The Knowledge of GOD - And The Key of Knowledge by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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Chapter 24


Praise and Worship

I will worship toward Your holy temple, and praise Your name for your loving kindness and Your truth, for You have magnified Your word above Your name. Psalm, 138, Verse 2.

Praise and worship are integral components, and are probably the most important part of our relationship with Christ. Our relationship with Christ cannot grow and be fruitful without praise and worship. God created man so He could fellowship with Him. We become joined together with Him through heart-felt praise, worship and fellowship.

The word “praise” comes from the Hebrew word “hallelujah.” “Hallel” means “praise” and “Jah” is another name for “God.” The Greek word for praise is “Alleluia” which means the same thing as “hallelujah.” The Latin word for praise is “laudare” which means “value or price.” The value of worship and praise cannot be compared to silver or gold. They are integral components and assets which help solidify our relationship with Christ. They are more precious than any treasures we can possess here on Earth.

Praise is something which we do with our lips, an instrument, or any other kind of joyful noise we can make. The Bible tells us to praise God in dancing before Him. Praise is usually acquainted with joyful sounds and festive, blissful attitudes. We should never allow our praise and worship to be hampered or inhibited by our circumstances. We should be willing to praise God in whatever situation we may find ourselves in. Victory will come when we praise and worship God in the midst of our circumstances.

If we are only praising God when things are going well, we are missing many opportunities for God’s glory and power to embrace us. Praise is something we do with our lips, a musical instrument or other objects. The Bible tells us to make a “joyful noise unto the Lord.” (Psalm, 98:4).

The Hebrew word for worship is “adlaudo,” which means to become prostrate or bow down.” The Greek word for worship is “prostuneo.” “Prostuneo” means to “bow down, reverence or do “obeisance.” The Latin word for worship is “adoritio.” “Adoritio” means “adoration or exaltation.” In other words, we can say that our worship is the act of “reverence, adoration and exaltation for our Lord.” Praise is something we do with our lips or sounds we make on instruments or other objects, but “worship” is something we do silently within our hearts. Worship is also a condition of the heart. A “heart of worship” is an attitude of the heart which admonishes us to continually exalt and remain spiritually prostrate before the Lord.

Fellowship with our Lord Jesus Christ is based upon our love and devotion for Him. Physically “bowing down” and “laying prostrate before the Lord” is an outward exemplification of our feelings for the Lord.


But the hour is coming and now is, when true worshipper will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is a Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth. John, Chapter 4, Verses 23-24.

True worship is worship which is rooted and grounded in “spiritual correctness.” True worship comes from a heart which is sincere and devout. The pure in heart will worship the Lord with a loving and contrite heart. True worship comes from a heart which is filled with the love of God. It cannot come from a carnal heart, but a heart that is established, rooted, and grounded in faith and love.

A sincere Christian will seek to worship the Lord continually. They understand the importance of worship and will do everything they can to make sure they take time to lay prostrate before the Lord in their hearts. Only the pure in heart will see God. Only the pure in heart will worship Him in spirit and truth.

On one of my trips to “heavenly places,” I found myself standing before our Lord Jesus Christ. He showed me the wounds in His hands and His feet. Suddenly, without forethought I fell prostrate before Him and found myself lost in worship. I do not have words to explain what was happening. All I know is that at that moment in time there was an intimacy between me and my Savior I had never experienced before. We were one in Spirit. I was worshipping Jesus in spirit and in truth. The Truth and I were one, and nothing could intervene or come between us.

Since that heavenly day in “heavenly places,” I have longed to worship Jesus again this same way. It was truly a heavenly moment with our Lord Jesus Christ. Many people have had similar experiences when they have been taken to heavenly places. I wrote about many of the experiences I had in heavenly places in my book entitled “In My Father’s House.” Many of the experiences which I and others have had are available to all Believers.

When we are worshipping Jesus, we are worshipping the Truth. Jesus is the Truth, the Life and the Way. He is the WAY which leads to true worship in “heavenly places.” We cannot worship Christ with our flesh because it has the propensity to be corrupt and nefarious. We can only truly worship Him in “spirit and truth.”


He answered and said to them, “Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written: This people honor me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. And in vain they worship me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.” Mark, Chapter 7, Verses 6-7.

The concept many people have of worship is not Biblical. The Scribes and Pharisees worshipped God in vain. They were more interested in their own traditions than their “reasonable service” to God. They were prone to giving God lip service rather than worshipping Him in spirit and in truth. Worship which is not heart- felt is worship which is unfruitful and demonically inspired. Demonically inspired worship is idolatry.

The Scribes and Pharisees replaced true worship with their traditions which were erroneous and unbiblical. They were more interested in “serving self” rather than serving God. Their traditions were an unsavory stench in the nostrils of God. If people do not honor God, THEY CANNOT PLEASE HIM. If people do not love God, THEY WILL NOT BE SEEKING TO WORSHIP HIM. We will never be able to worship God in Spirit and in Truth if we do not love Him.

We are commanded to praise and worship God. When we worship God in spirit and truth, we are obeying His commandments. When we do not obey the commandments of God, and follow the traditions of men instead of God, our worship is “in vain.” We dishonor and alienate God when we follow man made traditions and customs. Worship becomes empty, shallow, and useless if we are not worshipping God in spirit and in truth. When we worship God in spirit and truth, He will be “glorified,” and we will be “sanctified.


After these things, I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, saying, Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne and to the Lamb. Revelation, Chapter 7, Verses 9-10.

On one of my trips to “heavenly places” I was taken to a place where I saw a sea of people dressed in white robes on their knees before the Throne of God. I looked to my left, then to my right, and saw nothing but a sea of people. It reminded me of some of Rinehart Bonnke’s Crusades which I have seen on television, except the multitudes of people were much greater. The people were all singing praises and worshipping God as He was sitting majestically on His Throne. It was one of the most amazing sights I saw during my “heavenly trips.” As the people were praising and worshipping God, the scene reminded me of a nest of baby birds with their mouths opening and closing waiting for their mother to feed them.

True praise and worship takes us to heavenly places where we become intimately submissive and responsive to the move of the Holy Spirit. There is no greater expression of our love for and devotion to Christ than praise and worship. Finding ourselves lost in worship as we become one with Christ should be the goal of every Christian.

Praise and worship is not just for the praise and worship team. Understanding the importance of praise and worship corporately AND individually will lead us into a greater relationship with Christ. When we worship Christ corporately, we are worshipping Christ in solidarity and unity with others. We become one with Him corporately when we all come together in one mind and in one accord.

When we worship Christ individually, we are solidifying and strengthening our personal relationship with Him. Our personal relationship with Christ is more important than our corporate relationship with Him. We are ALL part of His body, and His body is not complete without each one of us. Our personal relationship with Christ will lead us into a corporate relationship with others in the body of Christ.


Let the saints be joyful in glory; Let them sing aloud on their beds. Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, And a two-edged sword in their hand. Psalm, 149, Verses 5-6

Praise gives us the power to overcome our circumstances. When the Children of Israel would go into battle, many times they would send their “praise warriors” out in front of the army to confuse and confound the enemy. Praise confuses the armies of darkness. The enemy cannot penetrate our “sacrifices of praise.” It is not normal for people to praise God when things are going wrong. However, that is exactly when we should be seeking God through sacrifices of praise, prayer and worship. For Christians, when all else fails, we can exult and be victorious in our circumstances through the “power of praise.”

Praise lifts us up into the presence of God. The armies of darkness have to flee where the Presence of God prevails. God dwells in the praises of His people. Where the presence of the Lord is, there is freedom and liberty from the schemes and tactics of the enemy. Praise is a buckler and shield to those who trust in Him and His saving and delivering power.

When we magnify and praise God, our problems become insignificant. God is greater than our problems, and our victory is found ‘in His presence.” In His presence is fullness of joy, and His joy becomes our strength when we praise Him in the midst of the battle. We know that “all things will work together for our good because we love Him and we have been called according to His purpose.”

Praise honors God. It is the voice of our spirit crying out in faith and adoration to honor the ONE who shed His blood at Calvary to free us from our sins. Praise will take our focus off our problems and upon God who has all the answers to our problems. Our sacrifices of praise become the victory which overcomes all the plans and schemes of the forces of darkness. “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.” (Psalm. 150:6)