The Last Teachings of Jesus by Jim Rooney - HTML preview

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Chapter 28

Jesus Crucified Between Two Thieves


After Jesus goes through the terribly painful flogging at the hands of the soldiers, is forced to wear a crown of thorns, and is made to carry a heavy wooden cross through the streets of Jerusalem, He is then crucified on it. Death by crucifixion was one of the most painful executions by the Romans. Nails were driven through His hands and feet. Breathing was very difficult because the lungs would start to collapse. He was totally exhausted and undergoing the pain of hell on our behalf. To make His indignity greater, He is crucified between two common thieves who both speak harshly toward Jesus.

While Jesus is suffering on the cross, He makes an amazing request of His Father in heaven. He asks His Father to forgive those who were crucifying Him because they didn’t know what they were doing. They didn’t realize that they were crucifying God who had come in the flesh. How many people could do that after being flogged and then crucified by vile people? I can think of only one person who would ever do that. That person is Jesus Christ who taught us to always forgive others of their sins against us even though they might not repent. Jesus forgave these people without their repentance.

One of the thieves cries out to Jesus that if He is truly the Christ, then He should save Himself and them also. The thief on the other side has a change of heart toward Jesus. He rebukes the other thief who spoke to Jesus and says that they were justly being punished for their wrongdoing. However, he says this man had done nothing wrong. Then the thief who spoke those kind words asks Jesus to remember him when He came into His kingdom. How did Jesus reply? He tells that thief that truly he would be with Him in Paradise that very day!

What a wonderful gift of salvation to this sinner right before his death. How comforting it must have been to that thief to hear those words of Jesus. A question remains. Why did this one thief, who earlier had been speaking unkind things to Jesus, have this change of heart? Why did he now believe in Christ? I think when this thief heard Jesus ask His Father to forgive those who were crucifying Him it had a life changing impact on this man. Again, it was an amazing thing to say while these people were crucifying Him. God used Jesus’ request to His Father to convict this man’s heart and give him the gift of saving faith.

These two thieves represent all humanity. All humanity are sinners and are not worthy to enter heaven.

23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, (Rom. 3:23)

The one thief blasphemed Jesus. He didn’t have faith because he questioned whether Jesus was the Christ. He represents all humanity who reject Christ and who will suffer eternal torment in the lake of fire.

The believing thief represents all of humanity that believes in Jesus Christ as Lord, God, Savior, and King. At death, these saved individuals will immediately be with Jesus in Paradise.

8 We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord. (2 Cor. 5:8)

We are also taught from this passage that it is never too late to receive Christ as one’s Lord and Savior. Many a person has been saved right before death just as this dying thief did. However, do not put off coming to Christ in faith, for when Jesus returns it will be too late to come to Him. Take care of this matter today!

For He says: “In an acceptable time I have heard you, and in the day of salvation I have helped you.” Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation. (2 Cor. 6:2)