The Last Teachings of Jesus by Jim Rooney - HTML preview

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Chapter 18

Jesus Has Overcome the World


Jesus told His disciples that He had been speaking to them in figurative language. He said the time was coming when He would speak clearly to them about the Father. When that time came, they would ask for things in His name. He would not have to pray to the Father for them because the Father loved them and because they loved Jesus and believed that He came from the Father. He told them He came from the Father to the world and now He was returning to the Father.

The disciples then said to Jesus that now He was speaking plainly and clearly to them without using figurative language. They said that now they were sure that Jesus knew all things and didn’t need for others to question Him to see if He was speaking the truth. They said because of this they believed that Jesus came from the Father.

Jesus responded by saying to them, “Do you now believe? ” 32 Indeed the hour is coming, yes, has now come, that you will be scattered, each to his own, and will leave Me alone. (John 16:31-32)

He told them that He was not alone because the Father was with Him. Jesus said that He spoke these things to them so that they would have peace in Him. He warned them that in the world they would have tribulation, but for them to be happy because He had overcome the world.

Jesus has overcome all things. He has overcome the evil of this world, and also He has overcome the evil one, Satan, also called Lucifer and the Devil. Try as he might to defeat the plans of God, Satan always fails for God is all-powerful and also all-knowing. No one can defeat God. God is the only all-powerful being in existence. We need not worry about the trials of life. Jesus has overcome the evil of this world and will always make sure that whatever happens to us is for our good. Although we don’t understand now how the bad things that happen to us will be for our good, God has promised us that it will be for our good! One day we will see how all the different pieces of the puzzle of our lives were for our good. Until then, we must trust in our God that He knows what He is doing.

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. (Rom. 8:28)