The Last Teachings of Jesus by Jim Rooney - HTML preview

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Chapter 4

The Predicted Betrayal


The Lord wanted His disciples to know that He was not speaking about all of them concerning what He was about to share with them. Jesus knew those whom He had chosen to be His true followers. He told them the Scripture must be fulfilled which said, “Even my own familiar friend in whom I trusted, Who ate my bread, Has lifted up his heel against me.” (Psalm 41:9) Jesus wanted to tell them in advance about His betrayal so they would know He was the Lord when it came to pass. Only God knows the future. He told His disciples that whoever would receive them would be receiving Him. Likewise, those who receive Jesus receive the Father.

Then the disciples looked at each other and were confused as to who Jesus was referring to. Upon hearing this, the disciples became very sorrowful, and they asked Jesus if they were the betrayer. One of Jesus’ closest disciples, John, was leaning on the Lord. Peter motioned to John to ask Jesus who the betrayer was. The Lord said it was the one to whom He would give a piece of bread after dipping it. Jesus said the He, the Son of Man, would experience what had been prophesied about this matter but certain calamity would fall upon the one who betrayed Him. He then gave the bread after dipping it to Judas Iscariot. Judas asked Jesus if he was the one. Jesus replied that he had said so. Satan then entered into Judas and Jesus told Judas to go ahead and do what he had planned to do which was to betray Jesus to the Jewish religious authorities. The other disciples did not understand what Jesus was saying to Judas. Some thought that since Judas was the treasurer Jesus was telling him to go buy some things they needed for the feast or to give something to the poor. Then Judas left to betray Jesus.