faith to believe His Word or His promises. We can be born again by the faith of the Son of God, and yet still not have the faith to believe the promises of God.

Many Christians seem to struggle with the concept of “faith” and how to receive by faith the things they desperately need from God. God’s people should not have a problem receiving His promises. Faith is not a complex issue. However, there are some issues which can and do hinder us from receiving the promises of God. When we learn what those issues are and make a concerted effort to correct them, we position ourselves to become believers and receivers of the promises of God.

Sin is the greatest issue which hinders people from receiving the promises of God. If we can take care of the sin problem in our lives, we will be able to understand what we need to do to with the other problems which are hindering our walk with the Lord. Then it simply becomes a matter of believing “by faith” and receiving “by faith” the promises of God.

When people pray asking God for His blessings and do not receive anything from Him, they may think what they are praying and asking for may not be His will. This may or may not be true. Many times, people do ask the Lord for things which are not His will for them. There are many things which people ask the Lord for that will or would hinder their walk with Him if He gave those things to them. God gives us specific instructions (knowledge) in His Word of what we are to pray for, how we are to pray, and how we can receive the things which we are asking of Him. (1 John, 5:14). The Lord’s Prayer gives us specific information of how we are to pray and what we are to pray for. (Matthew, 6:9-13).


So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Romans, Chapter 10, Verse 17.

The first key to receiving faith is HEARING. Knowledge always comes before faith. Knowledge tells us how we can obtain faith. Without knowledge, faith will be elusive. Without the knowledge of how to obtain faith, we will have no faith. Without knowledge, our understanding will always be unfruitful. Faith rests upon the foundations of knowledge, wisdom and understanding. If we are going to believe by faith, we need to KNOW how to walk in faith.

Unfortunately, faith does not come just by reading, but by hearing. Reading can give us knowledge and can instruct us on how we can receive faith, but reading alone will not give us faith. We must start by listening to and obeying what God is saying to us if we are going to have faith. I am not saying that as we read and study God cannot speak to us. God can and does speak to us in many ways. As we read and study the Word of God, many times He will quicken to us the understanding of His Word.

Faith comes to us when we HEAR, understand, and receive what God is saying directly to us. He may also quicken His Word to us by His Spirit as we are reading His Word and/or hearing the Word spoken by someone else.

Faith comes by hearing and hearing comes by the “WORD” of God. The word “word” in the above scripture comes from the Greek word “rhema.” The word “rhema” does not refer to the written Word of God, but to a “spoken or direct” Word from God. It simply means a “word” spoken or directed specifically to an individual or individuals.

When a preacher delivers a good message on Sunday Morning it does not mean we are being given a “rhema” word from God. We can gain knowledge from what the preacher is saying, however, unless the Lord is quickening and imparting “new life” into our spirit through that word, it is not a “rhema” word. Many times people in congregations are just getting and receiving information from the pulpit which may or may not be true.


For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead. James, Chapter 3, Verse, 26.

According to James, just as the body is dead without the spirit, faith is dead without works. When faith is alive within us we will be producing “good works.” The lack of “works” in a Christian is a sure sign their faith is dead, dying, or not working at all.

Many people claim and think they have faith, however, they show no evidence that faith exists within them. They say they have faith, but it is obvious their faith is DEAD because they lack works. Many people who have dead faith replace works with words. The scripture says “faith is the substance of things hoped for, the “evidence” of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1). Our works will always prove whether we have “living faith” or “dead faith.” Faith, plus nothing, will equal nothing. Our works will always prove that faith is alive in us when we are doing the “works” Christ is directing us to perform.

THE JUST SHALL LIVE BY FAITH. A person with “living faith” will be living BY faith. Our faith is always demonstrated by our works. If we are doing nothing to promote or grow the Kingdom of God, our faith is useless. We more than likely have dead faith if we are not helping to encourage and minister to others around us.

A works-based religion is always rooted and grounded in “dead faith.” When the “root” of religion is dead, it cannot and will not produce life. A works- based religion tells us WE must do certain things before we can be saved. In other words, they think it is the works they do which ensures them they will receive eternal life. This doctrine is not biblical and will cause many to fall into the pit of destruction if they fail to repent of their sins.

All false religions are based upon the principle of a “works-based” religion. They believe if their good works outnumber their bad works, they will receive the promise of eternal life. Works based churches are just social clubs where members gather together to ease their consciences once or twice a week and fellowship with each other. The pastor may preach a 10 or 15 minute sermon, then they all head to the fellowship hall for the “main event.” They may give financial support to needy people in the community, and give to the local food bank, but their worship and reasonable service to God is non-existent.

In Christianity, our faith is not based on our works, but our faith in the “finished works” of Christ. It is our faith in Christ and HIS FINISHED works which assures us the promise of eternal life.

Many Christians who once produced faith based works have traded them for works based on the “social justice” movement. Their faith in God has been replaced by faith in their works. When works glorify MEN rather than God, they are known as “dead works.”

Faith-based works will always glorify God and not self. Dead works are always based upon presumption and speculation. Many people erroneously believe that “works alone” will please God. Works of faith will always be based upon our desire and willingness to be led by the Holy Spirit. Dead works are designed to ease the conscience and promote self- satisfaction and self-gratitude.

Unfortunately, many Christians fall into the trap of thinking they can please God by THEIR works. They think “If I put enough money in the offering, or help as many people as I can, God will accept me.” This attitude will always hinder their walk and relationship with the Lord. When faith-based works are replaced by “works” based upon social justice, all people have is another “form of godliness.” The social justice revolution will never justify anyone in the eyes of God.

The promise of eternal life is a gift from God, and we do not have to labor to receive the promise. The Bible tells us that all we have to do to receive eternal life is to “repent of our sins” and BELIEVE on the name of Jesus Christ. We are saved by grace, though faith, in the Son of God. The promise of eternal life has nothing to do with the works WE do, but the “finished works” which Jesus did on our behalf at Calvary. Dead faith is unproductive and will only produce works which are spiritually unfruitful. “By their fruit you shall know them.” (Matthew, 7:16). If our works are not bearing fruit and lifting up Christ, then our faith is dead.


Who will have all men to be saved, and come unto the knowledge of the truth. 1 Timothy, Chapter 2, Verse 4.

Our faith is based on the knowledge we find in the Word of God. We are able to use the knowledge we have gained to produce fruit when we come to the knowledge of the truth. When we have received Christ as our Lord and Savior, His faith is imparted to us because we have received the knowledge of the Truth (Christ). After we receive and accept Christ as Lord and Savior, we are admonished to grow IN the knowledge of God and INCREASE our faith.

There are four keys which opens the door to faith for Believers. Many Christians do not use these keys which can produce faith in them. Instead, they settle for a faith which is based upon their works. They perform works they think will be pleasing to God.

Thus, their faith is in their works, NOT in God. Jesus told the interpreters of the law they had “taken away the key to knowledge” from the people. In doing so, these people lacked wisdom, faith and understanding regarding the Word of God. In many churches today this same travesty continues to grow and flourish. They have a “form of godliness,” yet they deny the POWER of God which comes by faith in the “finished works” of Christ.


HEARING BY THE WORD OF GOD. The four keys which open the door to faith are:

1. Knowledge

2. Hearing

3. Trusting

4. Obeying

The knowledge of God’s Word tells us how we can obtain and retain faith. If we fail to have a good understanding of what God says regarding faith, we will have a problem growing in faith. If we are not growing in faith, we will have a problem being faithful to God regarding works of faith.

Hearing comes by listening to, understanding, and adhering to what God is saying to us. Because we are God’s children, He is always trying to communicate with us so we can learn how to INCREASE our faith and live a life filled with godly knowledge and wisdom. God desires for us to “grow in faith and in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter, 3:18).

Trusting and believing in what God is saying will open the door of faith to us. Believing what God says will take us on a journey through patience which will in turn lead us to the fulfillment of all His promises. Through “faith and patience” we receive the promises of God. (Hebrews, 6:12).

Obeying God gives us an opportunity to make a difference in our life and the lives of those around us. Obedience is not a chore. Obedience is an opportunity to make a difference and bring change in our life where and when change is needed. Obedience always leads to an opportunity to learn something new from the Lord or to help someone in need. If we are not obeying the commandments of God, we should not be expecting anything from Him when we ask Him for His blessings. Our words will fall on deaf ears if we have been disobedient.

The biggest problem people have with faith is the “believing” part. When people pray, and do not immediately see results, they tend to “believe” what they are petitioning God for is not His will. This may or may not be true. We know IF we pray according to HIS will, He hears us and will supply those things we desire, IF we believe. In many cases, it is not a matter of IF it is His will, but a matter of IF we believe.

Over the years I have found that many Christians do not receive what they need by faith because they “are not” persistent and insistent in their prayers. Faith is insistent and persistent. We cannot command God to do anything, but we can be persistent in asking and reminding God of the promises He has given to us. The widow who went before the unjust judge was granted her request because of her PERSISTENCE. (Luke, 18:1-8). God is our Judge, but He is not unjust and is willing to grant our wishes when we are faithful to Him and persistent in prayer. Jesus told us to be “persistent in prayer” and we would receive the promises of the Father.

I have found in praying for others that if I do not see results the first time I pray, I should NOT stop praying. I continue to pray until I see the desired results or the Lord tells me why the person cannot or will not receive what they are asking from God.

Many people give up when they do not see results the first time they pray. Others give up because they are UNSURE that what they are petitioning God for is His will. It is important that we know what the will of God is when we pray and ask Him for something. We know that “when we pray according to His will, He hears us and we HAVE the things we have asked of Him.” (1 John, 5:14). If we KNOW what the will of God is, we do not need to say “If it be thy will,” when we pray.

My son, if you receive my words, and treasure my commands within you, so that you incline your ear to wisdom, and apply your heart to understanding: yes if you cry out for discernment, and lift up your voice for understanding, if you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures: then you will understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God. Proverbs, Chapter 2, Verses 1-5.

God gives us specific instruction for a reason. The knowledge of His Word instructs us HOW to live a life of freedom from the oppression of sin, sickness, poverty and fear. When we seek the knowledge of God as we would seek for hidden treasures, we will not only find His knowledge but also the treasures of wisdom and understanding.

Faith comes from HEARING what God is saying to us as individuals. The understanding of what God is saying comes from wisdom AND revelation. Without the knowledge that faith exists and how we can live by faith, we cannot and will not be fruitful in our daily walk with Christ.

Faith has nothing to do with our intellect or how much information we might possess. “Faith comes by hearing and hearing (what we hear) comes by the Word of God.” With the knowledge of faith and how faith operates, we will understand how we can inherit by faith “the promises of God.”

God always responds to faith. He does not respond to our doubt and unbelief. If we are going to possess faith, we are going to have to hear what the Spirit of God is saying to us. If we are under the tutelage of ministers who are not preaching the truth, we will have a hard time having and living by faith. What we believe WHEN we hear messages regarding the things of God determines whether we will or will not be candidates for ever increasing, mountain moving faith.

The Apostle Paul wrote about the Law of Faith. Faith works by certain principles which are found in the Word of God. When the LIGHT of that knowledge illuminates our hearts and minds, we will find a living, working faith which WILL destroy all the works of the enemy. The Psalmist said, “The entrance of thy words giveth light (understanding).” (Psalms, 119:130.) When we walk in total obedience to the commandments and voice of God, He truly causes all things to “work together for our good.”