The Last Teachings of Jesus by Jim Rooney - HTML preview

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Chapter 23

The Arrest


Later in the night, Jesus awakens His disciples as His betrayer, Judas Iscariot, comes to Him leading a large number of people carrying swords and clubs. This group was sent by the chief priests and elders of the Jews. As they approach Jesus, His very countenance causes them to fall backwards to the ground. Judas approaches Jesus and gives Him a kiss which is the sign to let the armed group know which person is Jesus for them to capture.

Jesus’ disciple Peter takes a sword and strikes the servant of the high priest who was there, a man named Malchus, cutting off his right ear. Peter was trying to help our Lord but was using a worldly means to do it. Peter didn’t realize it then, but it was the plan of God for Jesus to die as the sacrificial Lamb of God for us. J esus immediately commanded Peter to put away his sword. He told Peter that all who use the sword will perish by the sword. He also told Peter that if He wanted to He could ask His Father to send Him thousands of angels to protect Him. However, if Jesus had asked for that heavenly help, how could the Scriptures be fulfilled that He must die for the sins of His people?

Jesus then does a remarkable thing. He touches Malchus and heals him by restoring his right ear. Even to the end, Jesus is not thinking of what is best for Him but only of others. This is evident as He tells his captors to let His disciples go and to just take Him. Then His disciples all abandon Jesus and run away seeking safety. His sheep were scattered just as Jesus predicted would happen. Then Jesus is seized by some of this group.

Jesus always did the right thing. He followed the Father’s will, not His own will. In the face of frightening danger, Jesus didn’t have a mental breakdown. He went to prayer to His Father for help. When we are in the depths of despair, we too should go to God in prayer asking for His divine help and guidance. When Malchus came to arrest Him, Jesus loved him by healing him. He then sought to have His disciples released. Again, Jesus was always thinking and doing what was best for others.

12 Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets. (Matt. 7:12)